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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2017 in all areas

  1. You guys have been awesome over the past 3 months and have helped me out a treat which is very much appreciated. At the same time though I know most helpers have just stepped at that time and I have put an amount of hours in I can't sustain on a daily basis. The right thing to do is to share out the things we do. This is the first step to that. When I asked@Mikepjbell what things could we do, he said what about having Champions for each game or section? I've thought about it, and I think we should try it. If it doesn't work, we can change the idea. My view is anyone that can and wants to do the following should shout up to me: - An advocate for FG on a specific game - Become a moderator for that specific game /section - Support the game by sharing new info and continually finding new topics to post - Keep spam away from the game section - Add input into future areas into FG - Help spread the word of FG in that game community If you think we need to make changes to the above, shout up. If you fancy being one, say it here. Cheers and much love FG, Lee
    2 points
  2. I can champion the T&A section.
    2 points
  3. Thanks guys. If I wasn't going away tomorrow for Dax's birthday I would look into this over the next few days. 1. Latest poster. It shouldn't do that if not logged in. 2. Auto log out on home screen. It shouldn't do this either. In reference to no.2, I believe you have a set number of places where your login is 'remembered'. If you reach that limit, it then can't remember more. There may be a setting we can check on this as if you've clicked 'Remember Me', it should do that. What browsers do you use? Can you check multiple browsers please as IE generally has issues retaining this info, so I only use Chrome now. Let me know which ones have issues. Thanks
    2 points
  4. I'm not sure how true this is but it kinda makes sense. Every year we have the same issues. And I find it hard to believe they wouldn't get fixed if they could be fixed. So we'll be stuck with the same problems until we get an ACTUAL new game engine.
    1 point
  5. GazzaGarratt

    Stranger Things

    Well I had to watch this now because of all the hype. My. Fucking. Lord. This is a brilliant series. On last episode of first series. How they made this with the kids and the concept is amazing.
    1 point
  6. I’m quite liking it so far but only played for a couple of hours. I think that using my Sainsburys Nectar points on a double up deal so I only paid £2.99 for it also helps with this positive outlook!
    1 point
  7. That's your problem right there
    1 point
  8. Can't believe no HC kill confirmed, that's my usual gamemode of choice
    1 point
  9. Gustav Cannon can go fuck itself! And take USS Texas with it. I like Point du Hoc best so far. Less obvious camping spots. Gibraltar isn' too bad either. So many people camp in their spawn than in earlier games. Sometimes the whole team won't move. Haven't people been wanting 3 lined maps back for a long time? I kinda like that but the map layout makes it too easy to just camp in yout spawn with a sniper.
    1 point
  10. Im opposite I don't like any especially Gustav cannon but need to play more for them to grow on me [emoji3] Via the FG App
    1 point
  11. yeah man that too, been like that for yonks
    1 point
  12. I'm in. Put me down for Destiny 2. LOL JK. First thing, I'm going to keep an eye on Whatsapp. I said the other day, if people bring gaming news there first and don't post, they will be ejected from the chat. Anything that diverts traffic from the website should be discouraged. That said, bringing a link to the forum or saying you've posted is ok for whatsapp. Also calling Adam is encouraged. I could do Fortnite as that appears to be popular, but maybe @Amnotright would be better for that *nudge nudge* I'll happily to general clean ups and moderation until a can find a game I like................ in 2117.
    1 point
  13. Event Title: COD WW2 Zombies Event Author: Amnotright Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 11/16/2017 08:00 PM to 11/16/2017 11:00 PM Basic Easter egg run just wanna see what it's all about and see if it matches up with the classics COD WW2 Zombies N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
    1 point
  14. Thanks mate, top man. Maybe I should write out what we could aim to giveaway and then see what the gap is?
    1 point
  15. Aachen. It's fucking terrible. It's just a bloody maze with 500 different places to get shot from. Just like most of the other maps. London Docks is one of the few maps I actually like. I quite like this game. But I can see it get boring quite fast. The fact there's only 9 MP maps, and they're mostly shit, is one of the reasons why I think this. Core is unplayable for me yet again! Pisses me right off. It's just bullet sponges, insta-deaths and fucking QSers. So I'm playing HC yet again and just praying they add KC to the HC playlist. Weapons are shit as well. SMGs are practically useless. The best weapons seem to be the very first AR. For HC at least. Can't wait to get silent footsteps on my Mountain division as footsteps can be heard over practically everything else in the game. Sniping is super easy. Even I can do it. Which shows there's a problem with it
    1 point
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