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MW2 beta starts this weekend.


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Tried Invasion last night - complete waste of time. Was playing on this really long 3 lane map and the match was filled with bots just standing still or even facing the wrong way. Don't know why they bother introducing modes that will be dead a week after release.  Boring experience in all honesty.


I also hate how the unlock screen is presented like a battle pass to be trendy - just give me a fucking grid of my unlocks immediately instead of some needlessly flashy screen. Challenges still overlap the lobby list which is so dumb. 

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2 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:

@GazzaGarratt. When you talk about the sweats taking the top quality head glitch spots, I hope your on about the infamous "Marble Desk" 😂


OMG that guy was an absolute wanker, he got me at least twice. I forgot he was still there after the first death to him! It was a good 2 minutes after I went back and wiped out 2 of his teamates, and he was still there ffs! 


Thats exactly what i'm talking about....but it never stopped me being a dick and continually tryng to get him and feed his kilstreak. Got him in the end though which was clearly the moral of the story and not his SAE from my deaths 🙃


1 hour ago, MrBiron said:

Look at this absolute bullshit. Activating the DS Field Upgrade makes a noise that gives away your position.! Seems IW really hate players trying to be stealthy in this game.


I'm so dumb....I don't see or hear what i'm looking for! lol


1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Tried Invasion last night - complete waste of time.


Not tried it yet but some in the beta like TDM aren't great because theres too many restrictions atm being this is a beta. We did really enjoy the Hostage Gamemode though! Seemed like something different to play where you don't just kill the team, keeping them alive and trying to get extra points from getting Hostages back is a really good idea. Cyber Attack with a difference and could see it being one of our favourite game modes to play going forward.

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2 hours ago, MrBiron said:


Yeah it does. Which I why I like to call it TeDiuM. I can'ty wait til the actual game is out and I can play Kill Confirmed.


I love Kill Confirmed, been one of my favourites since it appeared in MW3. 

Domination is my other favourite. Kinda rough playing solo tho sometimes, especially if the other team has a party of 3 or more and they are competent about objective play. 

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1 hour ago, IRaMPaGe said:


I love Kill Confirmed, been one of my favourites since it appeared in MW3. 

Domination is my other favourite. Kinda rough playing solo tho sometimes, especially if the other team has a party of 3 or more and they are competent about objective play. 

Yeah KC is my go-to gamemode. Dom might not be too bad seems ok in this demo but all the other fluff gamemodes nah they can keep that shit. 


Had to laugh at these videos yesterday





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Holy ****…this game is even worse today connection wise. No bullet registration at all in ground war yet I’m dead before I even know whats happening. 

I am 90% bordering on not even bothering with CoD anymore at this rate if the full game is going to be like this, I thought GW would be the saviour but it’s even worse than core game modes

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4 hours ago, MrBiron said:


Look at this absolute bullshit. Activating the DS Field Upgrade makes a noise that gives away your position.! Seems IW really hate players trying to be stealthy in this game.

Like @GazzaGarrattI wasn't sure but now I saw CDL intel post on twitter 😂 wtf 

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1 hour ago, anticonscience said:

Holy ****…this game is even worse today connection wise. No bullet registration at all in ground war yet I’m dead before I even know whats happening. 

I am 90% bordering on not even bothering with CoD anymore at this rate if the full game is going to be like this, I thought GW would be the saviour but it’s even worse than core game modes


I haven't really noticed much connection problems with the Beta. 

Maybe I've just got lucky. 

Groundwar sounds like a terrible idea especially in a Beta. More players=more laaaag. 


The servers clearly can't handle it. It's possible everyone else has terrible connections, and the game is screwing you over royally with extreme lag compensation. That's my guess. 


Again I've not witnessed much of any lag so far. I've only played 6v6 and on the PS4. 

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Played a few hours last couple of days and despite some good visuals, mechanics and gunplay, I actually think the game as a whole is a very bland, mentally and physically draining and an overly frustrating experience with some very questionable design decisions that just doesn't provide much fun in return.  COD betas are usually the honeymoon phase where everything feels fresh, exciting and the servers given are of the highest tick rate but here it just feels like we've played it all before, with the same old problems only this time with a diabolical connection and iffy hit detection. 


I've turned off motion blur, film grain, bloom and all the other shitty needless effects and still I'm being blinded by all these bullet effects and gunsmoke. Sometimes I can't even see who I'm shooting at because of it and it's made even worse if the enemies are blending in with the scenery. The biggest newfound complaint I've realised with this and it's nothing new but more prominent than ever here, is that this game rewards bad players who play safe and pedestrian. Others that press and play as intended are actually at risk of having a bad game. There's just not enough counters to passive players and those who are mobile are relentlessly punished. 


I've also tried Ground War and it's an absolute shambles of a design - they think making a big map and planting a load of buildings and capture points instantly makes an appropriate game mode when it is just a cluttered mess where there's no flow and 90% of the lobby don't know what they are doing. Third person mode is also quite clunky and could very well join the usual Christmas playlist exodus.  I may very well just sit this out like I did with Vanguard. Two years is a long time for this game to remain but as it stands, I think I may be better off well out of it. So many better games out there. 

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35 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Played a few hours last couple of days and despite some good visuals, mechanics and gunplay, I actually think the game as a whole is a very bland, mentally and physically draining and an overly frustrating experience with some very questionable design decisions that just doesn't provide much fun in return.  COD betas are usually the honeymoon phase where everything feels fresh, exciting and the servers given are of the highest tick rate but here it just feels like we've played it all before, with the same old problems only this time with a diabolical connection and iffy hit detection. 


I've turned off motion blur, film grain, bloom and all the other shitty needless effects and still I'm being blinded by all these bullet effects and gunsmoke. Sometimes I can't even see who I'm shooting at because of it and it's made even worse if the enemies are blending in with the scenery. The biggest newfound complaint I've realised with this and it's nothing new but more prominent than ever here, is that this game rewards bad players who play safe and pedestrian. Others that press and play as intended are actually at risk of having a bad game. There's just not enough counters to passive players and those who are mobile are relentlessly punished. 


I've also tried Ground War and it's an absolute shambles of a design - they think making a big map and planting a load of buildings and capture points instantly makes an appropriate game mode when it is just a cluttered mess where there's no flow and 90% of the lobby don't know what they are doing. Third person mode is also quite clunky and could very well join the usual Christmas playlist exodus.  I may very well just sit this out like I did with Vanguard. Two years is a long time for this game to remain but as it stands, I think I may be better off well out of it. So many better games out there. 

This is where I’m at too I think, I want to love it as gunplay is excellent and has a real punch to engagements, however, as you say it’s exhausting to play the game, after 2/3 games I’m done I had to push myself to continue playing to get to level 30 for the rewards, but in the full game I think I’d just turn it off!


in MP I do tend to rush and push yet like you say this play style (for me at least) is punished severely by people just mounting corners and killing you instantly, I have no idea how streamers play aggressively because I can’t do anything against people pre aiming corners, the amount of kill cams I watch and people are tracking me perfectly through the wall as well just makes me question if it’s hackers or simply the audio.


I’ve never been left this underwhelmed by a CoD beta


i did also spend the afternoon on ground war but the maps just don’t have the flow like they did in MW19, these buildings have way too many dead end rooms in them and too much detail you get lost in the rabbit warren that is the interiors

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5 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Played a few hours last couple of days and despite some good visuals, mechanics and gunplay, I actually think the game as a whole is a very bland, mentally and physically draining and an overly frustrating experience with some very questionable design decisions that just doesn't provide much fun in return.  COD betas are usually the honeymoon phase where everything feels fresh, exciting and the servers given are of the highest tick rate but here it just feels like we've played it all before, with the same old problems only this time with a diabolical connection and iffy hit detection. 


I've turned off motion blur, film grain, bloom and all the other shitty needless effects and still I'm being blinded by all these bullet effects and gunsmoke. Sometimes I can't even see who I'm shooting at because of it and it's made even worse if the enemies are blending in with the scenery. The biggest newfound complaint I've realised with this and it's nothing new but more prominent than ever here, is that this game rewards bad players who play safe and pedestrian. Others that press and play as intended are actually at risk of having a bad game. There's just not enough counters to passive players and those who are mobile are relentlessly punished. 


This sums up my experience of the beta. I like to rush around sitting in corners and playing "tactically" bores me to death. I watched a blame truth video where he was playing cold war, my first thought was look how much better the maps and visibility is, all this " realism " might look good but it's awful in cod. Then there's the gunfights, it could be lag etc but they just seem so random, one second youre melting people the next you just insta die and the kill cam doesn't seem to fit what you just saw.

I wonder how many people will buy this game simply because it says cod on the box.

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11 hours ago, techno said:

 I watched a blame truth video where he was playing cold war, my first thought was look how much better the maps and visibility is, all this " realism " might look good but it's awful in cod

Even the nighttime Miami map in Cold War, you were still able to easily see people across the main stretch and in the alleys whereas on the museum map on MWII in sunshine, it can still be very difficult to see people because of darkened areas, shadows and other textures that just blend. The hotel map is also a nightmare and your best hope so far is that the enemies are wearing grey on the largely brown palette. For all the realism, I'm still bumping into solid locked-down objects such as the tables and chairs on the museum map and it's like the more realistic they've tried to be in instances, the most unrealistic other parts of the game begin to be. I remember when the devs on Vanguard said they wouldn't be adding certain community wishes because they wanted to keep the WW2 identity and a few months later there's laser beam weapons and other crap being thrown in! 


I don't think they've deliberately tried to make visibility shoddy though - it's probably just a design consideration that was missed whilst they focused on other deliberate changes. 

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20 hours ago, anticonscience said:

Holy ****…this game is even worse today connection wise. No bullet registration at all in ground war yet I’m dead before I even know whats happening. 

I am 90% bordering on not even bothering with CoD anymore at this rate if the full game is going to be like this, I thought GW would be the saviour but it’s even worse than core game modes


Its so weird how you've had a completely difference experience to a few of us. I just haven't had any lag. And the SBMM hasn't seemed to hurt my scores much either as 4 out of 5 games I'll do pretty well at and get an above 1 KD which is really the only gauge I use in non-objective based modes. Less so in TDM but I think we all agree, we are probably getting hurt from the restrictions of a Beta not being able to select other alternative weapons to combat some of the sweats in those lobbies.


17 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I've turned off motion blur, film grain, bloom and all the other shitty needless effect


OMG, I forgot about this. YES, turn off Motion Blur (I think there is 2 settings to switch off regarding Blur) and it literally changed the game in an instant. I do think its strange having to feel like we have to mess around with settings before we can get into a game properly but at least there was a way to make it feel better immediately.


50 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Even the nighttime Miami map in Cold War, you were still able to easily see people across the main stretch and in the alleys whereas on the museum map on MWII in sunshine


I didn't find it easy on Cold Wart at all but I would still agree that they need to help certain spots be more visible as thats my main constructive point from this beta alongside Perks.


17 hours ago, anticonscience said:

I’ve never been left this underwhelmed by a CoD beta


We may need to group when you get it - cos lets face it, we know you will 😎- just to see how it plays in a group. I also think as it feels like i've had a proper break from regular group up nights on CoD only until recently on MW2019 that the break has served me well to get back into a CoD game. MW2019 nights mainly end up us lot winning 80/90% of objective based games, which clearly helps feel like its a decent game! This game does have similar vibes for sure.


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More video spam but I find nero to be quite balanced tho I agree with others and he's spot on again here. 

This game is not ready to ship and should be delayed though we all know that's never going to happen. I also agree with him that it maybe ok year 2 like blops4 and that might be the time to get into it.

There is a semi decent game in there but at this time it's just not. 

MW2 2022 does actually seem more like a bad battlefield game than cod to me. 

I did see an attachment that says something like allows you to move faster when crouched and ADS hahahaha wtf but that's how you have to play.


I said it before I played the beta back to back with destiny PvP which I have been vocal about and for fun destiny shits all over cod. 

Disclaimers I know they are kind of different genres but fun is my driver in gaming.



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Beta ends today in a few hours so I thought I'd share some final thoughts after about 3 hours on PS5 and 4 on Steam;-


I think the beta itself has been very poorly handled especially with no flexibility on feedback, lots of shoddiness and the game itself not being the significant jump we should be getting. Despite the game looking great and handling fairly well, it doesn't have the initial wow factor we saw with MW2019 and I'd say that game probably is more refined despite its catalogue of bad design and concept decisions plus washed out aesthetics. 


2 years is a very long time for this game to run especially when COD MP aspects seem to fizzle out before Christmas now so they really will need to improve on what they have so far and go against their grain to keep people happy unless this is part of a deliberate push to get people on Warzone. 


Footsteps, perk framework and the gunsmith tree will probably be huge sticking points for many and these will persist as they are because they are deliberate and conscious design choices rather than mistakes or bugs. I'm also not convinced about the new modes or big filler events - we all remember the hype and absolute travesty that happened with the Spec Ops mode 3 years ago.


The same old issues still remain with connectivity and bullet registration (not an issue in many other FPS titles) and with no real enjoyable honeymoon phase, much of the community will be going into this game negatively with design and technical frustrations right off the bat. 


I also didn't find the gameplay to be much fun either - it's as exhausting as ever plus with disbanding lobbies as per, the social aspect is completely depleted and this is something that is totally underestimated as part of the huge decline with common multiplayer deathmatch. Players just feel like a pawn in their monetised matchmaking algorithm.


I honestly can't see myself buying this on launch or at all. I really want to play the campaign but not for 60 notes. The game may be in a better place in year 2 but by then it's just a bit late in the day with only tryhards remaining in a depleted community. Gonna be a tough choice. 


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I wasn't overly impressed with the beta but I'll still get the game. 

Kill Confirmed will be in the full game which will make the game instantly much more enjoyable. Plus I only have a couple of days a week when I can play it so I won't get burnt out. 

I'm also looking forward to the campaign. 


It will be interesting to see if IW make any changes from the beta. Chances are they'll remain stubborn and refuse to fix the biggest complaints. It was the same with MW2019. It's pretty clear they favour campers (or fucking "sentinels" as they call them 🤣


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5 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Its so weird how you've had a completely difference experience to a few of us. I just haven't had any lag. And the SBMM hasn't seemed to hurt my scores much either as 4 out of 5 games I'll do pretty well at and get an above 1 KD which is really the only gauge I use in non-objective based modes. Less so in TDM but I think we all agree, we are probably getting hurt from the restrictions of a Beta not being able to select other alternative weapons to combat some of the sweats in those lobbies.



OMG, I forgot about this. YES, turn off Motion Blur (I think there is 2 settings to switch off regarding Blur) and it literally changed the game in an instant. I do think its strange having to feel like we have to mess around with settings before we can get into a game properly but at least there was a way to make it feel better immediately.



I didn't find it easy on Cold Wart at all but I would still agree that they need to help certain spots be more visible as thats my main constructive point from this beta alongside Perks.



We may need to group when you get it - cos lets face it, we know you will 😎- just to see how it plays in a group. I also think as it feels like i've had a proper break from regular group up nights on CoD only until recently on MW2019 that the break has served me well to get back into a CoD game. MW2019 nights mainly end up us lot winning 80/90% of objective based games, which clearly helps feel like its a decent game! This game does have similar vibes for sure.



Sorry Lee I'm not nit picking or bashing, but the bit about Beta Restrictions and having alternative weapons to counter sweats. 

We all have the same limited weapons and restrictions. The only way to fight sweat is to sweat, or a decent antiperspirant. 🙂


I mean MP5 SMG and AK74u all the way. M4 for longer engagements. 


The settings make a huge difference I totally agree. I won't even start a match before getting set up properly. 


There is definitely more than 2 settings you need to turn off. 

Off the top, Turn off Motion Blur, Film Grain and also Field of depth. 


Another absolutely HUGE setting which is really a big deal. 

Fidelity Cas. It's turned off by default.

It improves sharpness and helps especially at medium to longer ranges. You MUST turn it on, crank it all the way up!!! 

If you don't your just at a disadvantage. 


Sensitivity is important and also Deadzone input, which affects the sensitivity of your thumbsticks and how soft or hard you push them to get a response. 


My other personal preferences are tactical layout, and this might come as a surprise to some. I always play with controller vibration on. Have done since World At War. I can't go without it. (believe me I have tried numerous times). 

I'm used to it and yes it can fudge your aim a bit with added flinch.

The reason I use it is I can feel bullets registering into the enemy and I can feel them hit. 

It helps me know how much to fire and how long it will take to kill an enemy. 


No controller vibration feels dead to me, I can't feel anything. 

I sound like a sicko I know. I like to feel my bullets pierce the flesh. 😈

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Played it. Enjoyed it. Got to level 30 doing it. Which is higher than the last two CODs combined. 


Don't understand complaint about no counter for UAVs. The launcher + Ammo box and the LMG worked rather well for me. There's also a counter UAV.  


Funny enough, I liked the Hotel map and had my best matches on that one.  Mostly played Domination and Hardpoint.  Lots of spots for a well placed Sentry on that map


I'll be getting it on XBOX.  When I played it on PS4 it didn't seem to run as well on my Network. 


The Footsteps were a pain. Highlites the need for a good headset. I found that tracker was also a must as one of the basic Perks


Dead silence is a waste of time because more than likely one of your team mates will be running next to you making and shit load of noise without Ghost or cold blooded anyways, 



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16 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:

I'll be getting it on XBOX.  When I played it on PS4 it didn't seem to run as well on my Network. 


Glad you had a good experience, Pat. Make sure you share your Xbox CoD tag and we'll how crossplay and in-game chat works when it comes out.


16 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:

Dead silence is a waste of time because more than likely one of your team mates will be running next to you making and shit load of noise without Ghost or cold blooded anyways, 


Yeah, I aint getting forced into selecting Dead Silence. My experience and stats felt like I was doing enough without the need for it anyway. Way more powerful perks to use I think.

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2 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Glad you had a good experience, Pat. Make sure you share your Xbox CoD tag and we'll how crossplay and in-game chat works when it comes out.



Yeah, I aint getting forced into selecting Dead Silence. My experience and stats felt like I was doing enough without the need for it anyway. Way more powerful perks to use I think.



I am not sure what would work to crossplay

My PSN account remains cyberninja2601 but I linked the account to my xbox which is ExPatPat65. When I am in game in see cyberninja2601 still. 


It's a good system because no matter what I play on, the progression works for all platforms. 

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2 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Looks like the camo challenges are littered with mount and crouch challenges. This will be pure hell to play against and attempt. 



Crouch kills do just happen sometimes, but mounted is intentional boredom. 


I swear every decision about this game is tactically done in a way to slow the flow of the game. Also to close the skill gap between noob and higher skilled players. 

To punish flankers and rushers, to promote camping. They literally want everyone to not leave their spawn all game and ads down a sightline. And to buy skins and cosmetics from the store. 


It's quite disgusting actually. They have the opportunity to create something fantastic, but are pissing it all away. 


Haven't watched the video yet, but there are numerous things they have decided upon to ensure people play slower. I could start listing things of, not just now but maybe later I will. 

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19 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:



I swear every decision about this game is tactically done in a way to slow the flow of the game. Also to close the skill gap between noob and higher skilled players. 

To punish flankers and rushers, to promote camping. They literally want everyone to not leave their spawn all game and ads down a sightline. And to buy skins and cosmetics from the store. 


It's quite disgusting actually. They have the opportunity to create something fantastic, but are pissing it all away. 




I don't understand the complaining. There's nothing easier that to kill a camper with a coordinated team. You have snapshot grenades, you have drill charges and you have ammo boxes. Any camper can be taken out pretty safely as a result. 


You also have a killcam. Let them stay there you know right where to go the get rid of them and screw up their streak. Should be an easy kill or avoid the lane.


 You also get cruise missiles, mortar charges, a couple of airstrikes and a bomb drone that is relatively easy to get if you use scorestreaks and play the objective.  Again perfect to get rid of someone hiding in a corner. 


I don't see the problem. They were pretty easy to fuck over in the beta, don't see that changing in the full game release 






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34 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:


I don't understand the complaining. There's nothing easier that to kill a camper with a coordinated team. You have snapshot grenades, you have drill charges and you have ammo boxes. Any camper can be taken out pretty safely as a result. 


You also have a killcam. Let them stay there you know right where to go the get rid of them and screw up their streak. Should be an easy kill or avoid the lane.


 You also get cruise missiles, mortar charges, a couple of airstrikes and a bomb drone that is relatively easy to get if you use scorestreaks and play the objective.  Again perfect to get rid of someone hiding in a corner. 


I don't see the problem. They were pretty easy to fuck over in the beta, don't see that changing in the full game release 







I definitely agree with all your points they are valid. 

The maps are nice and bright visually, gun play is good. The game has a lot going for it. 


My points being such.

No red dots on the mini map for shooting an unsilenced weapon. 

When red dots are there people interact more and move about much more than when they aren't visable. 


Footsteps are loud which increases the fear of the movement and forces you to slow down, this nullifying the rushers and flankers and the more aggressive players. It forces you to play more tactically and somewhat slower. 


Squad spawns, so instead of team A Spawing over one side and team B over the other side. When you die you spawn with team mates. 

So instead of pushing the enemy spawn and you push too hard then the spawn flips, essentially if you flank and hit their spawn it flips quicker, more often and unpredictabilly. 

Spawns are harder to read, more randoms sit in corners. 


No enemy nameplates, you can run past an enemy prone and not realise without trying. 


The element of mounting for specific camo challenges. Forces people to mount stationary and well enough said really. 


The game has very slow Sprint to fire times and gun strafe speeds compared to other Cods.

This slows engagements, and why you see a lot of people bunny hopping round corners to counter the movement restrictions. 

Also because it's quieter on audio to jump than run or approach a corner vs a camper, and makes you more unpredictable. 


Slide canceling nerfed, dropshotting nerfed. Again to slow movements down. 


Reload cancelling nerfed. It's harder to stop a reload and you have to time it better meaning more tactically slower playing. 


Dead silence the field upgrade is the one from MW19, but it's nerfed compared to it's counterpart.

Takes longer to charge, also instead of a 8.5% speed boost it gives you a 1.3%.

It's instant in MW19 and in MW22 there is a 2 second animation delay before it kicks in. 

Also in MW22 when you use it, it makes a loud noise like someone going through metal detectors. You can't hear it yourself, but the enemy can. (I think this is a bug or I sure hope so). 


There is probably other arguments to include that I have forgotten, but only playing a limited time on the beta. Maybe there is more or less things in the full game. 


To state, I actually enjoy the game and it's probably the best beta I've played in the last 4 Cods hands down. 

I hope you take my thoughts and can see where I'm coming from, I stand by everything I've said. They are all solid arguments imo. 

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3 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:


I definitely agree with all your points they are valid. 

The maps are nice and bright visually, gun play is good. The game has a lot going for it. 


My points being such.

No red dots on the mini map for shooting an unsilenced weapon. 

When red dots are there people interact more and move about much more than when they aren't visable. 


Footsteps are loud which increases the fear of the movement and forces you to slow down, this nullifying the rushers and flankers and the more aggressive players. It forces you to play more tactically and somewhat slower. 


Squad spawns, so instead of team A Spawing over one side and team B over the other side. When you die you spawn with team mates. 

So instead of pushing the enemy spawn and you push too hard then the spawn flips, essentially if you flank and hit their spawn it flips quicker, more often and unpredictabilly. 

Spawns are harder to read, more randoms sit in corners. 


No enemy nameplates, you can run past an enemy prone and not realise without trying. 


The element of mounting for specific camo challenges. Forces people to mount stationary and well enough said really. 


The game has very slow Sprint to fire times and gun strafe speeds compared to other Cods.

This slows engagements, and why you see a lot of people bunny hopping round corners to counter the movement restrictions. 

Also because it's quieter on audio to jump than run or approach a corner vs a camper, and makes you more unpredictable. 


Slide canceling nerfed, dropshotting nerfed. Again to slow movements down. 


Reload cancelling nerfed. It's harder to stop a reload and you have to time it better meaning more tactically slower playing. 


Dead silence the field upgrade is the one from MW19, but it's nerfed compared to it's counterpart.

Takes longer to charge, also instead of a 8.5% speed boost it gives you a 1.3%.

It's instant in MW19 and in MW22 there is a 2 second animation delay before it kicks in. 

Also in MW22 when you use it, it makes a loud noise like someone going through metal detectors. You can't hear it yourself, but the enemy can. (I think this is a bug or I sure hope so). 


There is probably other arguments to include that I have forgotten, but only playing a limited time on the beta. Maybe there is more or less things in the full game. 


To state, I actually enjoy the game and it's probably the best beta I've played in the last 4 Cods hands down. 

I hope you take my thoughts and can see where I'm coming from, I stand by everything I've said. They are all solid arguments imo. 



Don't disagree with those points. However I don't see what they have to do with the complaint about crouching or mounting which is what the video is mostly about. 


I'm also ok make the game more accessible to "noobs". Most of the streamer complaining are complaining because those of us who have real jobs and families to take care of won't be quite as disadvantaged because we can't play the game 40 hours a week.  So I'm fine with them getting ride of unrealistic mechanics like slide cancelling, drop shots, dolphin dives which are complete nonsense in a gun fight.  

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