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Best Call Of Duty?


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I know a lot of people like WaW and the original Blops but neither ever clicked for me.  MW2 has to be the top dog I think though only narrowly beating Blops2 for me.


So my top 3 would be MW2, Blops 2, Cod4.  Though equally I could put MW3, Blops 3 or MW2019 in third place.


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MW2 for me. Not my first COD game but at its best, the most enjoyable and groundbreaking despite a few design and balance flaws. Some outstanding multiplayer maps and an incredibly addictive formula. Spec Ops was also a nice addition which got me tens more hours and the campaign was also a blockbuster despite a woeful plot issue that will haunt the game to the end of time. The original BO1 corrected a lot of problems MW2 had and gave some some truly iconic maps (which Treyarch have made stale as fuck now) so that would be a close second for me to wrap up the golden era of COD I'd say. 


COD4 would be another contender but it's aged quite poor in comparison. Can't take a way what that game achieved or how influential it was. A great middle finger to Activison also because they didn't even want a modern COD game😂


There wont be another COD that reaches these heights ever because the format is stale, as is deathmatch by concept and the games are now riddled with too much artificial shit like fabricated SBMM and weapon bloat. The mechanics of knee sliding even up hill and a generous class system with no negative consequences just kills everything that made these games good. If I get the new MW2, it'll be for the campaign. 

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Would be hard to pick a favourite, started with cod 4 etc last fun cod was blops4, 3 was ok but we played mostly HC. Black ops 2 is obviously up there. I preferred MW3 to 2 it just offered more while still keeping the essence of what made the series good uoti that point. 

Nothing but garbage thi since blops 4 ( and that was only after the first year) 

Blops 2 was probably the highest point and the best. Good maps, scorestreaks not kill streaks and scorestreaks that were excellent.

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Black Ops 3 was probably the one I remember the most for Multiplayer fun so i'm choosing that. It would be the Modern Warfare era if this was based off Campaign though. A truly great story explained through multiple games.


I would argue now though that I don't think MW 2019 is really far off most of these older games for the fun side. We're showing even now that we can have a ton of fun and win the vast majority of games still. I think many pick the older era probably more fun for the shit talking between each team, which I don't really miss personally. I think its better now when you're in game chat now and you briefly hear them if you kill them which is far funnier and way less toxic/sweaty.

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I thinking probably MW3 for MP but then the black ops ones had zombies which was easily the best add in.


Somewhere along the way , I think back in the old forum, we actually set up a whole tournament based on three person teams, never actually got finished but it was a load of fun 

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At its core MW2 was a great game. Probably the best. Them never doing anything to OMA/danger close really hurt that game. If it wasn’t for that it would be #1. MW3 was when I started playing with people for here,well the old here but you get it. So that was my favorite mostly because of that 

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I would say MW2, MWII and MW3


Blops where nicely designed games but always ran like shit for me. The connections were always awful for some reason. MW2 the first I played and my son was the one that wanted me to get it.


I think he was 13 at the time. I remember telling him, what ever you do don't let your mom see that no russian mission or you'll never get to play a video game again 


Marathon, Lightweight, Commando with a magnum and tac Knife. Pure gold


My best streak ever was doing that on Quarry with the predator,  harrier ,  pavelow 




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