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2 hours ago, techno said:

It's not just the UK seems the whole world has gone fucking mental, governments and people alike. 

Fuck Corona virus, the variants and bullshit contradictory rules. This shit has split the country more than anything before it seems and the MSM, Jesus Christ they've been awful, also it's been 2 years nearly if you don't know what's the best for you by now then there is no help for you. 

If you can't tell, like many others I'm sick of this shit and sick of hearing about it constantly. The best I can do is just laugh at the stupidity of it all, the other day I saw a tik toc, a fucking tic toc portraying the quarantine camps in aus like some kind of great holiday destination 😂

Bring back climate change hell at this point bring on climate change, the zombie apocalypse anything but bloody Corona bollox.

Stay well 👍

Remember all the medical 'experts' who said the pandemic will come to an end in September and that two jabs would guarantee herd immunity..


I'm kinda missing Insulate Britain right now because they are too busy having their buttholes insulated in prison but those were a good laugh! We now have to wear a mask going to Curry's but a packed out Weatherspoons on a Friday night is fine apparently.


The only blessing is that we've swerved a lockdown so far unlike many EU nations thanks to early vaccine uptake but I hope we don't return to that. Can't be as bad as Australia though - you can't even breathe outside unless you're triple jabbed and have a valid excuse on why you're living your life. 

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8 hours ago, techno said:

It's not just the UK seems the whole world has gone fucking mental, governments and people alike. 

Fuck Corona virus, the variants and bullshit contradictory rules. This shit has split the country more than anything before it seems and the MSM, Jesus Christ they've been awful, also it's been 2 years nearly if you don't know what's the best for you by now then there is no help for you. 

If you can't tell, like many others I'm sick of this shit and sick of hearing about it constantly. The best I can do is just laugh at the stupidity of it all, the other day I saw a tik toc, a fucking tic toc portraying the quarantine camps in aus like some kind of great holiday destination 😂

Bring back climate change hell at this point bring on climate change, the zombie apocalypse anything but bloody Corona bollox.

Stay well 👍


This sums up how I feel.  Fuck it all.  




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Complete fiasco booking boosters - took me 40 attempts and the earliest one I could get was Jan 7th. Walk-in centres are already at max capacity all over the country with queues many hours long. There's only ONE in my town right now to serve 154,000 people and Boris thinks they can get this done by Dec 31st!?


Then there's this



We're well and truly back to square one it seems. 

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8 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Complete fiasco booking boosters - took me 40 attempts and the earliest one I could get was Jan 7th. Walk-in centres are already at max capacity all over the country with queues many hours long. There's only ONE in my town right now to serve 154,000 people and Boris thinks they can get this done by Dec 31st!?


Then there's this



We're well and truly back to square one it seems. 

Must be regional, took me less than a minute, but when you go out and scare the shit out of everybody 24/7 I guess there's consequences. 

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22 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Complete fiasco booking boosters - took me 40 attempts and the earliest one I could get was Jan 7th. Walk-in centres are already at max capacity all over the country with queues many hours long. There's only ONE in my town right now to serve 154,000 people and Boris thinks they can get this done by Dec 31st!?


Then there's this



We're well and truly back to square one it seems. 

Best part is the NHS found out about the ramped up vaccine programme at the same time as everyone else on the TV 👍

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Not looking good. Insane amount of cases arising and stacks of football matches being called off as confirmed tests surge with players and staff. It's only a matter of time there is a lockdown and things are put on hold. Theaters, cinemas and restaurants already reporting huge cancellations. I'm definitely not risking going to the football on Saturday as I don't want to be ill over Christmas or spreading it to family. Crazy how everything has accelerated and nobody was prepared. Two weeks ago we were talking about 2 cases of mild Omicron and now it's looking like 2,000,000 a week by the end of the month if something doesn't change. 


I hope there isn't a lockdown - people just need to be cautious, safe and make sacrifices where possible. 

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On 12/9/2021 at 5:32 PM, techno said:

It's not just the UK seems the whole world has gone fucking mental, governments and people alike. 

Fuck Corona virus, the variants and bullshit contradictory rules. This shit has split the country more than anything before it seems and the MSM, Jesus Christ they've been awful, also it's been 2 years nearly if you don't know what's the best for you by now then there is no help for you. 

If you can't tell, like many others I'm sick of this shit and sick of hearing about it constantly. The best I can do is just laugh at the stupidity of it all, the other day I saw a tik toc, a fucking tic toc portraying the quarantine camps in aus like some kind of great holiday destination 😂

Bring back climate change hell at this point bring on climate change, the zombie apocalypse anything but bloody Corona bollox.

Stay well 👍

how to show your age: write tik toc instead of tiktok 😂


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17 hours ago, Helen09 said:

When I was told that you can get coronovirus more than once, I didn't believe it... And I shouldn't have, because I've been sick three times. Or so doctors told me, who knows. Terrible disease and I am very glad that this horror is finally over and there are far fewer people sick. The funny thing is that I even had a vaccine, but it did not help. Maybe I have a rather weak immune system. After the illness I was advised to use the mirasol prt machine and I got a little worried. But then I made sure that it was tested on various pathogens that cause transfusion-transmissible diseases, and showed a significant reduction in the pathogen load.


Never knew computer bots could get Coronavirus.... 🤯

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On 8/7/2022 at 5:24 PM, Helen09 said:

When I was told that you can get coronovirus more than once, I didn't believe it... And I shouldn't have, because I've been sick three times. Or so doctors told me, who knows. Terrible disease and I am very glad that this horror is finally over and there are far fewer people sick. The funny thing is that I even had a vaccine, but it did not help. Maybe I have a rather weak immune system. After the illness I was advised to use the machine and I got a little worried. But then I made sure that it was tested on various pathogens that cause transfusion-transmissible diseases, and showed a significant reduction in the pathogen load.


Hey @Helen09  there was a link in your message which I have removed.

You are suspected of being a bot and, while I'm not one to antagonise our future overlords and masters, I must follow this up.

Please leave a message in Introductions to tell us about yourself in the next 24 hours after which we'll be marking your account as spam.





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I've finally overcome Covid-19 after testing positive on October 26th after falling ill the previous night. Today I tested negative which was a mighty relief as it was becoming more mentally exhausting than any persistent symptoms. I believe I caught it on the 22nd at the Oxford v Peterborough game but it was only until the Tuesday night after did I fall ill with an extreme headache, chronic fatigue and then body aches and pains along with a very sore throat. Hit me hard for a couple of days but then things were pretty mild but still rather unsettling. The most prominent symptom was actually sweating buckets in bed but I never really had a temperature or felt hot. I'm still suffering from coughing episodes now and then but it looks like I'm on the mend.

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1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I've finally overcome Covid-19 after testing positive on October 26th after falling ill the previous night. Today I tested negative which was a mighty relief as it was becoming more mentally exhausting than any persistent symptoms. I believe I caught it on the 22nd at the Oxford v Peterborough game but it was only until the Tuesday night after did I fall ill with an extreme headache, chronic fatigue and then body aches and pains along with a very sore throat. Hit me hard for a couple of days but then things were pretty mild but still rather unsettling. The most prominent symptom was actually sweating buckets in bed but I never really had a temperature or felt hot. I'm still suffering from coughing episodes now and then but it looks like I'm on the mend.


Glad to hear your getting better J4MES. 👍

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Yeah, still seems to hit like a truck for some people so its a timely reminder to keep safe and healthy as much as you can. Glad you're over the worst, James ❤️


Being ill in the dark Winter evenings is one of the worst feelings you can have imo.

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The dam thing finally caught up to me. Isolating at home now. Luckily the symptoms are very mild at the moment. Hopefully I don't jinx myself. 


Probably got it at the hospital when I went for diagnostic tests or church.  Doing my best to prevent my wife and daughter from getting it as well


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Hope it stays mild but listen to your body and rest when you need to. I caught it but, thankfully, I had been vaccinated so the effects were mild, like having flu for a couple of days. Still took me a while to be 100% though


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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