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It's getting very good press. Looks amazing. But I'm not allowed to buy it until I finish the last one.

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  On 1/29/2020 at 9:56 PM, tronic44 said:

I must admit this does look like good fun, I doubt I’ll pick it up though. Maybe a second hand bargain will tickle my fancy.



Pre-order Doom Eternal to get Doom 64 for free


Pre-Order DOOM Eternal to get a free digital download of DOOM 64, a cult classic available for the first time ever on PC


I've played a couple of hours so far and it's an amazingly beautiful game however I don't think it is very good at all. I'm hoping things will change but I fear there are too many problems built into the core design of the game. This is Doom by name but not by nature - for some reason they've made ammo very sparse which means you can't go in all guns blazing. Instead you have to conserve ammo and trickle bullets to trigger a glory kill on practically every enemy. The AI is insanely brutal and a complete mess - you can be overran from every direction in places and your health shredded with no hope of defending yourself. The melee function is so weak its pointless and the game seems to want you to use the chainsaw which is hopeless against 10+ enemies and also require fuel. I spend a lot of time evading and scavenging rather than shooting. 


The environments are stunning  but bland, and there is now a newly added emphasis on platforming which adds nothing other than more jumps and less open areas. The story is non-existent, the hub is horrible and the user interface is one of the worst I have ever seen - it's more colourful than a rainbow and looks like it's been ripped out of a game from the mid 2000's. Key information is not presented clearly or where you can see it mid-combat. The menus are not intuitive in the slightest and a lot of the story is played out through text logs which further takes away from any action. The game also has so many upgrade systems in play that it's now bordering on being an RPG. I can't believe this game has been given so much praise from the media as it's a terrible Doom game and an awful FPS in its own right. 


The developers have basically tried to innovate Doom 2016 but have inadvertently just created another generic modern shooter we've seen so often in recent memory. Why the hell they couldn't have kept it as a traditional FPS is beyond me. Everything about this game feels off, flawed or just underwhelming. 



In contrast to James' review, I've actually found this to be pretty spectacular so far.


The ammo shortages add an element of jeopardy and means that you are constantly positioning yourself correctly in relation to the gun you're using and the enemy type you're facing.  The melee options again add a tactical element to your current situation as to how you approach. Low on ammo, get that chainsaw out. Low on armour, use the flamethrower. Low on health, get that glory kill. For me it's a really high paced FPS chess match where one wrong turn can result in death, which I think is something to be commended. All too often FPS games are either far too easy or unfairly difficult. This feels placed in a good way where you'll always have an option to progress but can be brutal in how it punished you.


The variety in the guns and mods also adds another layer to this. For instance, just 1 shot from the modded shotgun to grenade into a cacademon's mouth sets then up for a glory kill. Just using the shotgun alone or the rifle would take a while to get them down to this state. So you can almost then use the cacademon as a pseudo health pack in times of trouble.


Agreed that the platforming changes the pace a little but it gives the secret searching some decent credence rather than just being found on the standard rails. Plus, the game cant be a balls to the wall shooter otherwise it would lose the impact when shit gets really heavy.


I also like the development of the character, guns and mods in the RPGesque manner. It helps to develop your slayer into your play style. For instance the first mod I got for my slayer was to activate the glory kills at a longer range. This means when I'm really in the crap I can potentially move myself quickly out of danger and get myself some health pretty quickly. I'm sure this will change as i unlock more guns and slots but it's nice to get that feeling of developing power over the course game rather than just be the mutts nuts at lvl 1.


Obviously my impression of this vastly differs from James' so it's probably important for you to watch a few vids on this to see if it floats your boat. IMO it's been an absolute blast to play and something so different to sink my teeth into that isn't a looter shooter or CoD. For me, totally deserving of the full price game tag and I cant wait to finish my first play through on ultra violence so I can hit it again on nightmare mode!!

I'll be getting this when it's a bit cheaper. The only thing that worries me is the platforming, which was already present in the 2016 game but seems to feature more in Eternal from what I've seen. For the combat alone I will be getting it, however [emoji109]

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  On 3/23/2020 at 2:23 PM, phil bottle said:

The only thing that worries me is the platforming, which was already present in the 2016 game but seems to feature more in Eternal from what I've seen.


For me, the platforming wasn't the worst part of the game but it is certainly way more prominent and linear when compared to 2016. This time there are a lot of fixed wall-hangs and reverse-dash boosts off of them which all become to predictable, convenient and nothing original or ingenious like we saw in Titanfall 2. 

How is the lighting in this game @J4MES OX4D , @Stretch616 ? One thing I loved back from Doom on the Xbox 360 was the lighting was spot on, added to the excitement and nerves. Tons of blackspots but also dimmed lighting to help you through where you should go. Does it play a factor in this game at all?

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  On 3/28/2020 at 1:02 PM, GazzaGarratt said:

How is the lighting in this game @J4MES OX4D , @Stretch616 ? One thing I loved back from Doom on the Xbox 360 was the lighting was spot on, added to the excitement and nerves. Tons of blackspots but also dimmed lighting to help you through where you should go. Does it play a factor in this game at all?


Although the visuals are pretty spectacular in places, the lighting and overall affects are quite bland I found. It's also a much brighter and colourful game that 2016, Doom 3 and the classics. I did find a lot of the core elements associated with Doom missing from Eternal which is why it felt totally off for me. 

I was really looking forward to this game as Doom 2016 was excellent. However, I'm really not enjoying it.

I have a similar opinion as @J4MES OX4D

The ammo is REALLY sparse in this game and all of the enemies are bullet sponges. Leading to me constantly running out of ammo. In a fucking SHOOTER! 

You can enter an area and suddenly a bazillion enemies are on you and you're just totally fucked.

The chainsaw, for some reason, can only kill the small enemies. In the 2016 game it was a kind of panic button if you were in the shit with a big enemy next to you.

The platforming is a fucking nightmare sometimes. It's more trial and error where you jump to a platform that will fall and just hope you can see where to jump next before you fall to your death.

To me this is just a massive disappointment.


  On 4/2/2020 at 9:42 AM, MrBiron said:

I was really looking forward to this game as Doom 2016 was excellent. However, I'm really not enjoying it.

I have a similar opinion as @J4MES OX4D

The ammo is REALLY sparse in this game and all of the enemies are bullet sponges. Leading to me constantly running out of ammo. In a fucking SHOOTER! 

You can enter an area and suddenly a bazillion enemies are on you and you're just totally fucked.

The chainsaw, for some reason, can only kill the small enemies. In the 2016 game it was a kind of panic button if you were in the shit with a big enemy next to you.

The platforming is a fucking nightmare sometimes. It's more trial and error where you jump to a platform that will fall and just hope you can see where to jump next before you fall to your death.

To me this is just a massive disappointment.


How far did you get into the game? The ammo shortages in mid to late game aren't really a thing unless you're just trying to spam rockets all day.


I've now unlocked all the guns and pretty much all mods relating to the guns so it's like having 20 different options and knowing which one to pick in relation to the enemies that I'm facing.


Slayer gates are an absolute blast and pit you against a shit tonne of enemies in an arena setting and all you have to do is to take them out. However the sheer volume of enemies makes it so interesting to how you approach it and every split second decision. It really makes you feel like a total bad ass when you complete these!!

Kind of glad Elder Scrolls 6 is so many years away, they'd butcher it right now. I'm intrigued as to how Starfield will turn out...

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So I decided to give Doom Eternal another chance - I refunded it when it first came out and then didn't have a good time with it on game pass when trying it again, but I decided to take yet another punt - this time with the Deluxe version at £14.49 on Steam and I'm having a much more enjoyable time with it. I still don't like the design format all that much - it's a pretty significant departure from all the Doom games especially 2016 and the first few hours still make this game very hard to get into. That's what really put me off the first two times. It's a total slog with limited ammo and health, but in contrast the game early on actually teaches you how to move, approach battles and manage your ammo/health and then when you get going and find the rhythm, you unlock power-ups which make these issues less of a consideration as @Stretch616  mentioned. The platforming also starts off rather basic but in the later stages there are plenty of challenging movement and momentum platforming situations which are pretty fun to pull off. I just wish the game showcased more of these early on because it doesn't sell itself very well until you reach the Cultist Base IMO. 


I also think this is one of the best optimised games ever made - literally 150fps+ at 21:9/1440p with every setting turned up to extreme along with full ray tracing which is absolutely insane. I couldn't even maintain 60fps with Portal RTX! Eternal also looks absolutely astounding




I definitely recommend giving this a try or another shot. I know quite a few people who pulled the plug early like me because they couldn't adjust to the game's core design or get past the extremely mediocre first few hours but for less than £15 complete, it's an absolute steal! 

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