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Went to just play a couple of games of OW and started of yo-yoing for the first two.

Didn't expect to then have a win streak ended up with c.170 points gained and now I'm platinum 2505.

One game everyone was getting so frustrated at Bastion ruining the game....and then I managed to get a Quintuplet kill with D.Va and swing the game in 10 seconds. Will put the video on later.


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Dusted off Hanzo for a few.  But it's Bastion and Soldier that do the heavy lifting.  Looking forward to a Bastion nerf to be honest.  Ever since the Buff, people make focus more on me, which sucks.  Top job last night with D.va, That bastion survived 2 ults, which is bullshit.  Good games.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Well, to say last night we took one hell of a beating would be an understatement. Pretty sure it was the whole night without a win. Still, we seemed to have close matches until we buckled in certain strongpoints which quickly turned into being steamrollered most matches.

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Overwatch always goes in the PS4 if we don't really know what to play. Such the right decision as @Diddums, @crispymorgan and myself went into ranked and pretty much went 8-2 across the whole night. Randoms weren't too bad but I think it was just we couldn't go wrong every map. Some brilliant rounds that we caught on camera too.

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Guess I wasn't too uptight about my rank with the season finishing tomorrow. Mr hanzo cleaned up. Definitely one the most enjoyable evenings for a while. I'll cut some video later.

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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8 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

We did pretty well last night, I think we only lost 2 and won 5/6.


Not sure if we had 2 of us as regular healers would we push on abit more?



Difficult to say mate. We could try the 2 healer approach but as you know every game is different. Sometimes no matter what we pick I'm sure we'd get steamrolled!!


I'm fairness when we were on point last night we were doing some serious work. Some uber quick games. Plus it does saddened me to pay @Diddums some compliments on his awesome healing. Nice to see @crispymorgan doing his R2 button justice too!!


Seriously love this game. So much depth to it if you dig into it enough. I need to give Sombra a good bash as I reckon she'll be really useful in this new season


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I think a balance of ana to breach then switch to bastion to hold things down worked well. My soldier is hit and miss. Sometimes I do loads of damage but I'm just feeding mercy Res. I like Hanzo because I get done nice one shot kills.

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Great games last night. We ended up in a 6 stack and one of the most intense games. Unfortunately we lost from 2-0 up but its one of those games that you sort of feel okay about the result when its such an intense match. The control points were contested for pretty much every round for the entire time.


We met @Amnotright who is a great laugh ( @Diddums was made up as he has better jokes than him). @NastayDaddy aka Dan played awesome with Lucio. Even Snake joined which was nice to see.


Probably didn't raise my SR by a great amount at all but it was a laugh nonetheless.

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Honestly, the more I play, I can't wait for that Fucking Hot Healing Chick! change to come into force. We had some great battles and came out on top 2,3,4 times only for it to be ruined everytime by a Fucking Hot Healing Chick! resurrection.

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Honestly, the more I play, I can't wait for that Fucking Hot Healing Chick! change to come into force. We had some great battles and came out on top 2,3,4 times only for it to be ruined everytime by a Fucking Hot Healing Chick! resurrection.

Do you know when they're bringing that in, I would of thought it was with the latest update but obviously not?


Also mega gutted I get the flu right at the start of the season 🙄 Was well up for games last night.



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How has everyone's Season 6 has gone? I'm around 2100/2200. The more I play a few games here and there I'm beginning to think its a little broken right now. Its not even the D.Va change if I'm honest as she isn't that bad, just lose mechs way more.


Can't put my finger on it, possibly the smurf accounts, or could just be as we all don't regularly play a dozen games a week together anymore, our form has dipped massively because of that.

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We had some good lolz last night, although it didn't really end up with many wins :lol:


What last night did tell us though is generally we utterly suck at Defence. More focus fire and quick, simple callouts need to be made. Also, when we're being overrun we need to think of simple strategies to keep the point contested, whilst everyone else is making their way back to the point.

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3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

How is everyone's Season 8 going? I'm currently on 2288, season high of 2391. The way we've been going of late we should get another 200/300 points if we stick at it.


Scratch this. I'm now 2438 due to a glorious night of wins. @Stretch616 @crispymorgan @SyntaxMonstr @LordBaguette @Amnotright

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I've slowly started to play this on PC. A few of us have it now and I forsee me playing it properly.


I need a lot of practice I think, to understand all the characters and specials. It's also very manic.


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I am enjoying playing Odubs again and on PC it is different.  It’s fun playing Widow or Ashe and being able to aim so accurately.  Though frustrating to walk round corners and get headshot before you can even register there’s a Widow or Hanzo.


Using a kb/mouse is so weird though and I definitely need more practice.  In the the middle of fights I completely forget which buttons are which.


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