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Here's one for Mazzer and Gary (Wapntake)


Love In The Air



valentines_skirmish_1.jpgLove In The Air


Reminder: Valentine’s Day is this Saturday. If you’re still at a loss for what you’ll do to let the love of your life know that you care, we suggest a fun-filled evening in Doubles Skirmish. It’s live in the Crucible right now.



Just picture you and that special someone skipping through a live firefight together, laying all challengers to waste. Nothing says “I’ll love you forever,” more than bringing them back to life when they fall to enemy gunfire. You might even spend some quality time together sharing a freshly-popped crate of ammunition.


The couple that slays together stays together.


Just picture you and that special someone skipping through a live firefight together, laying all challengers to waste. Nothing says “I’ll love you forever,” more than bringing them back to life when they fall to enemy gunfire. You might even spend some quality time together sharing a freshly-popped crate of ammunition.


The couple that slays together stays together.

Nice post, I like it


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So......who's on tonight? I might be able to get on for a session as the baby's still hanging on in there. I need to do everything still!! I'd really like to do a full on VoG on hard. Plus a good speed run on the nightfall. Might try to fit a bit of Crota cheese in there for good measure too. Could be a fun filled night, assuming people's are on :)

I should be on around 3:30 my time. Hold me a spot
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Did the last part of a nightfall (thanks Mazz) and got me a Jelly!! :) All three of the team got exotics, the other two landed helmets which they needed. Need me a Vex and Hawkmoon now !

Welcome to the OP club.
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All my armour can be upgraded except I need ascendant shards. Still got a shitey blue primary.

What level is your vanguard at? That's the easiest way to get weapons. Most of them are crap but better than a blue
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4 I think. Saving up for vanguard marks.

If you're at level four put on a faction class item. You will have a chance at drops after level three and most faction drops I've gotten have been pretty good guns. You will still get vanguard marks but the rep goes toward the faction.
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If you're at level four put on a faction class item. You will have a chance at drops after level three and most faction drops I've gotten have been pretty good guns. You will still get vanguard marks but the rep goes toward the faction.

Wise words from Chris. It seriously gives you more chances at getting legendary guns and armour drops.

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Euan has dropped icebreaker and truth in the last two days. I say we stop helping him

Yea but that shitty blue primary doesn't help us :)

Don't forget Patience and Time in the past two weeks also.

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