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COD 2023


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Big leak from Tom Henderson which suggests COD 2023 will now be a full premium game release and possibly MW3 made by Sledeghammer who are already the confirmed developer. This would make sense - rather than having a DLC for MW2 which may be dead in the water by then, they reinvigorate interest by rebranding it and just making it the final game of the trilogy. Will definitely need to have more meat to it that just being an expansion with a new name if this proves to be the case but SHG are very capable of delivering original content of a decent quantity. Activision definitely winging it proven right


CoD 2023 details have surfaced after a leaker revealed the expected release date for what could be Modern...


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I beleive activision all but stated that would be the case in their revenue report:




Across the Call of Duty franchise, our teams are working to amplify the success of the fourth quarter, with 2023 plans including even more engaging live services across platforms and the next full annual premium release in the blockbuster series.

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57 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:



I beleive activision all but stated that would be the case in their revenue report:




Across the Call of Duty franchise, our teams are working to amplify the success of the fourth quarter, with 2023 plans including even more engaging live services across platforms and the next full annual premium release in the blockbuster series.

That's just corporate waffle. The leak surrounds them potentially doing a u-turn on the planned Year 2 MW2 DLC and instead releasing it as MW3. That's a huge difference if so. 

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21 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

That's just corporate waffle. The leak surrounds them potentially doing a u-turn on the planned Year 2 MW2 DLC and instead releasing it as MW3. That's a huge difference if so. 


Am 8-k filling is not just corporate waffle.  It's a legally binding  announcement. 

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7 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:


Am 8-k filling is not just corporate waffle.  It's a legally binding  announcement. 

We're talking about the leak and the content of COD's premium offering this year, not the generic context spiel of some financial report which states there will be a premium release this year. We already know this and have done since November last year. What you seem to be missing is that it may be MW3 as a standalone game rather than MW2 DLC as originally planned and nowhere in the irrelevant financial report does it mention this. 

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As expected, it's not gone down too well in the community


According to leaks, CoD 2023 is set to be a brand-new title and players who were expecting another year of MW2 are furious.
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33 minutes ago, Tove said:

Wasn’t MW2 having a two year cycle just leaks and rumours anyway?

Sort of but it all ties in and the source information and circumstances fit perfectly. Activision have been fairly indirect and vague about it but if you tie in each studio announcement and report, it becomes clearer. They loosely confirmed back in August that for the first time in 20 years, there would be no mainline COD game in 2023 and instead it would be of ‘premium DLC content’ origin after an initial Jason Schrierer report. In November, Sledgehammer confirmed their involvement as lead developers for this alleged ‘premium content’ and further confirmed in December it would be of an expansion package-type release. 


Activision will only confirm when it’s all set in stone but from the reports, sources and studio announcements under the table, it’s all pretty much credible and now being widely reported in the gaming media. 

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Based off the last 4-5 CoDs, we ended up playing MW2019 because it was pretty solid for a number of years and Cold War and Vanguard didn't cut it at all. If MW2 can stay supported and not get too many rubbish balance patches that screws it up then I see us playing MW2 for much longer than usual. May get the new one for the Campaign though as MW2 was the first CoD campaign i've done for ages.

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17 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Based off the last 4-5 CoDs, we ended up playing MW2019 because it was pretty solid for a number of years and Cold War and Vanguard didn't cut it at all. If MW2 can stay supported and not get too many rubbish balance patches that screws it up then I see us playing MW2 for much longer than usual. May get the new one for the Campaign though as MW2 was the first CoD campaign i've done for ages.


They were cleaver about the campaign. You could get a reward for each chapter you completed which would help with MP. Double XP, blue prints, operators. 

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18 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Based off the last 4-5 CoDs, we ended up playing MW2019 because it was pretty solid for a number of years and Cold War and Vanguard didn't cut it at all. If MW2 can stay supported and not get too many rubbish balance patches that screws it up then I see us playing MW2 for much longer than usual. May get the new one for the Campaign though as MW2 was the first CoD campaign i've done for ages.

We probably will play it longer because the new one this year 🤣 will be made by sledgehammer games 🤣 so I'm still seeing mw2 as a 2 year release. Definitely won't buy a cod for campaign.

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On 2/10/2023 at 6:49 PM, Tove said:

Wasn’t MW2 having a two year cycle just leaks and rumours anyway?


Only according to leaks. 

Looks like they've scrapped that idea as the player base for MW2 has dropped off a cliff. I wonder if it's anything to do with them not supporting the game properly after launch? 🙄


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19 minutes ago, MrBiron said:


Only according to leaks. 

Looks like they've scrapped that idea as the player base for MW2 has dropped off a cliff. I wonder if it's anything to do with them not supporting the game properly after launch? 🙄

If they are gunning to release the MW2 DLC Expansion as MW3 now, it makes you wonder what the rest of the support will be like for MW2 this year. They may very well hold any original content back, and half-ass it even more. If the leaks are true from the ever-reputable Tom Henderson then it will be a painfully desperate and almost embarrassing move for the franchise releasing back to back MW titles in these circumstances. It'll be one title failing of their own doing and then they want another £70 crack from users to try again. 


There is literally nothing majorly wrong with MW2 apart from the support so abandoning it for a knee-jerk sequel will definitely not sit well with the community. 

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23 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

There is literally nothing majorly wrong with MW2 apart from the support so abandoning it for a knee-jerk sequel will definitely not sit well with the community. 


I agree. The problem is that everything Activision do is done to keep shareholders happy. A drop in players for MW2 will mean a drop in income. So rather than trying to get those players back they will have just looked at what makes them the most money, and that's when they release a new game.


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On 2/12/2023 at 10:26 AM, J4MES OX4D said:

If they are gunning to release the MW2 DLC Expansion as MW3 now, it makes you wonder what the rest of the support will be like for MW2 this year. They may very well hold any original content back, and half-ass it even more. If the leaks are true from the ever-reputable Tom Henderson then it will be a painfully desperate and almost embarrassing move for the franchise releasing back to back MW titles in these circumstances. It'll be one title failing of their own doing and then they want another £70 crack from users to try again. 


There is literally nothing majorly wrong with MW2 apart from the support so abandoning it for a knee-jerk sequel will definitely not sit well with the community. 


Would be a shame if so, first COD I have bought in years and if there is a lack of support / content I may not bother getting the next one until a substantial price drop. I am the sort that if I get burnt with a game when buying it, it leaves a sour taste for any future games.


I have played Battlefield for years but the way this latest one was handled means I won't buy one on launch again, if this is how they handle COD it might be another 10 years before I try the series again.




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Sledgehammer current and former employees are apparently worried this could be another Vanguard disaster as they've only had 2 years to make the game and it wasn't originally supposed to be a full title 🤷‍♂️ 

I think this could have done well as an expansion but if it turns out to be a disaster then it will actually be worse for Activision financially than if they'd stuck with their original plan 🤦‍♂️ Although it'd be a good thing if it massively fails and they have to completely rethink their current COD strategy.


Great video here by Nero on the whole fiasco.




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2 minutes ago, MrBiron said:

Sledgehammer current and former employees are apparently worried this could be another Vanguard disaster as they've only had 2 years to make the game and it wasn't originally supposed to be a full title 🤷‍♂️ 

I think this could have done well as an expansion but if it turns out to be a disaster then it will actually be worse for Activision financially than if they'd stuck with their original plan 🤦‍♂️ Although it'd be a good thing if it massively fails and they have to completely rethink their current COD strategy

We're basically gonna be paying full price for an expansion dressed up as a full game. If MW2 performed well then it would've been an expansion but as it's not doing so hot, they have to brand it a full game because they know it would be a hard sell otherwise. I don't think people are going to swallow it though and it all looks a bit desperate. On the plus side we may get some original content but certainly not worth paying a premium for, especially if it's produced rushed and in an inferior way. 


They should've just taken the hit and skipped this year. It's their own fault really and all these bad decisions will just end up impacting future mainline games on top.  

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10 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

We're basically gonna be paying full price for an expansion dressed up as a full game. If MW2 performed well then it would've been an expansion but as it's not doing so hot, they have to brand it a full game because they know it would be a hard sell otherwise. I don't think people are going to swallow it though and it all looks a bit desperate. On the plus side we may get some original content but certainly not worth paying a premium for, especially if it's produced rushed and in an inferior way. 


They should've just taken the hit and skipped this year. It's their own fault really and all these bad decisions will just end up impacting future mainline games on top.  


There were rumours originally of just a straight up Map Pack for MW2 that contained all of the maps from the original MW2. I'd have quite happily paid for that. What they're doing now just sounds, like you said, desperate. If Activision would actually support 6v6 properly then they might not see the drop-off in players like they're currently getting.


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They were lucky I bought this one, I have enjoyed it but I think I have said before it will feel a little like the way customers were treated with BF2042 and that really left a sour taste for me. I don't think it will be likely I will buying the next one as I just feel it will be such a rush job and will result in another half attempt at a game.


Like @phil bottlesay's there are a lot of games coming out this year all fighting for my limited time and I suspect my time will be better spent elsewhere and at more affordable prices as well.




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7 hours ago, MrBiron said:


There were rumours originally of just a straight up Map Pack for MW2 that contained all of the maps from the original MW2. I'd have quite happily paid for that. What they're doing now just sounds, like you said, desperate. If Activision would actually support 6v6 properly then they might not see the drop-off in players like they're currently getting.


For all we know that's what they are going to do with a follow-up campaign or something. Maybe a change of the Perk system which a lot a lot of people are complaining about anyways


When you look at MP its basically all the same.  TDM, KC, DOM, HP, Free for all. Then a number of other ones but those 5 are the foundation. So what would a "new" title really give you


The gave us WW2 and people complained

They gave us futuristic and people complained 

They gave us "cold war". As far as I know people liked that. 

They gave us MW and that seemed to be the best received over all




Would do you expect would make people happy



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15 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:


For all we know that's what they are going to do with a follow-up campaign or something. Maybe a change of the Perk system which a lot a lot of people are complaining about anyways


When you look at MP its basically all the same.  TDM, KC, DOM, HP, Free for all. Then a number of other ones but those 5 are the foundation. So what would a "new" title really give you


The gave us WW2 and people complained

They gave us futuristic and people complained 

They gave us "cold war". As far as I know people liked that. 

They gave us MW and that seemed to be the best received over all




Would do you expect would make people happy




The main problem people have for MW2 is the lack of maps for 6v6. It only had 10 at launch and has only received 4 since then and the game has been out 5 months. We haven't had a single new map since the game launched.

FYI I never complained about the futuristic COD games. I think AW and BO3 were excellent. I'd even say BO3 is my favourite COD ever.


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