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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Ah the disc! I knew I was forgetting something! I chose to play through as a titan, there was already a hunter ready to go but only thing I can remember about him is he had a knife so thought I'd mix it up. I'll fire through the story this weekend and if I have any questions I'll put them in here. Other than that feel free to throw any advice you think I'll need in here too. Via the FG App
  2. Finally managed to pick up Destiny 2 so looking for advice for a noob. I briefly played the first one but I just wasn't that interested after a while but with being able to play with you cunts will no doubt make this experience much more enjoyable! Thanks in advance for any help. Much love x Via the FG App
  3. That is hilarious [emoji23] Via the FG App
  4. If anyone has a spare code, feel free to throw it my way. Much appreciated Via the FG App
  5. Did I die at Creamfields? Is this Hell? Via the FG App
  6. Really liking the look of this so far. Just feels so good watching a cod gameplay without people flying around all over the place Via the FG App
  7. I doubt I'll be able to make it, got financial problems out the ass right now Via the FG App
  8. I'd be well up for this Via the FG App
  9. Actually sounds pretty decent. I'm glad they're aiming to have the cosmetics suitable for the time period Via the FG App
  10. I saved the clip of Euan getting into trouble for swearing but unfortunately he hasn't changed his settings so his voice can be recorded. [emoji17] Via the FG App
  11. I agree the party games are where it's at! So much fun! Via the FG App
  12. I'll check it out, enjoy the odd phone game Via the FG App
  13. I would but I'm away from home that weekend [emoji17] Via the FG App
  14. Feels good to be a cunt again [emoji23] Via the FG App
  15. Frogalicious [emoji196] [emoji322] Via the FG App
  16. Woah what did I ever do to you? Or anyone for that matter? Via the FG App
  17. I've been ill all week but todays mail has really lifted my spirits. Thanks Lee you're an absolute hero [emoji170] Via the FG App
  18. Ah good times [emoji23] Via the FG App
  19. I don't like your attitude Via the FG App
  20. Was such a laugh! I'm available most nights next week. Definitely up for more of this Via the FG App
  21. Has Rich been telling you stories again? Via the FG App
  22. Personally I've always preferred the feel of cod more than battlefield Via the FG App
  23. I'd go for Macron Via the FG App
  24. I'll need to delete some shizz but I'm game for that Via the FG App
  25. Hopefully when we get more info people become more interested. Miss the old days of a full party. I'll be getting it regardless. Via the FG App
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