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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Well that's me took the leap and pre ordered it, should be on just after midnight on Sunday! Really hoping for full parties throughout the year with this game!
  2. This is far too freaking hard! 1. The Warriors (PS2) 2. Portal 2 (PS3) 3. GTA San Andreas (PS2) 4. Pokemon Blue (Gameboy Colour) 5. Mortal Kombat Shoulin Monks (PS2) (debatable Spelling) 6. Canis Canem Edit (PS2) 7. Assassins Creed (PS3) 8. CoD MW3 (PS3) 9. Crash Bandicoot (PS1) 10. Streets of Rage (Sega)
  3. That's awesome!
  4. All I ever saw was horses fucking dolphins!
  5. My best is Nasri, 12k woooo!
  6. Struggled in division 10, destroying in 9 and 8! EA logic.
  7. Hope you helmets had an awesome weekend, Will definitely be coming next year! What's your plans for new year?
  8. Pace is everything, a lot of tiny steps forward and one massive step back.
  9. Are you surprised with the Web app? Same shit every year!
  10. Triple! Stupid mobile!
  11. Gutted to be missing out on this
  12. Double post
  13. Euan being ginger is my favourite part of this game.
  14. I was on one of these when I was younger.
  15. We have Germany tonight... Yeah I'm going 2-1 Scotland! Cmon!
  16. Be on this tomorrow!
  17. Don't like the look of it in the slightest, going to pre order soon... Yeah.
  18. If you see someone with a Cricket bat in Scotland, 90% of the time they are smashing someones property! The other 10% are chasing the guy who owns it!
  19. I see Celtic are changing their name to Oscar Pistorius FC. 4 shots, lose both legs and still get away with murder!
  20. Drogba!!! Yas!!!!!
  21. So far no change to gameplay, just giving players more emotion. Way to make it gay EA. The aids truly are flowing.
  22. Are you pulling a Rich or is yours actually real?
  23. I actually like the Arsenal ones but I like most kits Puma make.
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