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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Sup babe, been a long time. Nice to hear things are going well for you bud and hopefully it's not to long until we can get a good session on the go. Take care my good sir
  2. I read that the Demo is released worldwide for Xbox 360 on the 10th, PS3 in the US on the 10th and PS3 everywhere else on the 11th.
  3. I just hope it comes to PS4, it looks unbelievable!
  4. That was my thinking too
  5. Where is the Eurogamer thread you slacker
  6. Give it to Stretch because Euan sucks donkey semen.
  7. Pair of fuckers
  8. I used the cinematic angle a lot for comedy use. No more videos of tea-bagging Adam or doing the bouncy with Euan.
  9. Then I shall cut holes where they should be
  10. Take your naked profile outta here before I cut you from ear to ear
  11. Here to start a riot in this new place we call home
  12. Cal it's been too long!
  13. your default avatars piss me off
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