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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. I'm glad its harder, every previous UFC me and Glen11 would do a career undefeated. Although it's fun kicking ass its also nice to get a challenge.
  2. Ah Fathers day, the most confusing day in Scotland.
  3. Stretch they haven't removed anything, it's made by EA now. From playing the demo I think I prefer the THQ ones but hopefully the full game will make me fall in love with it.
  4. Well that sucks ass
  5. Don't you upload your saved data?
  6. I thought all this shit was over with! The way I see it we are one big family, do we disagree and have arguments? Sure but what family doesn't? I had a disagreement with Scipio (Sorry if the spellings off) but it was like 2 lines back and forth then ended. Get over it like we did. I just had an argument with Glen11 over nothing and guess what, even though he's a massive helmet like everyone else on this forum, you guys are still my brothers (And Sam) and I enjoy reading all of your posts. Can't we just all brush it under the carpet and get on with our lives?
  7. Excuse me while I change my underwear!
  8. I played the story until I unlocked online, now I just do side missions or tail people online. Its pretty fun!
  9. Loved the last one, will definitely pick it up at some point but other games are further up the list for me.
  10. You're getting UFC! Oh its on bitch!
  11. Bitches be crazy!
  12. Yeah fuck terminal!
  13. Games built for last gen and just buffed up slightly, UFC is exclusive to next gen which will make it so much better imo.
  14. So my girlfriend just came home and surprised me with Watch Dogs, took it back for a full refund... Yep that just happened!
  15. No regrets at all, cant wait for UFC next month. The first true next gen sports game!
  16. Probably every other one of the nominees for sexiest female at the soap awards.
  17. He said it looks absolutely fantastic, no issues on that part. Just the driving has been a massive let down.
  18. My mate has the game and is really unimpressed thus far, he says the driving is absolutely horrendous but hoping some other features that come into play will save the game for him.
  19. free update but the only way you can get players is through packs... Well played EA, well played.
  20. I said Atletico 1-0 half time and Real 4-1 outright! Why didn't I put money on that shit!
  21. I think the meme should be Get Auptyk'd
  22. Tried watching it but it sucks major ballsack!
  23. Then you must have got relegated because Mikey and I got to Division 5 when I was on with Rich we needed 6 points in 3 games so we thought "Fuck this division must be brutal!" Won 2 straight though 1-0 and 2-0.
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