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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. It's ok on old gen with 12 v 12, I can only imagine it being a massive cluster with bigger teams. Best game mode on this map is TDM imo.
  2. Man City v Barca and the Gooners vs Bayern the 2 standout ties in the round for me. AVB was always going to struggle to see yesterday out. The biggest shock of the week for me, was Steve Clarke getting the boot at West Brom.
  3. Needless to say, this thread has been a complete waste of time during the current tour. England have been woeful, may as well of not bothered going and simply given the Aussies the trophy!!
  4. Good win for Liverpool, AVB must be getting a bit nervous now!
  5. I'm apparently as British as a Dalek serving afternoon tea!
  6. I've muddled through as best I can playing on the PS3. Some days are good, others not so which can be a pain. When it runs right this game is great. I think the quickmatch option doesn't do people any favours when you get an influx of people from out of region joining the game. In all honesty though, I think they should not really have released this game on what is the old gen consoles and simply stuck with PC, PS3 and Xbone. That way they could probably have nailed it. The problem is EA's out and out greed and their obsession with outdoing Activision offering with the release date. I'm sure that DICE deep down are feeling a bit cheated in a way by being forced to release a game they weren't truly comfortable with! Hopefully the next few patches will calm things down and make this game as good as everyone had hoped for. In the meantime I am seriously considering a dive back into BF3. I may get Ghosts, but CoD had beaten the crap out of me over recent releases and my experience with MW3 was far from enjoyable which tainted my expectations of IW's ability to produce the goods.
  7. Saw them a few years ago in Nottingham, one of the stand out gigs I've been to, glad you enjoyed it
  8. This made all of our local news, seeing as I live in Notts (same county as this muppet). How dense can people be?
  9. They confirmed 9 bodies so far, no idea if there have been anymore. Hopefully not, this has been bad enough as it is
  10. The news this morning has confirmed 9 fatalities. Terrible accident.
  11. Stingers were lock on in BF3 also, much like the Javelin. Not used them in BF4 yet, having more fun with the RPG's. Guess that may change in 64 player matches when I finally get a PS4.
  12. It was, but she left me with 2 beautiful gifts. My daughters
  13. I'm not going to pull any punches here, so I'll apologise in advance if I put a nose or two out of joint. In my past I have lost several people extremely close to me, the hardest one to deal with was the passing of my first wife to cancer when she was at the tender age of 31. She used to get so angry at people even contemplating suicide, seeing as she was literally fighting for her life during a long and protracted illness. She DIDN'T want to die, but to live and grow old. See her daughters grow up and do all the things that most of us take for granted. I have the same philosophy on life. Depression is difficult to overcome I fully understand that, I've been there myself. Ultimately, the individual is the only person that can actually make the choice to get themselves out of that rut. I just wish people would see past the bad things that they perceive to be taking over their lives and look at all the good that is around them. You get to wake up every morning with your physical health very much in tact. You do not have the very black cloud of terminal illness hanging over you. You have a full life to look forwards to, LIVE IT!! The only time that I think suicide is justified is if illness or impairment are so bad, that you cannot function in any way as the person you were. I watched my step father go through all the awful processes of motor neurons disease, which completely takes away every aspect of your bodies functionality, even to the point of breathing on your own. He suffered beyond what I could possibly imagine and I watched the life literally drain out of him. I am so thankful to have the gift of life and health, we ALL should be. There are so many people in the world who simply survive on a day to day basis. We, in the Western world don't have a clue how that must be, yet we over complicate our lives to such an extent that we can't see the wood for the trees. I truly wish that people would take a leaf out of Mike's book. He has more to deal with on a daily basis than many of us would see in a lifetime and yet always seems to look on the brighter side of life. We all have bad days, granted. BUT that is all it should be, a bad DAY! We have one shot at this life and we are lucky to live where we do. I have seen poverty and hardship when I travel for work, and I am always thankful that my life by comparison is so much easier.
  14. The maps are Gulf of Oman, Caspian Border, Op Metro, and Op Firestorm. The first 2 are bang on for me, have had some great matches on there in the past on BF3. Op Metro should just be binned and never resurrected ever again. Op Firestorm can go both ways have had good and bad on that map.
  15. Welcome aboard. Bremen is where they have an asparagus festival and all your pee turns green, is that right?? Been there once or twice for work, I like the bars and eateries alongside the river!
  16. What a complete and utter tool! If I ever caught one of my kids doing this there would be absolute hell to pay! It would have been a far better vid if he'd of handed the PS4 to some random stranger and asked him to beat that kid around the head with it! And relax............
  17. Had this happen to me when I joined a match the other morning, came out of the lobby at the end of the match and found a new lobby and all my unlocks were back to normal thankfully. No idea what happened, but at least it was only for one game, just came a s shock when I had all the start off weapons and kit only.
  18. Sort of mixed at the moment. The gun play certainly feels different from BF3 in that there does not seem to be as much recoil as before, which in my mind is a shame. Aim assist needs to be nerfed, as every gun has become a laser like CoD. Suppression has been nerfed to the point where it's almost non existent. Good or bad? Depends on the individual. I'd like it back to how it is in BF3. I am however, liking the number or different settings you can have on your vehicles. Gives you loads of options after you unlock them, same goes for the guns as well. You can play to your strengths more so with the number of attachments available. Recon's seem to be around more than ever, I'm thinking this is partly because of the fact they have a portable soflam which makes spotting opponents from a relatively safe distance quite easy. It would be good if they could introduce a camo that negates this, as they can be a pain in the arse sometimes, I know I've done it The maps have definitely been designed with the next gen consoles in mind with 64 player servers, although the infantry fighting in Conquest particularly, does seem to concentrate on certain flags. My favourite map by far is Zavod 311, least favourite is probably Flood Zone, but having said that I have only really played either Conquest or TDM on this map and they usually end up as massive camp fest with snipers slogging it out. It may play totally different in Rush, Obliteration or Domination. I need to expand my game mode selections more, only having played mainly Conquest with some TDM and Dom thrown in. I've only played one match of Obliteration and a few Defuse (basically SnD) matches. Proper 5 man squads could easily dominate a match in 12 v12 matches, but at the moment this doesn't happen too much for me, :(On the couple of occasions when everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet, the results against the opposition have been pretty comprehensive. Weapons are pretty good so far, although I have barely touched the Support class so can't really comment on the LMG's. I like the fact that you can use Carbines across all classes when you unlock them, The AR's are probably still the best all round weapons to use, but Carbines and PDW's are pretty good also. I like the fact that Recon's get bolt actions from the outset. The only real issue with this is that it has promoted that class to the point that it gets extremely frustrating to have a team full of them and no flags being taken. You do get the odd aggresive Recon, but not that many. I haven't used any DMR's yet so can't comment on those either, but they are availabel to all classes when unlocked as are the shotties. The unlocks for these are done via specific classes so it does sort of force you play as every class if you want to unlock certain weapon types. Engineers unlock Carbines, Supprot unlocks shotties and Recon unlocks DMR's. Like I say, sort of mixed at the moment. It's not got me as hooked as BF3 did from the start. I'm thinking the next gen versions will play much better in many ways purely because of the numbers involved, the biggest issue I have is that I can't see me getting a PS4 for a little while yet. Would I get it for the PS3 knowing what I know now? Probably yes, but with all the good stuff I'm hearing about Ghosts I'd be tempted to rent them both side by side and decide for yourself. If it was a PS4 based question, it would be hands down BF4, but then you would also have the option of Killzone. I loved KZ3, just nobody on my friends list played it so it was all solo, which again does diminish the experience on that game similarly to Battlefield. Hope this helps.
  19. There is a very long thread in the Battlelog forums arguing this very point. My take is remove kdr from all the objective based games, it's only needed in TDM and SQTDM. If people are so worried about it go play those games!
  20. I'll check it out when I get on next. I've opened all the one's I've earnt but not sure how they work in game. Disclaimer: I'm old and stupid before Euan dives in with his ageist comments!!
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