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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Apparently it's live in the UK on PS3 now. Go into PSN store>shooters>demo and it should be there. Haven't got there myself yet, still at work
  2. I really enjoyed KZ3, but once again playing solo didn't help me get the full experience. If and when I get a PS4 I'll definitely be looking at getting KZ Shadowfall, Destiny looks good and BF4 32 v 32 will just be the dogs bollox. CoD doesn't even feature as a maybe right now. It comes to something when my lads, who play BO2 quite a bit say they're not interested in CoD Ghosts.
  3. Unless this edition really steps up and offers something new to the series, then that's me done with CoD. I still can't believe they haven't installed dedicated servers for consoles and as such the difference in connection between this franchise and my preferred fps game is huge. In short, not bothered.
  4. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Had a quick look on PSN store this morning before leaving for work, nothing Just did a quick search and found this https://help.ea.com/article/battlefield-4-beta-release-times
  5. Is it me or does the main character look like his head is on the wrong way round!
  6. In that case you can have some allowance Not sure what you've done to Rich though!
  7. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Sounds logical, like you say they're not cheap. Just hope Dice keep some going once the new game is launched.
  8. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Not bothering with CoD at all this time around, unless the feedback says it's a lot better than the last 3.
  9. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    If memory serves, the BF3 beta wasn't available for download until the day stated. Not sure if it will be available earlier this time around, but I doubt it.
  10. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    PS3 for me, and as far as I know yes we can start playing from Oct 1st if that is the platform you have Premium for.
  11. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Yep, it should up on PSN for you from Friday. Possibly another convert??
  12. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Same thing, but it should be available from Oct 4th. Premium just get a few days earlier.
  13. uberwarrior

    BF4 Beta

    Bloody hope so because that's what I'm banking on.
  14. Can't help thinking that Diddums looks like a young Mark Addy in that pic.
  15. looks like tonight is going to get messy. Have a great time, don't get too pissed before Euan turns up he'll only take advantage!!
  16. Would be funnier if you gave Dylan a flaming Red Bull, can you imagine what he'd be like after one of those!
  17. Flaming Sambuca's are a laugh, would love to hear hwo Dylan got on with one of those!!
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