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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Hope you all the best time chaps, just sorry I couldn't make it. Next year maybe??
  2. Maybe he'd had a visit from Cal Glad to hear that everything is ok now Steve.
  3. Conquest is considered the core game mode by many BF vets, but I see your point. Personally I prefer playing Conquest to Rush, so it doesn't worry me that much anyway.
  4. I thought I'd put this in place ready for next week's start. One interesting thread I read on Battlelog yesterday. He made the point of saying that playing Conquest 12 v 12 on a big map, that has primarily been designed for next gen and pc with 32 v 32 might not be a good advert for the game. He suggested that Rush might've been the better game mode as it would've concentrated the action more and not run the risk of BF4 being perceived as being boring by potential new comers playing on current gen consoles. Got to say I think he made a good point. A lot of people think that Battlefield is "boring" compared to CoD. Ok they're entitled to their opinion, but they are 2 very different animals in the way they play. However, maybe CQ was not necessarily the right choice of game mode to show off how good Battlefield can be on consoles. That aside, I'm really looking forwards to playing the beta when it starts next Tuesday. The aim of this thread is for those playing it to give their feedback and experiences from the game play. I know it'll only be on the one map, and for console users only 12 v 12, but all the same, it should be a good taster for the main event in little over a months time. Looking forwards to seeing what people think. And for those who have never played Battlefield and usually play CoD as their primary fps, please go into it with an open mind, you never know you might enjoy it
  5. I think Euan should teach Dylan to drive!
  6. OMFG!!!! They're letting you lose behind the wheel??
  7. Thanks Cal, I'm now writing to Mel to see if he can stick one on Euan!
  8. Dear Cal, who would be the best person to contact for a contract killing on a Ageist Scotsman?
  9. Dear Cal, how can I reverse the signs of ageing. I'm pissed off with unruly grey hairs, creaking joints and waking up feeling like I'm hangover when I've not even had a drink!! My eyesight is failing rapidly, but I'm too stubborn to go and get my eyes tested. I have a solar panel developing at the back of my head. All these things come with age, and to some degree I accept them, but it's just not right. Your help and insight would be most helpful. Yours faithfully Wun hung lo!
  10. One of the best things I did was to get a dog, makes me get up and walk. Being sat at a desk all day for a living is not good for your weight control. Since getting the pooch I've shed 20+lbs and kept it off without any changes to my diet. Now Stoptober (quit smoking campaign in the UK starting in Oct) is nearly upon us I'm aiming to give up the smoking once and for all also.
  11. We don't want you wasting away to a shadow Steve! Is 230lbs the optimum weight for your height and build? Do you feel comfortable where you're at right now? Bottom line, losing the amount of weight you have is nothing short of amazing. You must have the strongest willpower of anyone I've come across, what with quitting tobacco and staying strong on the alcohol front as well as your diet. I tip my hat to you sir, bloody well done!
  12. What I don't understand is why Cleverley is barely getting any game time, I really rate him and for me he has the makings of another Paul Scholes. As for the Gooners, after the 1st day defeat againsth Villa everyone was writing them off and saying here we go again. I'm glad that they have turned things around because as a purist there are few better sights in football than watching Arsenal at full tilt. Tough call for this years PL title, no one team has stood out head and shoulders above the rest imo. I think the results in January and Feb will really show us who's got what it takes. They are, for me, the 2 hardest months in the calendar, that's where the big boys usually have to grind out results more than at any other time.
  13. Learn from it and use this valuable knowledge to brighten up your life
  14. Yeah, I was thinking the same. Had Utd won Rich would've been singing all over the forum. They just didn't turn up did they. 1 point from their games with Chelsea, Liverpool and now City, not the form of Champions is it.
  15. Well it was a matter of time......Paulo Di Canio is now unemployed. Can't say I'm surprised, think he'd bitten off more than he could chew to be honest. He has the man management skills of a house brick!
  16. How th hell did he see that?? My guess he was trying to shoot out the heli pilot and missed woefully!
  17. Man Yoo,, oh dear!! Spurs were lucky also
  18. Lol, that's brilliant. One in the eye for kids with shitty attitude!!
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