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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Told you I fancied Swansea to do well in the Europa League, seriously thinking of seeing what odds I can get.
  2. That's the L96 you drunken fool!! My favourite bolt action by a long way
  3. I use both, both on AR's, the Kobra seems to work better for me with the F2000, but I prefer the Reflex on the L85A2 for some reason. For my main LMG's I typically run holo sights seems to give a better field of vision, and Carbines are usually a mixture of Kobra or Reflex. Like you say purely a personal choice really.
  4. No, no foregrip or bipod. To my way of thinking the suppressor helps with the recoil and keeps you off the mini map also. Maybe I've just got used to it. Should hope I have after using it so much.
  5. Rooney looked something like his best last night, despite the natty head gear. Utd were really lucky with their 1st goal, but overall were worth their win I thought. Only saw the goals from the City game, but Yaya Toure's goal was a peach. All in all not a bad start for the PL side's in this year's CL. I'm intruiged to see how Swansea get on in the Europa League, I've got a feeling they could go far, similar to Fulham's run a few years back.
  6. Kobra sight, nothing, and suppressor. Seems to work for me and have stuck with that set up on this gun for months now.
  7. If you have Premium then pencil in Oct 1st. 4th Oct for everyone else. http://blogs.battlefield.com/2013/09/battlefield-4-beta-dates/ Looking forwards to trying this out and seeing what this game has to offer over and above BF3.
  8. Cheers that man. Yeah the QBB is seriously underated, works well with a holo sight I found.
  9. Good for you Dave, enjoy your evening!! You're right God knows how she's put up with you for so long!! Just kidding
  10. Must now stop using this gun. This is by far and away my favourite gun in the game, but it's about time I started using something else when running Assault class. Probably the L85A2 just to be patriotic!
  11. Every match on Noshar Canals you get the little Recon pests on that crane.Best solution run Engineer, whip out your RPG or SMAW and shoot the shit out their nest. Blows them and their spawn beacons into next week. Wait a few minutes for them to restablish themselves rinse and repeat.
  12. Recon if played correctly can be a game changer, but like you say. Too many stay as far away from the objective as they can, just so that they can that 1337 500m headshot!! Take Op Metro CQ for example, if you're getting base raped everyone goes into dickhead mode, loads up Recon and stays it their deployment giving you no chance of capping anything!
  13. Particularly liked the last one. Very good.
  14. Wow Doc, that is some story. If things are meant to be then they will happen, your commitment to each other is and obviously has been extremely strong, I wish you both continued happiness
  15. Not in a position to be able to pre order or even get one within the first 6 months of release to be honest. But, if you are looking to pre order using the supermarkets might not be a bad idea, like Dave says they're giving loyalty points with them which you may be able to use towards a game.
  16. Or do I??? No worries really Cal, it's been too long my friend!!
  17. Lol, the latter day Tom & Jerry cartoons are just so crap compared to the Fred Quimby one's. I remember going to the cinema every Saturday morning, and getting excited about there being a Godzilla movie being the main feature. Yeah, man in a rubber monster's outfit ripping up a model city, stuff of legend. Thunderbirds was awesome and Captain Scarlett was slated for being too realistic. Football (soccer) players didn't know the meaning of rolling around the floor for 30 minutes if they were tackled heavily. You'd have to have had a broken leg to come off injured. Ron Harris and Norman Hunter anyone?? Kevin Keegan and Billy Bremner going at it during the Charity Shield.
  18. I can sort of empathise with your "friend" in a way Steve. Not saying what he's done is right, wrong or indifferent but I can maybe understand some of what he's gone through having lost a wife myself. During her illness we had friends a plenty, both as a couple and individually. They supported us both through my late wife's illness and made life so much more bearable with having 2 young daughters to try and look after also. Ultimately after Jayne died, our, mine and her friends gradually got back to their own lives and we (now me only) became less of a focal point for their friendship, and slowly but surely that circle of friends diminished greatly, I couldn't always socialise because not being to find a sitter for the girls. This went on to the point where I eventually lost contact with my best friend. I also moved out of the area in which we all lived, (just couldn't live in the house any longer) his business didn't allow him as much time as it was really taking off. We'd pick up with each other less and less, especially as I had had to give up fishing, and it is now some 6 years since we last spoke. I tried calling him recently and even went round to his house, only to discover that he had moved away. Was it my fault, was it his or did that friendship just drift apart because of circumstance? I've asked myself all these questions and I guess it a bit of all of these. I miss my friend, but I also understand that some things change even if you don't want them to. Your friend may well still be grieving and doing what he's doing is his coping mechanism. Maybe spending time with him just reminds him of the times with his late wife and brings on sad thoughts? I don't know, but try not to get annoyed by what he is doing, he may not even be able to see it.
  19. So this is the grumpy old men section?? Seriously, got to say that I completely agree with most of what has already been said. I was a bit wayward in my youth (yes I can still remember it before anyone says anything), but one thing I was told by my parents was. "You get yourself into trouble, you deal with it"!! This ultimately led to me being able to draw the line before I crossed it. Being a father of 4 (one of each ) has meant dealing with a variety of child personalities. They have all had their moments when my patience has been tried to the limit, and I have sometimes been accused of being quick to come down on them. However, is that not better than not coming down on them at all? Ultimately, my 2 daughters have grown into responsible, caring, respectful, hard working adults which I am massively proud of. Was it all down to me? Of course not, but I would like to think that some of the values I have in life, have and will be taken on board and passed on to their kids when they have a family. My boys are younger and in many ways my parenting style is more relaxed with them, possibly because of experience and the fact that they don't live with me. But, the one thing I will not do, is spoil them with material items. Time and love by the bucket load, but I do not want them turning into spoilt brats as a result of a marriage breakdown, by getting everything they want. They will taught the values of hard work and respect for others the same as their sisters. Hopefully that formula will rub off on them also. As for the driving thing Steve. Well, I'm in China right now and over here they cannot drive for shit. No road etiquette whatsoever, no adherence to the rules of the road. How the hell there are not more traffic accidents is beyond me, but the one thing I have yet to witness is road rage. They're all as bad as each other so nobody actually gets wound up about being cut up, lane hopping, driving down the road the wrong way etc......! I'm usually pretty relieved to have made it my destination every time I get in car here, and I'm not driving. The amount of times my colleague and I have just sat in the car when we're here, simply saying, if that driver did that back home he'd be dead by now, because someone would've got out of their car and beaten living shit out of him, is untrue.
  20. We're both on the same page here Rich, it's getting ridiculous. Didn't the Italians do something like in the past?? In other news Wayne Rooney has improved his looks 10 fold with that gash on his forehead!!
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