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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Great TDM map, crap for Conquest, and hit and miss for Rush.
  2. He'd bitch if everything was going his way, he's turning into Adam!
  3. Euan is probably refering to the killcam in core mode.
  4. Try the SAR-21 Coyote RDS, Heavy Barrel, Angled Grip and Green laser sight. Assault class obviously. My setup with this is typically P226 pistol with ghost ring, M320 HE nade launcher, medic bag, impact nades and Grenadier upgrades.
  5. Yeah team mates do have markers over them, but typically (until now hopefully) you had to ADS at them first, by which some herbert on the other side has made the most of your hesitation and shot you!
  6. Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members This is one of the fixes I've been waiting for more than. The amount of accidental team kills in Hardcore I've commited thanks to this has been embarrassing!
  7. Warzone, was basically one match which incorporated several different game modes which would change the dynamic of the match completely making it very intense at times, great game mode to play. By far my favourite game mode when playing KZ3.
  8. Warzone from the Killzone series!
  9. Surprised nobody has mentioned the sad passing of Eusebio, a proper gentlemen in a sport full of bloated ego's and inflated self opinions!
  10. If the ttk is an issue try Hardcore I usually only play HC this being one of the reasons. The other major one, is that you're not running around with a giant dorito above your head saying shoot me biatches! TDM is not really what Battlefield is about, but is ok if your playing lone wolf or wanting level up weapons quick. You can dominate as a team, but with the fact that you can't squad up pre game you'll have to enter a game with a low player count and have people join you. Once you're in though, that should be the way it stays assuming you continue with the same game mode. With most people now having it for the PS4 and me still being on PS3 this is an option as readily as it perhaps should be, although I've had some matches squading up with Ryan. It's one of those games you'll either love or loathe. I haven't even bought Ghosts and in all honesty won't either. I'd sooner stick with this game or even Killzone when I finally get a PS4, plus there'll be Star Wars Battlefont at some stage in the future
  11. Doing it with quad bikes is even more fun
  12. I know it I'm shit at flying! Sooner get in a tank, IFV or armoured jeep!
  13. All of the TDM maps are sections from the bigger maps for the objective game modes, the same goes for DOM, as these are infantry only. With vehicles in game, the maps are way bigger
  14. Double post, That is Operation Locker, good for TDM, but a complete clusterfuck for Conquest, not played DOM or Rush on in yet.
  15. You can always use your parachute to avoid dying
  16. You need to use the prompt that comes up. the only problem is usually randoms are pretty crap at giving out ammo or medkits.
  17. Flood Zone can be good if you play something other than Recon and flank. The snipers tend to go to certain spots on the map and it's usually quite easy to get behind them. I got a 3 player multikill with a nade laucher on that map the other day because 3 idiots decided to go to one of the usual sniping spots
  18. You get all the DLC's early and it works out less expensive than buying individually, plus you get exclusive double XP events, plus other extras including Battlepacks. I got it for BF3 and it was worth it so had no hesiation in getting for this game. If enough of us get this game and we're all on the same console it'll be worth looking into renting a server in time.
  19. Great win for Forest yesterday, esepcially good as both Leicester and Derby went out
  20. Conquest on ZAVOD 311 has got be my favourite map and game mode! I don't dislike any of the maps really, including China Rising. Flood Zone can end up a sniping fest, but there is always a great sense of satisfaction taking out one of the roof top wookies counter sniping.
  21. SAR-21 is my top weapon to date with over 800 kills. When playing Assault this is my current "go to" weapon if things aren't going quite to plan!
  22. Battlepacks are earnt as you level up or level up weapons or from being a Premium member. They offer random accessories, unless it's weapon sepcific in which case they relate to that weapon you can also get, emblems and certain weapons along with XP boosts. You can simply open them via Battlelog or in game. If you want to use the boosts simply look a the bottom right hand side of the screen and see if any XP boosts are available, hit the "x" button and start one. If you've joined Battlelog send out some friend requests, my Battlelog name is TheKingofBedRock
  23. i think the main thing is that there are still plenty of us without PS4's so there will be people who filter in over time and ultimately there'll be enough of us to get decent squads and teams together which makes such a huge difference in this game. Playing lone wolf is all very well and good, you can't change a match on your own no matter hwo good you are. Having team mates who communicate well and are able to play all classes and are willing to PTFO is what this game is all about.
  24. Can't wait to get a PS4 and squad up with you guys that have it. Conquest is the KIng of gamemodes for me, but you can get a serious hammering from an organised team. One full squad working together using all classes can rule a 12 v 12 match on the PS3, bu this may not be the case on the PS4. I've played a lot of TDM and a fair bit of DOM to level weapons up, but need to give Obliteration more a go, what put me off was a timer being added to the matches, not sure if this is still the case, and I need to play more Rush as this game mode can be awesome if the battles are tight and don't end up in spawn trap killfest. Most have already stated the obvious one's and tbh Gary, everything I told you for BF3 runs true for this game. Yes, it's a tough leaning curve, yes it can be seriously frustrating as a beginner (not going to call you a noob because I know you're pretty handy in CoD). My favourite vehicles though have to be the armoured jeeps, with a decent driver and gunner those things can totally wreck a team. Level guns up as quickly as possible to get the best set up's for you! Don't bother too much with LMG's for Support class they seem way weaker than in BF3 and the suppression system has changed to them even more. Carbines or shotties seem to be the way to go with this class now for me as I've pretty much given up with the LMG's. AR's are still the best primaries imo, I particularly love the SAR21, slower fire rate, but offers more control (this is Hardcore though) higher fire rate weapons seem to give you more advantage in Normal mode. I've yet to start using the DMR's or Shotties so can't comment on those, but the Carbines are good and once unlocked via the Engie class can be used for all classes. Bolt action rifles are god like in HC, one hit kill anywhere on the body as long as you're not too far away or else you'll need a headshot. Ryan swears by the Shorty 12G as a secondary, but I've yet to use it as I'm trying to master the default pistol before moving on. Impact nades are brilliant Nade launchers are great when running assault class, but means you have to give either defibs or med packs. C4/Claymore's for both Support and Recon was a good move imo. I hope you learn to like this game as it can be very rewarding!
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