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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Your postman is certainly a fertile chap Stretch! Seriously though, congrats that man, the best feeling in the world seeing your kids being born.
  2. Well I have a couple of weeks left so yeah we can maybe sort something out. I'll let you know via pm Doc, thanks.
  3. Thanks for all the replies guys, good to know my second family are still in fine fettle. @Doc, I'm in Hastings, Mi about 45 minutes South East of Grand Rapids, and I'm so not enjoying the constant cold and frequent snow. I'm here until mid-March. As for the meet up that would be great, depends on numerous things and need to check, but certainly a possibility.
  4. Jason, how the hell are you my fellow FOG?
  5. Work life has completely ruined my chances of spending the amount of time I used to spend on here. However, since I'm in the US at the moment for a second stint since the New Year and have actually got some time to kill, so thought I'd drop in and say hello! What I'm starting to really hate is this chuffing cold weather in Michigan, it's been brutal at times, no good for my ageing bones Looking around it's good see the usual suspects knocking about still, plus a few new faces. Hope everyone is still having fun, looks like the family has been getting on just fine without one of the elder statesmen around, shit I turned 50 the other week! Got to say I've missed being around, this place used to be my second home while at work. The biggest issue these days is that my workload means I'm mad busy most of the time. I have a mad sales manager who has been bringing in work as if it was going out fashion, plus he's needy like all salesmen, which just eats any spare time I have. Not a bad position to be in but it's killed my chances of getting on here in recent months. Anyway, just wanted say congrats to Stretch on your recent addition, Diddums you look awesome in your Christmas jumper man, Mike you're just too good looking to be here. Assuming I can start to get some time out I'll be doing my best to check in more regularly and hopefully start contributing a bit more again. Have fun chaps and chapesses
  6. Will be hoping that the traffic does me some favours then. At least it's not tomorrow for the last BF4 dlc.
  7. Looks more like I'll be investing in Destiny rather than AW. I pre ordered AW (360 version) )for my youngest as a belated birthday pressie so he would have it on day 1, he loves it and I'm apparently the best Dad in the world at the moment, how fickle kids can be, but I'll take it. seeing reviews from some of the, shall we say, more seasoned forum members certainly isn't filling me with enthusiasm for AW and certainly not enough to pull me away from BF4.
  8. Glad I didn't feature in this response Welcome to the madhouse Ryan. Bee's will never admit to his real age of 85 anyway.
  9. I didn't think he was that impressive during the WC, but certainly did the business for Martinez and Everton.
  10. He's only doing it because he loves cake!
  11. Downloaded the DLC yesterday but didn't get a chance to play any matches, will be on this evening though as the Mrs is out for a few hours.
  12. Rich, now that Van Gaal is about to start his tenure as Utd manager, does that mean that Rooney will now have free rein to stick his finger in a Dutch dyke??
  13. Payback Sean, I actually paid them to stalk you
  14. I actually got one for each of my 2 accounts so hopefully at least one of them will work
  15. Just had an email to sign up for an Alpha Code
  16. Stroppy gits!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-27783218
  17. Fair play to him if that's his boyhood team, not sure he'll get to play in the derby games next season though
  18. Really sad news, I have such fond memories of The Young One's!
  19. The current rugby ball looks a little like Ed Milliband so I'm surprised a Tory MP hasn't tried that yet!
  20. Only non playing political morons could even think up this concept. What is the fucking point in even getting out of your jimmies in the morning and venturing into the big wide world when you have idiots like this suggesting such idiotic proposals?? Surely they have better things to do with their "valuable" time. You know, like propping up the bar(s) in Westminster. Now people will begin to understand my complete hate of politicians no matter what their affiliation.............grrrrrrrrrr..........and relax
  21. Liking your style Rich well played my good man
  22. I don't like oranges but that isn't a bad sign
  23. This just proves all my fears about introducing this CoD gimmick into the game!!
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