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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Ageing rapidly.........work has been a real bitch for months!!
  2. You're like a lost little puppy dog . Anyway, how the hell are you my man??
  3. Sean you're a stalking git, that is all
  4. What a stroppy prima donna idiot, if it wasn't for the fact Man City are a lesser team without I'd be saying thanks for your efforts now fuck off and celebrate your 32nd birthday next year somewhere else. It's amazing how Man City seem to attract these sort of people, look at Tevez last season. If Toure does stay, away fans are going to have a field day taunting him
  5. We'll see how long before Rooney is wanting to leave now seeing as Van Gaal is being touted as something of a task master!
  6. You'd be totally gutted if that happened! Good Cup Final on Saturday, I'll give Arsenal their due they didn't give up, but Jesus Hull gave them a real scare! Well Atletico Madrid, they'll be going into the CL final full of confidence now, looking forwards to that match. On a separate note, what are your opinions on the Scudamore controversy? Personally I think he should especially after the reaction that Andy Gray got after his comments a few years ago.
  7. What do mean? Dylan is an intellectual giant!
  8. This just seems to be a case of catering for the age group who supposedly can't buy this game i.e. pre 16 year old kids.
  9. I think they'll of be of more interest to Man Yoo fans assuming Van Gaal gets the job.
  10. Not that play football, but handball they have God on their side remember
  11. Terrible incident must be terrifying for those still trapped, can't even begin to imagine what they're going through.
  12. Samir Nasri left out of the French squad and no room for Tevez for Argentina. Not too surpised by the Tevez one, but Nasri being left out is a bit of a shock!
  13. Worth seeing just to see Emily Blunt kicking ass. She is as fit as a butcher's dog
  14. Not sure why he's even considered Smalling or Jones to be honest they have both been wanting this season there are better defensive options out there. As for defensive midfield, Gerrard has been playing that role more so for Liverpool this year and Carrick has been been way off form this year. My take is that we should simply go in with the mentality of "we'll score more than you" regardless of how many you score. I would rather see England go all out to win every game and go down fighting rather than the usual rear guard action defending way too deep and then on to a penalty shoot out that we end up losing out to because we're just fucking useless at them. Bottom line, the usual bravado of we're going to win it this time just isn't there. We're all being realists, we know we're not as good as many teams in the competition so why not give it a shot, who knows, it may turn into something special. I remember in '86 we lost Robson and Wilkins very early on OMG the world is caving in, we were on the ropes to even get through to the knock out phase and had a must win game against Poland. Up step Lineker and Beardsley and the team looked a very different proposition, we actually looked good. Had Maradona not cheated with his "hand of God" goal and Lineker not missed that header very late on in that match we may well have gone on to the final that year. I just hope the manager has the balls to make the big decisions and play those that will play well and revel in the experience. I'm thinking Barkley, Shaw, Lallana, Sterling to start........how exciting would a team with those guys playing be to watch. C'mon England, for once prove us all wrong and do something spectacular in a World Cup.
  15. I DO NOT WANT RIOT SHIELDS IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! That is all.
  16. Good job he wasn't manager of Brazil during the 1970 World Cup he would have been suicidal at Gordon Bank's wonder save against Pele.
  17. The final should be a cracker, local derby but played in Lisbon. Also the first time 2 teams from the same city have ever met in a CL final. Really looking forwards to this one as it has the makings of a classic.
  18. Brilliant actor, try watching "A Long Good Friday" one of his finest pieces of work! Sad loss to the acting world.
  19. I thought that last week when she came on during last weeks' game.
  20. I'm going to look into it when I get a minute, watch this space
  21. Ronaldo's free kick although not very spectacular was sublime and very clever. Real basically did to Bayern what Bayern did to Barca the other year. Is Tika Taka football the best way to play no matter what? Obviously not, you need to change it up sometimes when it's not working. Real have to be favourites to win now and Ancelotti's cv just gets more impressive.
  22. If it was only teams from the EPL that were in breach you could bet that Platini would be going balls out to dish out the heaviest penalty. Seeing as PSG are in breach also he'll not be wanting to upset the French!
  23. Playing HC Conquest Op Metro yesterday. My team unfortunately spawn nearest C flag so you know you're probably on a hiding to nothing anyway but hey you take the rough with the smooth. On several occasions I end up having to spawn on said C flag only to be always confronted by a stupid dumbass pussy Recon, armed with a bolt action sniper rifle and a motion sensor doing nothing but laying prone ADS'ing down the Metro tunnel. What the hell was he hoping to achieve? All the action was around B flag as ever! After coming across this guy on the 4th occasion, I thought enough is enough and proceed to troll this idiot. So I lay prone in front of him blocking his line of sight to show him the error of his selfish ways . He tries to adjust which I counter every time so he decides to tk me. That just made his situation all the worse as when I respawn I just rinse and repeat closely followed by a headshot with a 12 Gauge shottie, what a fucking muppet. People like this do not deserve to be able to play objective game modes! Anyway, needless to say this rates as a proud moment for me
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