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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. You know I'm only kidding Jason, and anyway I have enough viagra to keep me going for a few more years
  2. Can we have a sub forum to discuss Jason's dick sucking expolits??
  3. Look slike a good omen Dave I might buy a ticket this week, if only for the potential of some juicy gossip about Jason and Doc. :0
  4. We need Kylebee's to get that lottery win he keeps talking about and arrange an inetrnational forum get together. That way we all get to meet in person get drunk and resolve any and all differences, plus Jason will get to suck on Doc's member
  5. Hence the rose tinted glasses comment, nostalgia will always win over the new. It may have had it's faults but I cut my MP teeth on MW2 so have fond memories of failing badly blaming my own ineptitude rather than the devs for my failings.
  6. Well this thread couldn't have got more derailed if we tried!!
  7. If you like it up the dirt box then PITA would be sexy, I get the feeling it's not really your bag though. PITA = Pain in the ass (or arse for us Brits)
  8. It is sad, but all the big clubs act like vultures during the transfer windows and the smaller clubs have little to no option but to sell their prized assets just to keep afloat. What Southampton can boast more than many other clubs is a great academy. Let's face it they have produced Bale and Walcott in recent times. I think they'll survive, but will find it more difficult than last season.
  9. I didn't know they'd reinstated it to be honest, haven't played that game in a few years.
  10. Far from it MW2 was a great game, what I'm saying is that rehashing this map does it a disservice
  11. They've only bought this map in because they had to remove it from MW2, as others have said it is a lame attempt to recapture what was a great map and rose coloured glasses permitted as great game also. So glad I didn't buy this game (Ghosts) as for me it epitomises everything that has gone wrong with CoD in recent times.
  12. Lallana wants out of Southampton, no surprise there then!
  13. Think I'll be keeping an eye on this one, looks good from the clip. Is this cross platform? Edit: Just checked, it'll be on PS4 so all good
  14. This is the real reason the Scots want independence!!
  15. I'm just wondering what the people he likes will have in their hand
  16. No regrets as got it as a birthday present so didn't shell out a single penny . That said more titles would be good. I loved KZ3 on the PS3, but Shadowplay didn't really prick my interest unfortunately, having said that all the feedback on here tells me that wasn't a bad move. I play the hell out of BF4 and still enjoy it so relatively content right now. The PS4 is definitely a major step up from the PS3 though.
  17. Thanks for that, chuffing coffee everywhere!!
  18. Jury's out on this game for me at the moment. I'll need to see a lot more MP gameplay before even considering it.
  19. No idea what's happening to my replies to quotes but they don't seem to want to show up!! Anyway, I was asking where her picture of Delia was
  20. Local boy Froch will kick the pretenders sorry ass, can't wait for this re-match
  21. Well at least we have thing to thank Auptyk for. This particular dark corner of the internet that we loosely call home
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