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Everything posted by uberwarrior

  1. Frank de Boer would be a good choice I think.
  2. I used to get it happen more in BF3 than this game, but I know what you mean, annoying when it happens.
  3. I took down a little bird using a minigun on a Fast Attack Craft the other day which made me think they'd had a tweak (for the better). Personally I love to park up in a land transport and wreck poor unsuspecting victims as they run around. Recons are pretty easy targets if they try and spot you. They think they're safe but with the ability to zoom in and the fact that you are stationary they can do some real damage!
  4. This!! It would be a bit of fun if the lag on the N/S maps wasn't so bad. I don't remember BF3 being as bad as this, maybe my rose tinted glasses are clouding my judgement. This game is soooo good when it runs right, but in some ways it feels like they are trying to put too much into it in terms of features and in game content. I know it can't be easy for the devs to please everyone and they never will, but putting in this sort of thing when folks simply want to play the game as it should be sort of sticks in the throat.
  5. Got my longest headshot yesterday at 285m (not far i know but read on) playing Conquest on Operation Mortar using the MOD-11 DMR with an ACOG sight I headshot a guy parachuting down from the Gunship
  6. The rubber banding and lag when playing objective game modes on these maps is not good by any stretch, which means I'm avoiding playing them much at the moment!!
  7. Took me a few days, but the memory muscles have kicked in for good now. I think I'd more problems going back to the PS3 to be honest. Can't fly for shit in this game anyway so no difference there then
  8. Only got to play one match last night after downloading it and played Conquest. Played on Nansha Strike and really enjoyed the match. The map played really well with something for everyone. Played as an Engie because I'd realised I needed to take down an aircraft with a portable AA for an assignment to get the MP7. Used the MTAR, which I've only just started using, that gun is just carnage reminds me of how good it was in MW2, and was by far my favourite gun in that game. Can't wait to get back on and get a decent session in. Limited opinion so far. Possibly the best DLC yet!
  9. If we did decide to rent a server as a group we would need to decide game modes, what if any restrictions, core or hardcore. Probably worth starting the conversation now.
  10. Is this something we should be looking into as a group for the PS4 users?? I'm game.
  11. I've had exactly the same thing, just thought it was me!
  12. CL draw has kept Man Yoo and Chelski apart. Utd play Bayern.......good luck with that one Moyes! Chelski have got PSG. Tie of the round for me is Barca v Athletico Madrid, promises to be a good one!
  13. We've got Destiny coming in Sept and Battlefront in development which I'm hoping will be as epic as everyone is hoping for, so I think the PS4 is relatively safe when it comes to future fps titles. As for CoD I really couldn't care less anymore. The best thing this franchise has done in recent times is to bring this community together and up the anti for other XXX fps games other than that it's caused most of us to want to pull our hair out! Of course it will still have it's appeal going forwards, but they seem to be losing the plot with regards to innovation and game changing ideas. How many of you still actually play CoD consistently as you used to? I haven't even had the urge to buy Ghosts and even my 10 year old says it crap (well not in those words) which speaks volumes.
  14. Sometimes a situation like this can create a change for the better if you know what I mean. I'm usually the one to try and appease a situation where I can, and give people the benefit of the doubt. History on the other hand can be a major road block to that. For example, I have recently got back in touch with my sister (by adoption) after years of not having anything to do with her (long story) because our mother managed to take a fall and break her hip, but also because she is starting to show advanced signs of dimentia so we're now in touch regularly and it seems to be working out as we have both let bygones be bygones. Just saying.
  15. Always nice to see a new person join up, welcome aboard my man!
  16. Having played both, I know which side of the fence I'm on and it's not with the CoD elitists
  17. This could very well be the best game mode I have yet to play in Battlefield, really stoked to get this.
  18. I haven't used C4 that much in this game but loved using it in BF3. They seemed to have cheapened it by giving it to Recon's. That was mainly to appease the whinny kids than anything imo. As for what Adam said about rolling up to a flag in a tank without a gunner, you're asking for trouble doing that, but sometimes it is hard to find one, so undertsand your annoyance. Yes C4 can be fun, but it has lost it's appeal with me a little in this game.
  19. Always most effective shooting them at 90° to the back end!! There's one for out of context.This was always the case in BF3 also, not always possible, but if can, get behind a tank to have the best chance of critical damage.
  20. God I hope not!! I wouldn't want this CoD gimmick in this game, this is what vehicles in game as supposed to do.
  21. Dave, there's no words that will make it any better for you, but you know you our support. Stay strong for those that need you, and believe me they will need you. This shitty plague known as cancer has taken too many people I love(d) from me already. I know exactly where you're coming from my friend. If you need a sounding board hit me up with a pm.
  22. They've fixed the friendly name tag issue. As for finding that pesky camper, get good! Sounds like I'm taking the piss, but I'm not. That's where the situational awareness comes in handy, plus you can always defer to the map as you respawn and work it out if they are spamming, not too many people use silencers in Hardcore which helps.
  23. As a rule I typically play Hardcore only except when running with folks from here. I prefer it to be honest. You don't run around with a big orange dorito over your head, making flanking a more viable proposition. Most guns will actually work, makes your situational awareness more acute as you have find people and keep an eye on the flag indicators when playing Conquest. DMR's are awesome in Hardcore also, as I've found out in recent times. Vehicles can't run and hide to get magically fixed, you need an Engie to fix it, you need Assaults to give you health when you've taken damage. It's probably just me but I much prefer HC to Core when playing BF3/4. I don't have any issues playing Core if with friends, but it's not my mode of choice given said choice. I know on the Battlefield forums there are plenty of folks that say HC is crap or even easy, I don't agree, but would like to hear from you guys as you'll no doubt give a more reasoned argument.
  24. I really like what they've done with the SA maps. Not only reskinned but they've added new features and levolution and now with the PS4 having 64 player CQ matches makes them play very differently than before. I haven't played any other objective game modes on these maps yet so can't comment. Have they changed the locations of the MCOMS on Rush on these maps??
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