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Everything posted by techno

  1. techno

    Nfl 2022

    I have to agree it's been a good season and I don't remember so many odd unexpected results. It's been better for me as well as I've got a guy at work into it so I actually have someone to talk to about it and I've never watched so many full love games before. Also having recently got into All or nothing on Amazon it gives you a greater understanding of what goes on in such a short season. The fantasy league was a nice addition as a side to the season tho I think it could be better🤷 The wild card weekend was really good, didn't expect the dolphins to run the bills so close and the giants game was great. Jacksonville have definitely been a surprise as has Brock Purdy. Really looking forward to see the chiefs this Saturday. On a side note Buccs and Packers 🤣
  2. Have to say I agree about the name calling, I hate the terms woke and snowflake and as I use Twitter a fair bit you see it all the time and "debates " go nowhere the better conversations, when they come are the ones where we maybe on opposite sides of the argument but end amicably. Now we all want to live in a better world have a nicer future now wether that is even possible maybe a better question but it certainly won't happen if all we do is argue and fight and stick our heals in the ground, too much these days seems to be this side or that, binary thinking nobody is allowed to consider the grey areas in-between. One could almost call it common sense or a compromise🤔
  3. I meant march 🙄 but I will take a look at it before then as I do need some motivation to use it more. Will look through the thread and video etc. I assume you'll need some sort of base game?
  4. Just read through the thread and yes I have a pc and as you say @Greboth I don't use it 😫😁 but also I'm a complete noob, that earlier post in the thread may have well been in Chinese, however wifey has a new job starting in May so when she finally has to fuck off out to work again my pc is moving downstairs so I plan on using it more so this is definitely an opportunity and as such I'm definitely interested in but I've never had anything to do with Minecraft ever.
  5. @GazzaGarratt I think it's got away from the OP a bit also both eight thoughts and thunder and everyone else know that warzone generates money along with the well stocked and updated shop, shop probably gets more content than any other aspect of the game. Seems from replies that people generally agree that the paid part of the game is been overlooked in favour of warzone, not sure even DMZ has had any more updates? Lee you say Activision took 10 years are you critisizing previous call of dutys? Didn't you like mw19? Surely you can't critisize previous cod's as they sold massively and we're liked by many😉 😁 Im sure in previous years some of us would probably find ourselves on the opposite side of the fence. One thing is certain it seems were all getting enough value out of the game one way or another. May as well add this as he talks about warzone. On the Mp side I didn't see they'd just rotate shoothouse in I was expecting shoot the ship.🤷
  6. Everyone bitching about number of maps and only playing 1 as far as I can see everyone is me🤣 The four maps thunder mentioned I won't play and as much as don't mind a few of the original ones it's just easier and for the most part more enjoyable and fun having the chaos of shipment. Also you can't see why content creators bitch about sbmm because as thunder says it takes him so long to get a game yet he still wins quite a few and gets plenty of content and that's just one reason why strict sbmm sucks. It's not just cod either True vanguard had some excellent videos about the same topic when it was added to quick play in destiny. Also like @TigerBurge if I never touched the game again I'd have had way more than my monies worth and I've completed the season pass. Chris was also on the money talking about the lack of information etc coming from infinity ward. Blame truth used to call Ashton Williams a mime but compared to now it's almost like she never shut up😉
  7. Oh yeah definitely be a boring world if we all agreed. As for sbmm that's a whole new Pandora's box, personally I think that there should be some but nothing like it is today however I do play solo and I can enjoy it, destiny taught me to simply not care about winning🤣 I've said I have fun but this thread was mainly about content not issues the game has especially as this is a 2 year cod.
  8. I believe the "new" map is another reskin, castle which would be an actual new map to me.
  9. @GazzaGarrattI've made my point and position clear. I know what your saying but that's you and as I've said we're all different. The YouTube thing doesn't really track because some I follow have quit the game, because they could shit out content to get"paid" but the fact they'd rather quit says more. The game has issues but for me and the reason I didnt play mw19 is maps and you cannot deny there is a lack of content where "new" maps are concerned. So while you are right there are other "modes" the paid for content is imo and others being neglected, past camo grind what are the challenges? Tbh I knew what sort of replies I was gonna get when I posted. I'm also not so sure what you meant by most accessable for casuals, who are these casuals? I've asked that on twitter, apparently it's me😁 The game is better than I thought but I'll stand by my and others critiscms "content creators of not" I've also done the campaign👍
  10. Well some more decent maps would be a start infact that would do as far as MP. There's been no new maps since launch and non I'm aware of coming.
  11. First of all I couldn't careless about those modes, if others enjoy it that's fine. If it was just the free stuff and didn't have a paid mp etc I wouldn't bother with it. Now I believe there's absolutely a reason to criticize the "paid" for content, or lack of and the fact that others don't is irrelevant due to it being personal opinion. I see it a lot these days especially in the cod community etc that when someone likes something it suddenly is beyond criticism. Now can I have fun with the game, yes I've done the battle pass and hit max level and mostly on shoothouse and shipment but it would be nice to see the paid portion of the game get a little more thought and effort put into it, personally I don't think it's too much to expect. Not Activision ... infinity ward. Activision are doing a great job of removing money from .....some
  12. No instead of other maps. It's a moshpit.
  13. Because that's pretty much all there is, I've been the same hence why nothing really but shipment for over a month 🤣
  14. Baring bo3 and 4 that's not such a massive win 🤣 especially as BO2 in 2012 is regarded by a lot as the best ever.
  15. I agree with what you have said however I'm not not have I ever been interested personally in anything other than multiplayer and as such have to agree with what eighth thoughts and others have said. They seem to have taken away from one mode to spread themselves out and it shows. Also youre bang on about destiny.
  16. Just 2 videos that were in my recommended today. The game needs better and more content, and that's new content wtf are these people doing? Dids used to make jokes about destiny and recycled shit but that seems to be a business model these days unless it's the shop.
  17. I got the ftac recon gold and thankfully never have to touch it again however because of dumb design decisions I now have to use the ebr to unlock the last battle rifle yay
  18. techno

    Ken Block dead

    I met Travis Pastrana( I guess that's who you mean) at festival of speed
  19. techno

    Ken Block dead

    Not sure if many watched this kind of thing but he was on top gear back in the day but it seems he died in a snow mobile accident at 55.
  20. I finished the basilik the lachman 762 and the khastov 5sumitorother.
  21. I played ghosts till bf4 came out then never looked back. Tbh ghosts had some good ideas, the perk system etc was better than we have now and I didn't mind the little briefcase mission things in MP however just like now tho the maps sucked. If battlefield wouldn't have shit a brick and had brought out a decent game I wouldnt have probably touched mw11
  22. So endless shipment has resulted in all launchers now platinum, all shotguns gold and the rapp gold added to the others done.
  23. My first battle pass too. Figured for 8 quid and as you say you earn enough to buy the next one it's ok, definitely wouldn't have bothered of it wasn't the case.
  24. I'll second that, I really enjoy the first 4 films but that last one complete garbage cash cow. I'm actually running through the men in black trilogy 🤷
  25. @MrBiron this...solo is easy when you give as much of a shit as anyone else. Tbh since it came out I've only played shoothouse and now shipment as I can't be arsed dodging all the other crap boring maps to maybe get the market map. Or if it's raining streaks just bail.
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