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Everything posted by techno

  1. Recently finished diamond on smgs So ar's, lmg, smgs, launchers all diamond. 1 marksman gold.
  2. This 100% BF4 is still my favourite FPS ever.
  3. Finally done the awful as Val. Also C9, Gpr91 and ames85 so just need Model L.
  4. Well thanks to you guys last night I took the launchers gold and today diamond.
  5. techno

    PS5 Accessories

    If you have the elite or whatever it's called you can just swap out the sticksπŸ˜‰ I knowπŸ˜‚
  6. Just hit level 25, I'm actually finding it ok, it's more of the same, movement is fine the maps are meh all the usual crack heads running round you should know now what your going to get from a modern cod. Im not a fan of headshots for camos mwlll did it way better and certainly more interestingly but it is what it is. Modern map design for me personally sucks, but most of these maps are thankfully small enough to enjoy unless you like being shit in the back. Did play some zombies always pick squad as I've no idea what to do and didnt mind it as a change.
  7. This from Nero says it all tbh, I played for quite a few hours yesterday as I needed to see if it made me feel ill however I kind of enjoyed it because as some know I spent so much time on shipment. This game feels like shipment 24/7 chaos, I also had to quit out of quite a few games due to really bad lag etc.
  8. So choose the total amount πŸ‘
  9. Dids post didn't make it clear but is this something on top of the subscription or should the response be subscription included?
  10. Tbh I haven't felt the need to go back since I started x defiant.
  11. Didn't even know 😁
  12. A few things stand out. Football back when it was goodπŸ˜‰ David Platt against Belgium in the 118th minute in 1990. Dennis Taylor beating Steve Davis in the 85 world snooker final, staying up to see the conclusion on the last black. More recently it has to be bike racing ,Rossi's 100th win at Assen But the one that will always stand out is being in the stand at Siberia at Phillip island, I never thought I'd get to Australia so to be there back in 2016 two months after my grandad had passed away and actually seeing a British winner too in Cal Crutchlow what a great memory.
  13. Cod will never return to it's glory years things have moved on unfortunately, I'd be surprised if it's anything but another reskin of what we've had over the last couple of years, same engine, seasons, monetisation etc.
  14. I disagree I like there is no sbmm, every game is different and it actually forces you to get better, there is lobby balancing which is fine. A cod killer? Obviously people will make that distinction though I don't see it as it's just different and as blame truth said he doesn't want to see cod game mechanics added as they are not needed. As for the game, I'm 6+hours in and really having fun with it using different set ups etc to complete challenges and unlock stuff. The fact people actually play the objective is a welcome bonus too. If it gets enough content and they sort out the few issues some are having it's worth every penny it cost.
  15. Count me in too.
  16. Just finished it tonight and have to say even though for much of the series I had no clue what was going on I enjoyed it overall. I thought it started well went off the rails in the middle a little but the series was rounded off nicely. Definitely made a nice change to see something different as I've watched some crap lately *Gray*. I will leave this here though, it's quite long but an interesting discussion, maybe not knowing much about the lore helped? Now I get some of the arguments against it but at the end of the day it's TV and tbh all TV suffers in a similar way imo.
  17. Tbh since getting interstellar I found I've little to no reason to turn the game on, there maybe some interest in any fg Friday that might occur however it's not just cod where gaming is concerned at the moment which might be down to the fact the winter should be over.
  18. Gory, brutal and funny definitely gonna check it out. Also hearing that you don't need to have played the games to enjoy it also helps.
  19. Might find a reason to turn destiny on again just to take a look.🀷
  20. Watch the original to see how bad this new one is😁
  21. Both are on Amazon.
  22. So I finally watched the beekeeper, now it's a Statham film so you know what your getting but for me that's fine as I like his stuff and it's pure brain out entertainment. I also watched, back to back the new road house and the original. Now for me it's the original hands down but I have to say the remake wasn't as bad as I expected if you can get past Jake Gyllenhal fighting Connor McGregor πŸ€” however not sure we should see McGregor acting again either πŸ˜‰. However not a waste of 2 hours.
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