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Everything posted by techno

  1. Id have to agree, however stash house is maybe even more chaotic than shipment.
  2. Free solo is excellent 👍
  3. So I watched Ferrari last night, I knew nothing about it going in and didn't know it's based on a true story. Tbh it wasn't that good, all the racing scenes seemed like bad CGI especially the crash scene then the bits about his life was just dull. This was no le mans 66.
  4. Came across this guy and have been watching loads of his stuff, I just love his presenting style and he certainly seems to know what he's talking about. He's definitely a big fan of Elon 😂
  5. Watched Napoleon at the weekend, I was going to see it at the cinema but after watching critical drinkers review decided not to. This turned out to be the correct decision as in some parts I was just bored. I'd have preferred more of his campaigns etc and less Josephine bull shit.
  6. Can't imagine why people use "dodgy" boxes. This streaming/subscription thing has got out of hand. However there will be enough people out there who justify it by saying it's one less coffee a month to cover Amy losses from people cancelling.
  7. It's all I ever use.
  8. I got drunk and spent over 2k on a pc etc one Friday night so I'm not the best comment on gaming expenditure. However I don't buy many games at all tbh and never really have.
  9. I really like the drinkers reviews etc. 👍
  10. Had a feeling I might get that question but it's nothing more than a figure of speech in this case.
  11. I'm surprised not to see many marvel films mentioned here. I'm happy however to say I've never watched a single harry potter film😁
  12. Honestly no idea I never look at game time deliberately so what I have seen has mw2 time included. However I did grind the shit out of it over the extremely wet holiday period. I think I did priceless to interstellar over 2 sessions and in most cases priceless was easier than forged.
  13. Yep final skin, there is others I need to do if I can be bothered but there will be the new weapons in the seasons. I will do the emp gun when/if they fix it.
  14. Interstellar unlocked😳
  15. Winner🤦😁 Couldn't really call 3 favourite as there's so many I can just rewatch but 3 that stand out The prestige Invincible Avengement.
  16. You have to use the boots or you can't do it as it goes into tac stance when you slide, the boots make it ads
  17. You have to use a certain type of boots.. I've just finished sorry forged the battle rifles, marksman rifles pistols and the emp gun oh and the bruen so that's 36 that's needed. Priceless ready to start. 😳
  18. I also understand what Elliot says, for me the best is still vice city stories for both size and campaign. I think as you say the map has to be huge to facilitate online and as far as I'm concerned they could dump online in the bin. Only really use it for our races.
  19. Hello and welcome
  20. Pistols, marksman and battle rifles and that emp gun oh and the knives 12 more and I can move onto priceless. Tbh with all the active double xp it's easy to rank stuff up at the moment.
  21. I've got all the LMgs except bruen..forged. All snipers except amr are forged and I forged the stupid launcher thing ..
  22. I actually watched a Xmas movie Violent night, it was alright definitely had it's moments and killed a couple of hours.
  23. Got all the smgs forged found them pretty fun to do and some of the forged camos are so easy, what wasn't fun and thankfully once I'd started doing it was the ram 7 dlc gun, hated having to slide ads kill as I don't have the muscle memory for that nonsense🤬 I will add shotties forged. Bas b gilded.
  24. Holy hell didn't think I'd played that long, next year has to be different please let the weather be good enough to get out more 😬😁
  25. I know what you mean about shipment but you just have to take it for what it is and it can be chaotic fun😁
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