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Everything posted by techno

  1. So with all that's been said is anyone hyped about cod 2023? 😉
  2. You can look at it anyway you want but 6v6 is the staple for cod and has a huge following if you get that right then by all means branch out into other bullshit. As @MrBironsaid and you agreed we got 10 base maps for 6v6 some of which are truly awful and no new maps since launch which no matter how you spin it is disgraceful but at least it's free so that's something I guess. People will and can moan about lack of content for 6v6 as it's always been in the game they won't moan about lack of content if they had never made dmz etc .
  3. Inbox full of videos mocking this, 😳
  4. techno

    Al Bagra Fortress

    At least playable
  5. Dog egg
  6. My only issue with moving away from owning their own vehicle and it's something that's brought up alot tbh and one issue I think those in charge are trying to achieve by pricing people out of vehicles is that I have vehicles I drive for fun it's something that's overlooked. Also there are lots of people that tow caravans etc. Around here they are moving more to a park and ride system to cut city congestion. As an example for me I'd have to catch 2 buses or walk half an hour to catch a train where by car it's 15 mins.
  7. I loved battlefield of old bf4 is my Goat FPS shooter to this day and that's when I moved away from cod. However I was disappointed by bf2042 until recently with it at £8 thought it was worth a try and though it still has some serious issues that have come into modern fps games and the fact I'm a noob with noob stuff I've actually played it for hours and tried multiple game modes and it's a breath of fresh air for now while cod is as it is.
  8. The other maybe byproduct of a better public transport system is it would open up the roads for those that can't or simply don't want to use public transport cutting congestion and local emissions. One of the things James says in the first video is that EV should state cut local emissions however an argument could be made that they aren't any real good for the actual environment due to the materials and production.
  9. James has made a couple of interesting videos about EV and the future both I think are excellent and raise valid points. I personally have nothing against EV however I do have an issue with it being forced in people rather than letting market forces etc determine the outcome. If these things are "the future" people would move to them without the need for legislation surely? This next one I personally have been making some of the same points. Now my in my future I won't have to own an EV myself however the wife will and as such we will have the issue of upfront cost through motorbility. This issue is already being raised as manufacturers have said that even today the upfront cost is too much for a lot of motorbility scheme users as they generally need a bigger vehicle. I however am also lucky enough to have off road parking.
  10. It was working fine but as they took it out for a while I've decided to go play something less boring thanks.👍
  11. Most of the time I'd guess everyone does but occasionally you do check out where you got killed from or what level of bullshit got you killed. 😜 As it's a bug I'm sure they will rush to get it sorted as they usually do😉
  12. Ah once again you come on with your non argument especially as it seems you don't know anything about the guy. How was cold war for you? Vanguard did you play that? Maybe I should post murdashow video instead I'm sure he got enough kills to back up the argument.
  13. I went to look but couldn't see anything, I'm blocked by infinity ward😂 it's also why I mentioned a bug. However 🤦 3 videos on my feed already...just a thought wonder if they did it to test reaction 😁
  14. So kill cams have been removed from core. Is this a bug or intentional it's hard to tell these days with all the incompetence around.
  15. Tbh I'm not remotely hyped to the point I think the game needs a massive rethink, the season quests just have you doing the same mission over and over and the last one it was easier to apparently wait till the end and run it once. I have played regularly but mostly PvP. Will see how this new strand thing goes do the campaign and then it's summer 😂 so hopefully ps5 takes a back seat.
  16. Maybe they're just better at hiding 😜 I'll get back on when infinity ward inevitably bring back shipment 🤣
  17. I voted for 6v6 and it's where I went I did half a game in an underway dome game and left and then started a game of dom on embassy and left after a few minutes when I realised that being forced to play in quickplay and being offered the museum map and some other gamemode that somehow ended up on my filter isn't for me. I realise that to actually enjoy playing solo without alcohol I like shipment style energetic action and using an FPS game for actually shooting others so for me I'll be going to something else now season 2 is not for me. You guys enjoy.👍
  18. Not sure where to stick this but here it is.
  19. And that's the only place where strict sbmm should be.
  20. Yeah twitter did...
  21. Don't you hate it's all longshots just no imagination. 🤦 All pistols gold, x13 with the impact point barrel is now one of my favourite mess around guns. Also I've 8 assault rifles gold but the plat challenge unlock says 0 of 8 🤔
  22. This aged well from infinity ward. 🤣
  23. Amongst other things I've finished all the battle rifles and the riot shield
  24. We probably will play it longer because the new one this year 🤣 will be made by sledgehammer games 🤣 so I'm still seeing mw2 as a 2 year release. Definitely won't buy a cod for campaign.
  25. until

    Was a good night nice and chilled but still don't like prisoner rescue 😁
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