Well first impressions, as I said last night I enjoyed my start with this game due to really having a long break and my change in attitude to MP games while finding how to have fun in destiny.
If it wasn't for the forum nights like last night I wouldnt have bothered or if there was another solid FPS game out there that I enjoyed *cough* battlefield*cough* I wouldn't have bothered.
All the stuff that is missing is a disgrace, go watch Nero's video, the maps are as expected awful for the most part but designed to be, the market map is by far the best and the road map, well whoever designed that needs to be fired along with those that ok'd it.
Gunplay was solid but only used the m4. The perk system wil be somewhat irrelevant as I'll find my favourite set up and probably never change that.
I only had 1 crash but I was playing solo the crash bug was one reason the other being I can't do with all the "shit" gamemodes so I will mostly stick with KC.
The main reasons, and I don't know how long this will last, for me enjoying last night was alcohol, chat not giving a shit about going positive or winning and using the pila as much as possible to get kills. Got that to level 3 last night on kills alone.
Oh yeah score in game why so small.
Now I knew this going in but it's not a good game, it could have been but once again map design sucks hopefully they do release the old maps and more to the point don't fuck with them. It will be something I play and get my monies worth out of due to it being a 2 year game but nothing like in the past.