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Everything posted by techno

  1. This video shows how stupid the gunsmith is or the fact that it is used to give the illusion of content @GazzaGarrattit seems odd it's a crazy amount of pointless attachments 👍 I'm sure you'll have a positive spin on it though 😂
  2. Finally watched all quiet on the Western front. German dubbed English but we'll dubbed to the point of I barely noticed. Not too much dialogue to be fair but the way it was shot built up the horror or the suspense. It really showed the massive waste of human life in ww1 and the futility of it all but also the sheer bravery in the face of certain death. Long film but I was hooked from start to finish. The look on the main characters face after those final orders said it all.
  3. I don't play those terrible game modes 😉🤣 Its crazy the scores, I've had so many drawn games or ones where the final score is within 1 or 2 tags 🤣
  4. No I actually think the right direction would have been going back in time but that's me. Maybe year 2 😁
  5. This giving money grabbing organisations excuses to deliver second rate products and services is why we get second rate products and services and tbh I'm downright pissed off with it. Oh it all works out in the end blah blah blah. Well here's an idea how about you wait till it works as intended for my cash. Anyway time to buy a car with no wheels but the engine will run smooth. Wheels come with season 1.
  6. @TigerBurge likes it so much seems he posted 3 times 😁 I keep banging on about maps but if there were more and better the game would be instantly so much better there are way too many angles also why is there always way too many head glitch spots near objectives? Also some old school YouTubers really hate it not just new streamers 😁 I've heard some epic rants, blame truth the other day made a good point why do some guns/attachments not show you how to unlock them? He got told to plug a mouse in and hover over it which enraged him further when it said unlocked at level 1 🤣
  7. Yeah it is that now having looked into it , not sure why it didn't work when I tried it, will have to try again cheers.
  8. That doesn't seem to be it, I'll try Google 😁
  9. This game is so bad to the point I just don't care how I do. Sbmm even at this level is terrible all the games go to time limit. The fact I have to grind a shit gun I hate to unlock another better grind that to finally get what I'm after is stupid beyond belief. The maps apart from the market map and maybe farm 18 are trash, just a complicated maze basically to get people used to wankzone. The gunfights may as well be rock paper scissors for how random they are. If it wasn't for playing in the same chat party I'd have refunded it. Obviously there's all the dumb design decisions which will never change. One question if you've managed to earn 2 streaks how do you choose between which to use? Hopefully when I finally unlock what I actually want to use and they add some decent content and stuff that should have been here already maybe there will be something worth my time. Still and always will hate footsteps.
  10. Xclusive ace did one as well might watch this to see how similar it is.
  11. Watched Anna last night and it started a bit slow but ended up being a decent action flick if you don't like too much realism. Decent enough cast too.
  12. Liam Hemsworth Is Picking Up Geralt’s Sword for ‘The Witcher’ Season 4 WWW.NETFLIX.COM The series has been renewed. Oh dear not sure this will work. I really hate legacy actors changing. You may have to change the banner on this forum.
  13. Bitches gonna bitch.. Not sure why you think these are like treyarch maps, colour palette maybe🤷 You might be the only person who thinks the ttk is too slow however I've always hated Hardcore in IW games but your right it should be there for those in the community that like it. Once you get into customisation it's not that hard. Now I see what @Grebothwas saying about the filtered playlist 🤣
  14. Well yeah, for some the fact these things are missing impacts the gameplay, getting fake bans doesn't help folks find out how the game is playing tbh it's cod it's not exactly high intelligent stuff here pick a gun shoot shit. However the crashes are obviously an issue. Now actually how the game is playing for those that can the biggest issues are still the same as the beta, perk system, progression etc oh and the maps are getting shit and rightly so and why so few? Apart from the glaring ommisions and maps everyone knew most of this crap during the beta. Footsteps to me will always be annoying, mostly because I hate hearing my own. Also this is the first cod I feel I have to wear my headset.
  15. I also shoot down UAV when I can actually see them. This game is getting roasted on twitter and YouTube. Did change my settings after watching xclusive ace and it does make a big difference, but I've adapted, got to adapt so I camp behind the portable shield I carry around in my pocket. I tried ground war 🤣 one game and out. 1 kill and barely saw a soul. Spawn system 🤣
  16. Oh there is one more rather big issue, it seems quite a few people are getting permanent bans for no reason and so far Activision are basically sticking their fingers in their ears going lalalalalalalla. So we'll done for that.🤦
  17. Well first impressions, as I said last night I enjoyed my start with this game due to really having a long break and my change in attitude to MP games while finding how to have fun in destiny. If it wasn't for the forum nights like last night I wouldnt have bothered or if there was another solid FPS game out there that I enjoyed *cough* battlefield*cough* I wouldn't have bothered. All the stuff that is missing is a disgrace, go watch Nero's video, the maps are as expected awful for the most part but designed to be, the market map is by far the best and the road map, well whoever designed that needs to be fired along with those that ok'd it. Gunplay was solid but only used the m4. The perk system wil be somewhat irrelevant as I'll find my favourite set up and probably never change that. I only had 1 crash but I was playing solo the crash bug was one reason the other being I can't do with all the "shit" gamemodes so I will mostly stick with KC. The main reasons, and I don't know how long this will last, for me enjoying last night was alcohol, chat not giving a shit about going positive or winning and using the pila as much as possible to get kills. Got that to level 3 last night on kills alone. Oh yeah score in game why so small. Now I knew this going in but it's not a good game, it could have been but once again map design sucks hopefully they do release the old maps and more to the point don't fuck with them. It will be something I play and get my monies worth out of due to it being a 2 year game but nothing like in the past.
  18. Nero's happy 🤣
  19. Well I'll soon find out as I'm downloading the game now and I can't even blame alcohol for once 🤪
  20. With all the info to hand why can't they design good quality MP maps, the rest of the game could be great and it can be ruined by bad map design. Maybe they should design MP maps first then fit them to the campaign somehow.
  21. Good to hear about KC I had seen the emblem on the gamemode list. Also I'm the same as you, I will buy the game against my better judgement though if it wasn't for the forum Id likely give it a miss at least for a while.
  22. Just one more dumb decision by infinity ward.
  23. No kill confirmed if true is another massive fail imo as it was my go-to gamemode that and a bit of Dom I've got no real interest in any of the other shit. Will see tomorrow I guess.
  24. Would be nice to give it another shot if there's enough around.
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