Also it seems in invasion mode it doesn't show kills or deaths 🤣
I played more of the beta last night with people off fg and it was better mainly because of having alcohol, the banter, using my headset, though trying to to sound whore while playing with @LordBaguette is pretty much impossible 😁 I also had access to the dead silence field upgrade which made me feel that dead silence as a perk is absolutely necessary or they really need to quieten down footsteps instead of lying that they had. The maps lol. The weapon progression, perk system and UI is awful.
Is this game worth a purchase simply to play with others on a drink Friday night because that would be the only reason but I would still begrudge giving these development studios any of my money. How is crouch walking round Ads constantly for less than 10 kills a game fun. Tdm sucks due to being able to win with no real movements at least dom has some value as a game mode in an the beta.
Also why do so many people defend this franchise? Why has it become so seemingly necessary to buy into this? Looking back I have only bought 1 cod game since 2017 out of my own money and the only one I was happy I got bought for me was blops 4 the last real cod , the last fun cod.