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Everything posted by techno

  1. No kill confirmed if true is another massive fail imo as it was my go-to gamemode that and a bit of Dom I've got no real interest in any of the other shit. Will see tomorrow I guess.
  2. Would be nice to give it another shot if there's enough around.
  3. Nero is always banging on about progression and giving players something to work towards. It's one of the reasons cold war got called boring. Imagine gran tourismo without a way to earn cars in-game even if it was free would people defend that? It's one of the reasons people want the old prestige system back in cod. It's also one reason people hate sbmm because they get nothing for participating or doing well. One thing is certain these days companies know they can get away with this type of shit because enough people will still throw money at the screen.
  4. Seems all in the garden isn't rosy
  5. Great film, there has been some decent modern day westerns.
  6. Love that film. This past week I watched the gray man and Lou both definitely worth a watch especially if youre into seeing an old woman kick ass. 👍
  7. More video spam but I find nero to be quite balanced tho I agree with others and he's spot on again here. This game is not ready to ship and should be delayed though we all know that's never going to happen. I also agree with him that it maybe ok year 2 like blops4 and that might be the time to get into it. There is a semi decent game in there but at this time it's just not. MW2 2022 does actually seem more like a bad battlefield game than cod to me. I did see an attachment that says something like allows you to move faster when crouched and ADS hahahaha wtf but that's how you have to play. I said it before I played the beta back to back with destiny PvP which I have been vocal about and for fun destiny shits all over cod. Disclaimers I know they are kind of different genres but fun is my driver in gaming.
  8. This sums up my experience of the beta. I like to rush around sitting in corners and playing "tactically" bores me to death. I watched a blame truth video where he was playing cold war, my first thought was look how much better the maps and visibility is, all this " realism " might look good but it's awful in cod. Then there's the gunfights, it could be lag etc but they just seem so random, one second youre melting people the next you just insta die and the kill cam doesn't seem to fit what you just saw. I wonder how many people will buy this game simply because it says cod on the box.
  9. Like @GazzaGarrattI wasn't sure but now I saw CDL intel post on twitter 😂 wtf
  10. Yeah KC is my go-to gamemode. Dom might not be too bad seems ok in this demo but all the other fluff gamemodes nah they can keep that shit. Had to laugh at these videos yesterday
  11. Also it seems in invasion mode it doesn't show kills or deaths 🤣 I played more of the beta last night with people off fg and it was better mainly because of having alcohol, the banter, using my headset, though trying to to sound whore while playing with @LordBaguette is pretty much impossible 😁 I also had access to the dead silence field upgrade which made me feel that dead silence as a perk is absolutely necessary or they really need to quieten down footsteps instead of lying that they had. The maps lol. The weapon progression, perk system and UI is awful. Is this game worth a purchase simply to play with others on a drink Friday night because that would be the only reason but I would still begrudge giving these development studios any of my money. How is crouch walking round Ads constantly for less than 10 kills a game fun. Tdm sucks due to being able to win with no real movements at least dom has some value as a game mode in an the beta. Also why do so many people defend this franchise? Why has it become so seemingly necessary to buy into this? Looking back I have only bought 1 cod game since 2017 out of my own money and the only one I was happy I got bought for me was blops 4 the last real cod , the last fun cod.
  12. Hmmm Seeing this been passed round twitter. Also see way more hate for the game this week than last, I guess it's because it's now on multiple platforms.
  13. One more thing on footsteps it's not like it hasn't been mentioned by everyone on every review I've watched so it is a big issue. Anyway this you could say is Nsfw And here's one on the perk system, I do like that if people have an issue they are giving suggestions
  14. Yes @GazzaGarrattthey said they'd tone it down so I need to see what's in the full release. The footsteps audio is something I just don't like to hear not necessarily for the aid it gives you in game. Also as said it does have a counter or even put it in same perk slot as ghost or some other powerful perk and make people choose. Maybe also it wouldn't be as necessary of an issue if the maps weren't as " complex" not only can I be heard coming but I can be shot from a million different places I can't possibly check. It all slows the game down, which is fine if you want rainbow six cod siege. I get that your not allowed to criticize anything these days because you'll offend someone as it's seen as a micro aggression and if you are fine with the game that's ok they can't cater to everyone.
  15. Well it seems infinity wards latest post about changes to next weeks beta has gone down like a lead balloon, seems I'm blocked on twitter for some reason but it's on fb too. Most people seem to agree that they don't listen. The mini map part is particularly amusing. " We do not want to punish people for firing their weapons" 🤣
  16. In any way you can apparently I've got 2 waivers 🤣
  17. I need to see how you change your players if I get some time.
  18. Not sure what you mean but I believe nothing changes when you die. It was an exclusive ace video I believe that broke it down
  19. I saw you earn first one after 4 mins second after 8 but every 10 score reduces each by a second.
  20. I can only assume it didn't last 🤣
  21. techno

    Nfl 2022

    There's a dolphin fan at work and he's been bashing on about how good they will be this year. However even he won't have expected that.
  22. Ok tried it again and I'm sorry but the footstep audio is terrible and for me needs to go or get toned down, I can hope that some of the other maps are better because the hotel map is just awful. Also for me playing like mw19 doesn't cut it as I hate that game for probably the same reasons I am disliking this dlc. I want to like it but some of the things in that thread I posted would make it a good game. But at this stage it's a definite no from me, I could deal with the maps though as @GazzaGarrattsaid there are just too many head glitches but the footsteps need to go. You can tell that they are bad because people are duck walking aiming down the sights everywhere. Will infinity ward change anything 🤣🤣
  23. Might not be the easiest to read but it's some feedback that's posted on the modern warzone twitter feed.
  24. Well I've played for just over an hour which means I like it more than mw2019 but that's like saying I'd prefer to piss myself than shit myself. The maps are still too complex, there's too many places to get shot from. Hopefully there will be some better ones at launch. The guns seem to have too much recoil and muzzle flash but maybe that can be toned down with one of the million pointless attachments in the game to give a feel of content. The suppressing blur is also downright annoying and need removing fuck that shit. Not too fussed about the progression it's something you'd get used to. Oh yeah footsteps not as bad as I thought but with how much of a cluster fuck the bad maps are they are needed, ghost is a crutch perk. Unsuppressed weapon fire should show up on the mini map. The whole game is designed for slow campy gamestyle, this is only Cod by name and not the franchise I got into gaming playing.
  25. techno

    Heavy Rain

    It was @JsinOwl as he put me into it, the story was fine I found the gameplay a little lacking but I did see it through. Even the sex scene 😁
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