Start with the good, the gunplay is solid it sounds good and looks good which may even be a bad as visibility sucks because of it.
No combat record is great because like nero said in his latest video it means I just don't care about kd or win loss etc.
Maps are tragic, market and farm are the best but in no means good. El asshole is hide and seek as is embassy, bagra has a wicked spawn trap, taraq and border are a hard no.
Gun leveling is ridiculous.
Perk system is so bad and with no dead silence or ghost makes UAV spam so over powered and with suppressors not working they are pointless.
Spawn system needs a change.
Weapon attachments, there's so many to give a feeling of content yet most are useless or do the same or make your gun worse.
Footsteps are too loud.
Sbmm even at my level is and always will be dumb, anything other than ranked should be connection based.
The lack of in-game challenges, hopefully these come with season 1 otherwise for me game will be pretty much dead.
The cod community, the way people play and there fact that this type of awful product can be released because the Devs know it will always sell. Also all the pointless movements people are hilarious, and that brings me onto why I'm playing. It's winter and I've got bored of destiny and Iike fps games, there is very little on TV and I'm actually laughing so much in games, this is the worst cod I've bought but it's so bad it's funny. Let's see what comes with season 1 but I'd be surprised if it's anything good.😁
If shipment comes as expected that alone shows how bad maps and the community are👍