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Everything posted by techno

  1. It's call o doody of course it's fantastic 🤣
  2. Hold on cocaine and hookers does Katie know 🤣
  3. This, whatever your views on climate change etc I have no time for these people. As James said I've asked on twitter why they are all white, and apparently it's because of how POC are treated by the police, yeah ok. Most seem to want COVID level restrictions, one woman interviewed was on disability but tramping round the streets protesting they are all major spoiled hypocrites and if twitter is to be believed 🤣 they get shit constantly it's some of the best comments sections around. Here's a reply I got from someone that then blocked me, I actually before the block thought it was a parody.
  4. @MrBiron just seen this 😁
  5. Like all things entertainment we all have our own opinions. However I agree about mw remastered but we can't really blame maps for that, I have also stated that people would want new maps but they seem to want fan favourites to return. Why? Surely we'd prefer new favourites ? Looking forward to hopefully seeing some actual fan favourites eventually 😉
  6. Saw blametruth tweet about footsteps and dead silence etc and this from xclusive ace. But great game 🤣
  7. I should have been more clear, when I said nail in it's coffin I meant from my pov, we all know they could sell Bejeweled turds to most of this community if it had the call of duty name on it.
  8. I think one thing he's getting at is the pay to win aspect, true you don't need this shit and personally they can shove it but you know this thing will likely be OP till the next season when it will be nerfed in favour of the next OP gun. I also saw on twitter most saying they will just by the bundle and that is as sad a thing to admit as it sounds.
  9. I'm sorry I couldn't disagree more. Having maps better than the last 3-4 cod's isn't a win as they are regarded as some of the worst ever. I also think that the maps on cold war were better but still nothing to write home about. Saying having bespoke maps for 6v6 hurt the file size and should be used for othet gamemodes makes sense shows how little they value 6v6 multiplayer in favour of gamemodes that probably get way less traffic and are there imo to make it look like more content however we can agree to disagree but from my point of view as a 6v6 player exclusively it's just another mail in this games coffin. Still I'm hopeful eventually they will add some real 6v6 maps in but I won't hold my breath. One other thing how many of these over complicated mazes do you think we will see again as "fan favourites" ? I'd bet none.
  10. I'm not running ghost and this is a thread about how powerful the UAV is because of infinity wards useless unbalanced perk system. Now was it bees or mym that said something irrelevant to this thread especially on games were dead silence was a thing 🙄
  11. Also it's hard to shoot down when you're in buildings especially for instance the hotel map....but it's ok because we have launchers
  12. Tips and tricks 🤣
  13. It's a great idea for a series and shows how much unnecessary extra movements these idiots do.
  14. Same
  15. 100% I've said all along the main reason these games are ass is because of shit map design first, everything else is secondary to map design.
  16. Ah yes nicely patronising, I do carry a launcher but here's the kicker I shouldn't have to carry a fucking launcher there are other secondary weapons to use, that's just as dumb as saying you should always run counter UAV, why? Surely have ghost and another strong perk maybe dead fucking silence in the same tier and make people have a choice, but no let's make every game the same. I'll just spend all game being a mobile SAM turret. I don't know why people defend. Cod no matter how dumb the design decisions are.
  17. Yes it is too powerful, at the beginning of a game it has no counter. Except counter UAV
  18. I hate the fact they brought shitment back again, it's not even a map tbh. If they wanted a small map for idiots to grind camos why not something like rust. I didn't really play mw19 but if I had I'd be pretty disappointed with those 2, it's pretty lazy with the vast amounts of maps to choose from. I also see combat record and hardcore are coming 🤣
  19. No I didn't play mw2019 but I have heard how crap the challenges were. I personally do think it could be streamlined a little, I see no reason for so many attachments that do the same thing.
  20. This is pretty insane 🤣 It also shows how Devs are adding unnecessary grinds to games to maximize play time.
  21. Start with the good, the gunplay is solid it sounds good and looks good which may even be a bad as visibility sucks because of it. No combat record is great because like nero said in his latest video it means I just don't care about kd or win loss etc. Bad. Maps are tragic, market and farm are the best but in no means good. El asshole is hide and seek as is embassy, bagra has a wicked spawn trap, taraq and border are a hard no. Gun leveling is ridiculous. Perk system is so bad and with no dead silence or ghost makes UAV spam so over powered and with suppressors not working they are pointless. Spawn system needs a change. Ugly. Weapon attachments, there's so many to give a feeling of content yet most are useless or do the same or make your gun worse. Footsteps are too loud. Sbmm even at my level is and always will be dumb, anything other than ranked should be connection based. The lack of in-game challenges, hopefully these come with season 1 otherwise for me game will be pretty much dead. The cod community, the way people play and there fact that this type of awful product can be released because the Devs know it will always sell. Also all the pointless movements people are hilarious, and that brings me onto why I'm playing. It's winter and I've got bored of destiny and Iike fps games, there is very little on TV and I'm actually laughing so much in games, this is the worst cod I've bought but it's so bad it's funny. Let's see what comes with season 1 but I'd be surprised if it's anything good.😁 If shipment comes as expected that alone shows how bad maps and the community are👍
  22. That might be the first gun I actually level fully
  23. How to play call of doodoo now I know where I'm going wrong 🤣
  24. I'm not buying a TV because it might help me play cod 🤣 I bought a big TV because TV/film 👍
  25. I did see a video yesterday saying that if you change your aim assist setting to black ops and dynamic it's almost aim bot. I have seen some that say dynamic is better (s curve I think ) however since changing I've definitely seen better kd. 🤷
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