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Everything posted by techno

  1. Though not on the video Hickman has gone 200+mph through the speed trap
  2. Not sure how many on here watch or are intrested in this except @Diddums but it's that time of year. Having ridden round the island hitting 130mph the fact these guys hit 130+ average speed is mind blowing. Already in practice Micheal Dunlop has done an unofficial 135.53mph lap on the superbike and broken the supertwin lap record from a standing start. Anyway here's on onboard from day one practice, I heard no lap timer to take the pressure off while they get up to speed. To think the big bike races are 6 laps too that's hard. Doesn't look too scary @GazzaGarratt
  3. Hello and Welcome 👍
  4. Apart from I haven't been daft enough to buy any but have a heavily discounted "sale" Now a loyalty scheme would be at least a better idea for those that do but the odd skin, a bit like getting enough points in the pass to buy the next one.
  5. Seems depending on how many cod points you have the skins cost different amounts
  6. I know that pain
  7. Ww2 ? That will be sledgehammers best effort. This next game is more than likely to be a steaming heap. Is anybody really hyped ?
  8. All that effort then they basically hand it to everyone 👍
  9. Yeah I'm definitely down for it again, it gives an added interest in the season.
  10. In Nero's video he says that because we have said fuck no chances are the EU will follow suit.
  11. First I've actually watched regarding this game and it sounds better than I expected at the moment.
  12. I'm not interested in the whole canted iron sights type gameplay and the other map is just too big. It may play better in game modes that focus gunfights into smaller areas but then it's cluttered and the colour palette is just poor.
  13. techno

    DMZ Season 3

    At this point does it really matter those who play/like DMZ will be fine with it like everything else and those that don't play it, well why care? We all know the developers/ Activision can do as they please and enough people will buy into it.
  14. Regardless of peak anything from what I see season 3 is atrocious from a 6v6 pov. The rest I could give a fuck.
  15. Yeah not going there, I'd be surprised if there is anything in this that will get me to change how I play this game. However I have to say they do know the type of people that get off on new CoD with the premium £30 quid battle pass.😉👍 Enjoy people.
  16. I still watch eight thoughts and thunder and yes they do have critiscms of the game and as eight says that's what drives clicks people love hate videos however both can't simply be dismissed if they have genuine gripes. However Nero as James said is pretty fair. Now we all like different things same as YouTubers be a bit weird if we didn't, but companies shouldn't just get a pass if they make dumb or incompetent decisions. Cod is ok because no matter what they shit out it has enough of a following and enough idiots buying crap to be fine. Probably just like rockstar.
  17. Westie🤣
  18. It's all new to me, I only noticed when I tried to equip strand ...🙄
  19. So I was thinking of moving destiny to pc and see everything crosses over till I noticed lightfall is missing. So reading this I assume then I'd have to buy it for the pc now as well as owning it on ps5, if that's the case hell no.
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 28/100 My Time 123 seconds  
  21. The launcher one was easy with the RPG did that while I finished the 200 kills plat challenge. The marksman rifle one I did without knowing while doing the tempest torrent unlock double kills.
  22. Chad has made some great points, this latest expansion came out and because it's just the same format I know I can miss weeks then just catch up. Also with playing since d1 beta I can see how things have gone down hill especially the PvP side. Like cod which gets it's fair share of time PvP is quick you can drop in and out and not necessarily dedicate big time like you might in a raid. Now raids , I used to really enjoy but I feel the game raids, more complex than fun, dungeons and the awful grind has been implemented due to YouTube and is now built for @Baabcatof old 😁. I didn't even realise the new raid was out, watched one video and just like the last raid thought nah. My other problem now speaking personally is I only play with you guys on a weekend now cod is great to do that at the moment destiny just isn't due to needing to learn mechanics etc. Builds however are easier than ever and strand is quite fun.
  23. Totally agree with that I think the ttk is too quick
  24. And I recently paid £8 for it ..🤦🤣 Its definitely worth it for free 😁
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