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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Not really impressed at all to be honest. But not sure if that surprises me as all i'm interested in is multiplayer and the trailer only showcases single player. Looks like it's trying to jump on a bandwagon of futuristic shooters like Titanfall and Halo rather than doing it's own thing. But if it does go down that route they'll have to do an awesome job to compete with Destiny which will already have a couple of months of release in the bank
  2. Just everything i read about this game just makes me want it more and more. PvE, PvP and community events, skill trees, raid type things.... September 9th will be booked off work and maybe another day or 2 on top. Gimmie gimmie now!!
  3. From what i've seen so far i like the look of the hunter. But with that said it depends alot on the RPG elements as in every MMORPG i've played before my main was always a buff/debuff character. So maybe a warlock. One thing i'm pretty sure of is that i'll have a blast playing with all of them!!
  4. I'd love another war era game. Thr first few iterations of cod were extremly good and each one improved in the genre. Whereas the "modern" day era games are now a little stale. So long as there's some good innovation and thought i'll be happy. Ghosts screamed out to me that it was a game they didn't really give 2 shits about apart from microtransactions. Plus don't be afraid to steal the good ideas from previous games. Pick 10, league play, killstreaks that you actually enjoy getting! etc etc... With Destiny and the Division on the horizon they are really going to have to show something special to claw back some of the fanbase that was alienated in the last few games
  5. I will be there. But it's someone else's turn on the bacon sarnies!!
  6. Confirmed for April 30th http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2014/04/25/massive-ps4-update-170-gets-a-release-date Time to dust off the PVR!!
  7. Let me get this right....You miss a game that drove you to so much frustration that you broke the disc?
  8. Played BO2 recently on league play. Most fun i've had on cod in ages. So i'm totally down for more
  9. Hotfix: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC. Added killstreak point rewards for KC, DOM and Grind game types to promote objective play: KC: Half point rewarded for collecting tags. DOM: Half point rewarded for changing a flag to Neutral, and another half point from neutral to Captured. Grind: Half point rewarded for each tag banked. Too little too late on finally rewarding objective play. Shouldn't have moved away from scorestreaks in the first place, but at least they've tried i guess
  10. I would say if you're getting beat at "mid" range with a pistol vs AR i would blame connection more than pistols being OP. They're handy at short range but nothing more imo
  11. We did exactly the same thing!! God damn i miss the pasta there, but not the price of the beer. 10 euro for a pint did not sit well!
  12. Not myself but i know a few people that have either lived there or frequent the area quite often. All of them have fallen in love with the Catalan area. I can ask for a few must see sights and reccomendations if that'd help? So long as you like good food and wine i think you can't go wrong with Spain. Just in case you didn't know the language they speak in that area is slightly different to the rest of Spain so may be worth brushing up on the slight differences
  13. From our recent trip to Rome The Pantheon: Trevi fountain: There's loads more but i won't bore everyone!
  14. Seems to me that everytime you're drunk you have to get call Diddums and get your cock out. Bit of weird fetish you got going on there!
  15. Yo dude! Have fun and enjoy your stay.
  16. Euan's paint skills know no bounds! Well played! I'd love to have a kick about but a bit too far to travel really!
  17. The stream was shit last night all the way up until the final strangely where i only had to reset it about 10 times! Complexity just looked awesome though. Deserved champs for me, just a shame the NV team that was seem for the earlier part didn't show up. Pleased to see Optic up there again and running these teams close. Not sure if they choked or were just beaten by the better team but either way a 3rd place finish is alot higher than i expected
  18. Ahhh that makes more sense. So the winners of the losers bracket play the loser of the winner's semi. Seems fair enough when put like that. Here's hoping for an Optic vs Complexity final
  19. Nice update Euan. The winners/losers bracket thing confuses me. Seems odd that the 2 winners play each other and the 2 losers. Would've thought the semi would be winner vs loser. Harsh to Optic or Complexity to go out at semis after performing so well. Not managed to catch as much of the tourney as i would have liked but enjoyed what i have watched. Alot of teams really playing well and some surprise results as well What time is the Optic/Complexity match? You didn't put the time in yoyr last post!
  20. Thought he was a Gunners fan. Gonna text him some shit now!
  21. So much has been already said that the exclusivity for xbox is the 1st game only. I don't think Microsoft could stump up enough cash to keep it as an exclusive given that the ps4 is the more popular console this time around. It just wouldn't make sense for EA from a financial perspective for game sales alone, let alone the dlc that would inevitably follow. They'll probably go the COD route and try and pay for early dlc, but i can't see anything other than this.
  22. All game modes are cool with riot shields!! Should be a good laugh playing this game mode. I always remember it being an enjoyable clusterfuck type of thing
  23. Looks pretty good to me. I was pretty meh about DLC for Ghosts as the game hasn't grabbed me like normal, but this does tempt me. I like the way they're expanding the scope of extinction and trying something new(ish) with it. I'm not really sure where i sit on the old map remakes. It almost feels like a lack of inspiration from IW. Remakes are fine for me if they're free. Whereas charging me for shit i've played already is a bit shady. I'm actually glad xbox get it first so i can watch a few vids first and then make up my mind from there.
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