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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Is this crispy (Cepheus)? If so, sorry about last night. My internet crapped out on me! Looking forward to a few more games though all the same
  2. Stretch616


    Really pleased they've addedd more stuff to do already. A good mix of PvP, storyline lore, raids and general events in the areas. I'll be very happy if they continue to update things this often and listen to the community feedback and act on it
  3. Love it even more so than the Beta. Atmosphere, gameplay, connection etc.. all feel spot on. However i am concerened about the longevity of the free content. One major point of this game for me was going to be the regular new free content. But i'm not going to bitch about it until i've got all 3 slots to max level and all content explored which i imagine will take quite a while. Also the 1st raid will be out next week so that is the holy grail at the moment. Hopefully this will be a massive addition but difficult to say as nobody really knows about what will be involved
  4. Yeah i think you need to go into the tower once to show your account is active and from there you can try to join the clan. Motto choice: Kill 'em....Kill 'em all (Starship Troopers!) Mission statement should be cenetered round the community here I would say. Probably something friendly and inviting rather than "we're the uber Deztiny clan" type of thing!
  5. What we managed to acheive on our first night (apart from shouting at each other and avoiding spiders!):
  6. Damn!! I wants it now! Can't get round to picking up my copy till tomorrow afternoon. Sooooo excited now!!
  7. Applied to the clan also Bob. Let me know if you want a hand with the admining of the clan. More than happy to help 1 day to go!! There's a nice final weekly update on bungie.net to have a look over which addresses some of the endgame content. Looks pretty good to me and i'm pretty sure they're holding back on a lot of other stuff which we don't yet know about
  8. Any fans of the Monkey Island series? I've been working my way through the PS3 iteration over the last week and it's been a great bit of nostalgia. Once i've finished with the 5 episodes/games on the PS3 i'm tempted to go back to the originals. Anyone else remember playing this series way back when? If not take a look at it, it's a great testament to story telling and gameplay difficulty which treads the line between utter frustration and addiction pretty much perfectly
  9. So 2 days to go until the full version is released and i can't wait. In my world this is the main release this year. I just really hope it delivers on the scale of game that they have talked about. The main thing i'm dissapointed about is that i can't take a day off work on launch day! So who's excited, what class are you building first, what are you looking forward to most or are you looking forward to the whole game being a complete surprise? Whatever it is, i think we'll all be very happy gamers come Tuesday!
  10. Haven't watched the vid yet, but i think it was released to tap into the Chinese market as all Consoles were banned for quite some time. I think it's only being lifted now. So an almost modded COD was released on to cater for a Chinese market only. But as you've said a F2P COD experience mixing everything together would be cool. However it would be totally unbalanced. Whereas thr Chinese market doesn't give a shit because at least they get to play COD. Guess we can't have our cake and eat it!
  11. So 1 week in here are the standings: There's still plenty of time to join if peoples still want to take part
  12. Looks kinda like BO2 on crack. So in one way i'm happy but i am worried about the amount of movement involved. As Euan said i'm worried that the scufless will be on a different level. It was also nice to see they weren't afraid to use previous developers ideas and give them credit. And Ghosts wasn't mentioned once!!
  13. I was wondering how long it would take to get "corrected"! Not long as it happens!
  14. So here we go again folks. Register yourself on the official FA Premier League website and tap in the following code to join our little league. Can't remembwr who won last year, but i'm just hoping i don't come bottom again!! 1066968-255684 Good luck to everyone that has a bash
  15. Confused....lvl cap is 20 or 25? Also i find it hard to believe they won't implement matchmaking in the raids as they did it with a 3 man team on the final mission of the Beta. Which was a mini raid event. You have any sources on this info James? One thing that nobody has talked about in a while is the commitment from Bungie on the daily updated content. Depending on how much content is packed with the original there could be a plethera of new content to try if they stuck to their promise.
  16. My Destiny experience so far has been nothing short of awesome. From the initial cinematics and music score to actually jumping into the game. I just can't believe the polish on the game at this stage for a Beta version. It's the little things that make a difference in a game of this cope and they have done this down to a tee. From the individual looking gear (even at this early stage) to the actual sound mechanics. Seriously, join a fireteam with somebody, but don't go into party chat, then talk to each other in game. You'll notice when in an enclosed room your voice will actually echo! Also, if one of the other people has chosen their race as the Exo (robot), then their voice will be warped to sound slightly robotic. I said in my earlier post that it seems more like a MMORPGFPS and I stand by that comment. The social area reminds me alot of previous MMO's i've played and is something that reminds you of the scope of people playing and involved in this game. I like the difference between the levelling and the gear. As the level cap is 20 in game (afaik), it will be reached pretty quickly by alot of people. However getting that all important gear will take a hell of a lot longer. Which is a great way to (sudo) raise the levelling cap, but without actually doing so. PvP has been a steep learning curve. It's not a FPS like any other that you've played before and will take some time to get used to. It's a lot more vertically based than many of the mainstream games. But once you have the knack of it, it becomes very rewarding. The class centric specials have a big part to play in this environment, but I couldn't pick one out that was better than the other. The Hunter's golden gun, could give multiple one shot kills, you just need a decent aim! The Warlock's Nova is very effective and has a wider aoe (area of effect) but you need to be up in the air first to make it more likely to hit where you want it. Lastly the Titan's smash, is just as powerful as the Nova, with a smaller aoe but can be started up whilst on the ground with the same effectiveness. They've introduced (so far) 2 different types of PvP. One where gear doesn't make a difference and one where it does. So if you're a min/maxer looking for the best challenge, then there's a spot for you. But if you like it a bit more casual, then that's been catered for also. The open world is vibrant, vast and heavily populated. It really does give you a sense of the world that they're trying to create. And from what we've seen, this is only one area of the Earth "realms". There's plenty to explore just within this and there are endless missions which can be picked up from the raido beacons, so you could level up and enjoy the area without ever having to touch the storyline. There are also lots of secrets hidden away in the area, so exploring can feel rewarding if you manage to get your hands on that shiney you wanted! Lastly the storyline has been pretty immense so far and has been a great introduction to the way of life as a Guardian. The storyline missions have been paced very well and are viable as a solo operator just as much as a team. They can also be ran at 2 levels of difficulty at present which again adds to the replayability. The Strike Force mission in the Beta is great fun and adds a real layer of excitement to the game when you get a boss that just won't seem to go down, no matter what you throw at it. Forced match making in this area means even solo operators will be able to play these missions at a moments notice should they wish to. All in all, I've enjoyed the hell out of this Beta and the game has exceeded my already high expectations. I can't wait for the Beta to re-open in a few days time and Septemeber can't come soon enough. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a go, it's the real AAA title for next-gen we've been waiting for.
  17. Looks awesome. Also looks pretty funny when attatched to the "turtle"! I would love something like this but i think i'm gonna have to settle for an inflatable.
  18. Still need to write a proper post, but i wanted to just touch on this COD killer thing. Destiny is an awesome game, but it's a different animal to COD. COD is basically centred around PvP content, whereas Destiny's focus is more around PvE content. Plus i think Desiny is more of a MMORPGFPS(?!) than a strict FPS. It has a hell of a lot more in commom with Warframe than COD. What i'm getting at is that Destiny will not be a COD killer as it's not the same game. However it sets the bar pretty high for what level of quality we should be expecting from now on, on next gen. From what i've seen of Destiny so far. I don't think this will be a game to tide me over. It will become my no1 game and i'll maybe dabble in COD. It really depends on how AW turns out. There's nothing to go off at the moment as no MP info has been released, so as it stands i'm not that excites for it.
  19. Me and Mat were on it last night. I've heard alot of people have had probelms with the download. Luckily mine went through in about an hour with no hiccups. Going to write a bit more of an in depth first impression after work. But it's fricken awesome!!
  20. I've been quiet on here for a few reasons but i'd love to help on the Facebook side of things if you wanted Mike Edit: Forgot to say, all the strides being made by the important people (bar Euan) is really appreciated! Viva la FG!
  21. Didn't i play this a while back at yours Diddums? If so, then yeah it's a hella cool game. Really excited to see it land for PS4 as i'm too cheap to buy a decent gaming rig (also don't have the room but that's another story!)
  22. They are region specific. I'll have 2 spare codes for EU region PS4 if anyone wants
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