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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Px21's come with the 3.5mm plug as standard so it's pretty easy. What leads are attatched to the headsets you're having issues with?
  2. I'd be down for a March visit, just gotta check how money and shit is closer to the time
  3. This would be awesome to take part in. Would be cool if we could get a few of us together to stream from the same place
  4. Sweet. Looks like i'm going to London in April then! Diddums, take this as notice that i'm crashing at yours!
  5. In my limited experience so far it's not been too bad. IMO miles better than COD community and alot less focused on K/D YMMV
  6. Mata could be Utd's Ozil. The player that they need to link it all together. Personally a front 4 of Kagawa, Mata, Rooney and RvP sounds very intimidating. A few more class signings and they should be good for 4th. Watching the match at the pub tonight and i hope utd put on a better show this time. Last leg they were spineless really. Which is something i'd never have said of a Fergie utd team
  7. Mmmm, weird you've said that about LMG's. It's my go to class. I've struggled like hell with AR's but my trusty LSAT has been great. Plus i always run ammo packs and boxes! Josh was firing RPG's for about 5 mins constantly to bring down the skyscraper but never ran out of ammo!
  8. Scumpy's just put up a vid confirming the changes and there will be a MLG vid tomorrow which should answer alot of the burning questions
  9. Scumpy back to Optic. Saints has gone. More to follow......
  10. Now there's a few more of us playing should we start seriously looking at this?
  11. But you muted me and Tam for 2 games cause you went in a huff!
  12. Totally agree Tam. These fuckabout sessions are prolonging the life of the game whilst being a hell of a lot more enjoyable. They are even better once Euan takes his try hard pants off and joins in!
  13. I notice a distinct lack of Andy Carroll in your team Sebba. You can thank me another time! I'll post my team shortly for your amusement!
  14. I actually finished my challenege a few weeks ago. I just forgot to post. The game has kind of sapped my energy to be honest so didn't feel like i was happy about it. Still it's kinda cool when people look at your specs and see your favourite weapon being the throwing knife!
  15. Tam wins! I'm gonna work on my anti Vela tactics and challenge you again
  16. Good games on Fifa last night Tam. I now have a severe hatred for Carlos Vela! Dave, my man. Good news on the PS4, hopefully we'll get some game time in over the weekend. Euan, stop playing Wham everytime you come into a chat lobby, dick
  17. One of the best and most sensible posts i've seen relating to COD and current state of play. The main problem with COD is the community not the actual product that is produced
  18. Was good last night even though i wasn't playing cod. This party system has made my gaming experience so much better. I could play Fifa and enjoy it whilst having the banter with you guys. With that said would love to get a big party game going soon
  19. My thoughts exactly Rich. Big T and Nade at least said they were partly to blame whereas Scump didn't actually talk about it at all. I'm hoping it's his age and a slight insecurity thing. He seems a nice enough guy that'd just had enough. No need to burn your bridges, just be an adult and move on
  20. Surely you'd be bored after 5 mins and go chasing after something shiney you'd seen out of the window? Good luck with it if you try it but approx 6 days straight of computer just sounds crazy to me
  21. To answer the thread title simply. Yes. Much better. I want to add more but that'd get in the way of all the Battlefielding!
  22. Not got much experience with guns so far but i have to say the Scar has been nothing short of magic for me. Looking forward to trying out a few other guns today
  23. I'm on it now: PSN: stretch616
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