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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I think Bob's right, it's just that damn quick TTK again. When there's no issue ripping through 250 health something doesn't seem right
  2. Just played a few games of hunted. It's pretty good! Everyone going for crates to get better weapons (but only 1 clip per gun!) in a TDM environment. I could play quite a bit more of this I reckon
  3. Wait, we can use guns now?!!
  4. Yes, but not what I was getting at. I just meant that if you only have selected a primary and wanted to switch to the combat knife, you couldn't. Of course picking up a gun changes that, but when you have 2 guns you're not so bothered about a combat knife!
  5. Shhhhhh....you'll give Diddums a sense of pride!
  6. Throwing knife. About 200 kills in! Plus a little bit of shield on the side!
  7. Ace!! Reminds me alot of my apprenticeship and getting numerous shocks and jolts cause we were being stupid or just hanging from the night before
  8. Prison map, Whiteout and the factory one are all pretty cool.
  9. Shock horror, new tech is proving to be a bit of a pain! The fact they've acknowledged it and are working on it is much better than what people are allowed to say about the xbox1 version (which has a review embargo till the 12th, if you didn't know)
  10. If you don't select a primary/secondary you can't swap weapon to a combat kinfe. Kinda annoying at times!
  11. UAV is better. But I like the fact that they've nerfed it slighty into the SatCom. As Bob said, once the game's been out a bit longer and people go for higher streaks.or use wiretap the spam will slow down. With the stacking effect it actually lends itself to coordinating when to put them up with your team to get the maximum benefit
  12. Brief as it was, it was good to get some games in with you as well Bob. The maps are pretty big and easy to get lost in. Luckily we're all very forgiing fellows round here, just don't do it again!!
  13. Ramsey's been doing an awesome job for my dream team this year. I thought Wilshire would be the one to watch this year, but really pleased to see a British player coming into his own like this. Arsenal looking really good on all fronts. Who'd have lunk it pre season!!
  14. I thought i'd put this here for my first vid (mod's feel free to move it). But this is a semi highlight reel of my first few games on cod last night. I hope people enjoy and hopefully i'll be able to put up a few more and with some better gameplay. If anyone else has a bit of gameplay that's out of the ordinary then please put it here for everyone else to enjoy!
  15. Hey there and welcome. Always good to have new faces on board
  16. Riley only takes one throwing knife to kill him. Rather than putting endless rounds in him
  17. Shield with titanium frame2x concussions 1x throwing knife Extra tac grenade Agility Lightweight Tac mask Dead silence I think that's it. It's becoming pretty hard to get an ideal setup on the perk loadout
  18. Had a look on the store yesterday but couldn't see it. Although I am a muppet when it comes to things like this!!
  19. First impressions for me revolve totally around connection. I honestly can't believe on launch day that I experienced zero issues with lag. That solves at least 50% if not more of the issues I had with cod. Maps are nice and big, rather than the cluster fuck IW maps we're used to! (Dome!) They will work pretty nicely on 9v9 on next gen I reckon. But on the whole best stock map set i've seen in a good while. The only negative thing I would say is the TTK is just too quick for all weapons at the moment. But hopefully that's something that can be easily patched after a bit of dataminig and customer feedback. After all the talk of COD being a dying brand the dedicated servers have played a blinder and made the multiplayer something really special
  20. One night into the challenge and it's going to be a bitch! Level 14ish I think at the moment. I'm finding game modes like domination are the best source of extra xp for PTFO. Couldn't properly figure out how to melee cancel, so had to use the titanium frame attatchment for the shield. Bashing is alot easier in this than BO2, but still going to take a bit of getting used to. Throwing knife was way off to begin with, but now i'm starting to zero in my aim and have quite a few kills with it. It's going to be a long road ahead, but i'm going to play about with some perk loadouts which should help me a bit more. I recorded a few games last night and have put it together in a little vid which i'll upload later
  21. No camo for combat knife so it seems. But lots of different challenges for camos on shield
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