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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Cool man, i'm gonna be in Brixton for around 4. I think Dave's picking me up so I can drop my shit off round his and then I think we're golden
  2. Yeah, we've got some talented artists i'm sure that'd be all over that kind of business. I just wanna talk Youtube and bloggy stuff.
  3. I think Tam, Mrs Tam and Dylan are coming on Friday also? What time is Cal getting in at?
  4. It'll be an interesting season, and I don't think you could really pick the top 4 from the current "big" 6. There's going ot be some very dissapointed people come the end of the season. It just worries me how cuthroat the Glaziers could be now that Fergie isn't there. Football is all about keeping the shareholders happy now, so would they give him time to settle if it were to be a poor season?
  5. It's the plural there that worries me Rich, you planning on giving Euan 2 hands to deal with! Saying that he'll already have a numb arse from the flight so may as well take advantage!
  6. If you still had Fergie at the helm, i'd probably agree with the above. But being as it's a new manager, I'm not really sure you can count on him getting as much out of the players as Fergie did. I mean really when you look at Utd player for player they aren't really the strongest team, but somehow always managed to grind out the results. Plus Utd always seemed to go on a major run after Xmas. If Moyes can get this going for him, I think it'll be a quiet season for you. But so long as he's learning that's the main thing. It's by far the biggest change to any team in the summer regardless of Bale grabbing all the headlines.
  7. We'll all be there to give you drunken man hugs! Rich may want a little more affection than that, but I guess you kinda figured that out before now anyways!
  8. I don't know where you are with stuff on this Dave, but remind me to talk to you about this when I'm down at the weekend.
  9. Compared to GTA4 the driving in this is a dream. I put most (if not all) of the cockups down to my shitty driving rather than the handling system
  10. I can't believe anyone could pick somebody other than Trevor. Hands down the best character i've played with in any game, let alone just this one.
  11. Mickey mouse cup this week though so not really a big deal on the result. Although I think Moyes could do with a convincing win just to make some of the more fickle fans shut up. i totally agree about Fellani though Rich. I thought he was bought so you could play Kagawa as your creative player and Fellani would do all the tidying up. Fellani & Carrick just isn't a world class midfield pairing. It's barely a good Premier League midfield. I seriously hope that they get busy in the Xmas transfer window
  12. Am I the only one who imagined the women giving the beating looking something like the little old lady out of Madagascar?! Awesome stuff though, I really got worried for the guy doing the commentary, he was proper losing it at times. Breathe dude, breathe!!
  13. Not quite what i'd call general discussion, but they are valid tips all the same!
  14. There's so much quality now in the top teams in the premier league with Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City & Liverpool (albeit due to a good start) it wouldn't be totally out of the question to see them struggle for top 4 if they don't put the work in now
  15. Rich is strangley quiet in this thread! Utd just didn't seem to have the passion or creativity to cope with city. It might be a long few seasons for utd fans if that's the best (sans Persie) that they can do.
  16. It's a big dissapointment to me. When people started dropping off on BO2 I found myself playing alot of LP. It was a complete change of pace and I really enjoy that aspect of the game. It's probably the main reason I go back to cod now. Very sad to see it go
  17. Afternoon here too. Probably a good shout after the Friday night session!
  18. Probably more for the out of context threas, but maybe that's actually the reason he got kicked out?!
  19. Depends on what you define "nothing" as. Have you 100%'d the game? Like all jumps, flying under bridges etc.. Seems to me there's an absolute wealth of content, even just like setting yourself personal goals
  20. Awesome find Rich. I think it 's great and the fact it's so public will hopefully teach the kid a lesson. Some people may say it's harsh, personally I think it's perfect
  21. That's funny because from what I hear, if you want to see boobs you have to go see a boy band
  22. Did you figure out if they were real boobs?!
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