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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Jesus, the tension is killing,me!
  2. I know you'll have gone for PS3, you'll miss the rage too much otherwise
  3. You create and thread and then whinge about the responses! How dare I
  4. Voted for PS3 as i'll probably buy it when it comes out and then upgrade when I get my PS4
  5. Nice vid Tommy. It sheds a bit more light on the whole thing
  6. Really pleased to see Torres find some form the other night. Such a shame to see a player of his obvious talent have such a fall from grace due (what was rumoured) to be confidence related. Chelsea could do some real work this season if they have him leading the line in that form.
  7. I'm a big fan of old school maps but I really want them to concentrate their energy on brand new maps that work I.e. no spawn traps, lines of sight that cater for all weapon types and hopefully making the most of their "destructible" maps
  8. That's the most excited i've heard you for this COD! Fair play to them for trying something new. We always complain about the same shit being released each year. It might be complete shite but at least they're trying
  9. There's only pics to go on at the moment. The Ali A vid just talks about the mode. But there is links to the screenshots within the description on the vid. I won't say too much to save spoilers, but the aliens look pretty bad ass. Kinda reminds me a bit of Starship Troopers
  10. I think it will be much like a head glitch from past experiences with the feature on pc from a few years ago. Not sure how the transfer over to console will work, but at least there's the option to turn it off.
  11. Toying with the idea of a non-lethal prestige. Although that could be a hell of a grind!
  12. That's awesome! I bet you looked at the exit sign the first time round and your drunken mind said "no, that'd be too easy!" I assume wifey was full of support and was glad you had such a good night!
  13. Nice! I quite like honey beers so i'll try and get hold of this
  14. It's no surprise that I'll do a shield prestige. But anyone got any interesting twists they can think of?
  15. Watched a vid today confirming you can run 12 points on perks and combat kinfe only rather than the 11 that was previously mentioned
  16. Stretch616


    Winner!! Also, welcome Ceppy. Looking forward to you throwing the ban hammer at Euan soon
  17. Sorry Adam, kinda half talking to mrs as well so that's why I aint jumping on.
  18. Cool. I will actually hook up my PVR again at some point so I can record some shit
  19. Damn it, I'm at the pub Ah well there's always next time
  20. A damn fine use of time then I say! GTA tonight?
  21. I'd much prefer to have a mouse and keyboard without aim assist, but just try playing using a controller without aim assist and it's a nightmare. It'd only be a true show of skill if everyone went without it
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