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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Hey dude. Hope you enjoy the forums. Be sure to hit up the gallery section if you do vids. It's been a little quiet in there as of late
  2. Shit man, did I leave my Batman costume down there as well? Ahh well, at least it'll be there for shits and giggles again this time! I think we should start arranging the next one when we get this one out of the way, that way our foreign contingent can start saving their pennies to come and join in on the fun! Once every 2months is looking about right
  3. Booking train tickets today and then getting a bottle of Jager to bring tomorrow! Bring on the funsies!
  4. Awesome tip if anyone ever fancies using the shield. The animations on screen don't represent what the enemy sees. If you ready your throwing knife on you screen it looks as though the shield is on your back. However on the enemy's screen they will still see the.shield pointing forward as normal with an arm poking out the side from the readied equipment. This work's for all lethal/tactical bar the trophy system. Another nice benefit to this is the perfect view of the screen you can still have after your shield gets shot to shit and you can't see anything out of it
  5. Don't worry i'm sure Tam and co will be getting drunken calls as well.
  6. Don't worry Euan, i'm sure there'll be a drunken phonecall or 2 to make sure you don't feel left out!
  7. 20ish with my riot shield dude. 60 is looking a fair way away!
  8. Played for the first time solo last night and I loved it. Once we all got up to a reasonable level it was good to see the diferences in the class set up really come through. You'll need a diverse team to make it through and some better tactics than we did but on the whole, very enjoyable. This coming from somebody who wasn't the biggest fan of zombies (read: I suck). Riot shield now unlocked for it, so i'll be tanking it up next game and getting me some fire melee damage as well!! Bring on the aliens!
  9. I'm hoping so. Everything was sweet as before, I really don't want to see another cod fucked due to patching
  10. Sounds like a productive afternoon. I'm hoping it's a blip rather than the way forward, otherwise they could have screwed up what was a perfectly good game
  11. Awesome vid Lee. I had zero idea why some of the challenges weren't working. To be honest it isn't the clearest system in the world and there's no explanation. With that said i'm now gonna try and get as many shield and throwing knife challenges ready
  12. Forgot to reply to people, oops! Thanks for the comments on the vid. I'm looking to do them occasionally just for some fun. Maz - I have a PVR which records my gameplay live. There's no option to record within game now
  13. Yup, this cod actively encourages tbagging! Next gen version is also rumoured to have a game mode devoted to "your momma" jokes!
  14. Not encountered it yet, but might give it a look in a private match to see what kind of damage we're talking. I'm with you though, it could be a bit of a deal breaker when paired with double explosives as well as noob tube
  15. I can understand you going for the gun option Tam. It's been a bit hard doing the challenge this year as it seems that we're the only one's doing a challenge. I'm gonna stick with what i've got going on. Mainly play shield only, but switch out to a gun character as and when suits. Kinda like cheating but at least i'll get it done without to much frustration. Also played a little Extinction offline earlier on. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to get a full squad on the go for it Plus can everyone just stop freaking out
  16. not a fan then?! I used to think he was really arrogant until I watched that Ulimate Fighter series. The way he handled himself and all the gamesmanship from Josh Koscheck was excellent and top it off he fucking owned him when it came to fight time
  17. For me BO2 was probably one of the best games of the series so far. But by no means was it perfect. I think you might be mixing alot of people's opinions together bud. You gave up on cod about 6 months in, I played it the night before Ghosts launched. We all had gripes with it in the long run but I don't think anyone said it was perfect and this will be no different
  18. Couldn't tell you what type of dedicated servers they are. All I know is that they're working fantastically. I can honestly say that I don't think i've had any laggy experiences so far
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