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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. As there isn't a plethera of games out at launch for PS4 i thought i'd download all the free games i could! I've seen this game for a while but never touched it. God knows why as i'm a big fan of DC comics and also was a veteran player of the City of Villans MMORPG. At first the game seemed really unstructured and just a glorified hack and slash game. But i've perservered for a day or 2 and it's really blossomed. There's 2 sets of powers. One is your hack and slash side and the other is more related to super powers and the more defined MMORPG roles that people are used to. The microtransaction aspect hasn't interfered with my gameplay at all so far which is really pleasing and if it continues will really tempt me to pay for some of the extra content they have. So has anyone else played this or is tempted now?
  2. I hope all have had a nice holiday season so far and may it continue into and all through next year. James i wish you all the best with quitting smoking. I've quit for around a year now (with the odd hiccup) but i can't tell you how much better i feel for it. Go for it bud! We'll all be here for moral support! If you want any advice feel free to ask, it's a hell of a step to take alone.
  3. Meant to reply to this yesterday. I can assure people that a riot shield class doea not give you more health. This isn't based on any testing but just my experiences. As for the hitmarkers, i think that sometimes hitmarkers come up when you are shooting into the shield. Again not proven but i'm sure people have said this to me. As for the danger close c4, that isn't a riot shielder issue, it's more people using nooby class. Equipment has been made easier for us to use but that's a deserved buff in my book. Cant remembet but are trophy systems in Ghosts?
  4. Anything and everything geeky and gadgety buddy. Short clips sound better than photos. Makes it easier to get a grasp of what things are and are doing
  5. Good man Chris. Downloading Ghosts now so will hopefully be on for a few later on
  6. There's that cheery Scottish spirit shining through again!
  7. Merry xmas to everyone and all your families. I hope Santa brings everyone exactly what they want and the things that they didn't realise they needed!
  8. I thought sometimes that you got hitmarkers when shooting the shield. It certainly doesn't feel like extra health!
  9. I really hate this idea that people have that snipers are OP. It's frustrating when you meet someone who's really good, but by no means OP. If it's that easy everybody would run with one. Whereas probably 70% of people actually run a AR but people don't mind getting killed by an AR.
  10. One hit kill - yesMore health though is interesting to know though. Is that confirmed anywhere?
  11. Haven't watched the vid yet, but totally agree with your sentiments on Thunder. Anyone who bitches that much about anything and everything cod related is just doing it for attention rather than having some substance behind it. I hope the nerf isn't too bad. Snipers seem perfect to me. Most of the community think they're ok. It's just the people who can't use a sniper that call for this kinda nerf
  12. Sounds good to me. When using the shield it pisses me off so much getting a insta-death when somebody puts 2 bullets into my feet. I think this mode will be pretty popular as most people's complaints (bar spawns) relate to the TTK
  13. It's been rather quiet in here so i assume everyone gave up. However i am still plodding on with my shield guy and am now only 5 levels away from hitting the prestige. Vital statistics are a k/d hovering around the 1.0 mark and i've just broken 1000 kills with the throwing knife. The shield has proved to be a very handy tool now with the new animations, but the TTK mixed in with the promenant foot positions mean it's a bit of a mixed bag. I think i've been a pretty good help to my team in using the shield especially when it comes to those tricky B flag caps. Once i've hit the finish line i'm gonna break into S&D and S&R a bit more. 5 more levels.....
  14. That's more like it!! Good boy Dylan, run along and have another Jager now
  15. Why at 9.30pm on your 18th birthday can you post coherently, but any other time you sound more fucked up than we did at the FG meetup! Tam, get him more drunk already!!
  16. Happy birthday buddy. I still can't believe you're 18!! Make sure to get extra pissed now it's all legal!
  17. Weird. I'm sure when mine last refreshed i kept everything that was in progress, selected or not and then just refreshed the completed ones. I'll keep a close eye on this one
  18. Wow, Euan brought this thread down in a hurry! Feeling soooo much better than i did on Sunday. Totally agree with Phil's statement about the hosts and company. Can't wait to do it all again. February i'm thinking.....
  19. Just watched a vid back from this evening and can confirm it tops up lethal, tactical and ammo supplies on completion of the field order, so completley seperate to the care package
  20. That's the only photo i can be arsed to upload at the moment. I need some more sleep now!!
  21. I've got a few games recorded that shows this hack and potentially a bit of an aimbot as well. Funny thing was the dude's name was KYRSP33DY, like he wasn't gonna get much attention with that name!
  22. Didn't mind Hijacked, but Nuketown was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. But as the ADD generation seem to love it they released it on not just one COD, but 2!!!!
  23. Totally agree with this. I know the COD franchise is all about constantly being in the thick of it, but I think there's a line between a couple of seconds outside the action and a couple of miliseconds. Patience is not one of today's gamers strongest attributes, so may be they're catering to that market?
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