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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I'll take that as an "I'll see you there"!
  2. Totally with you on this. 5 bashes from the shield or 2/3 knife melee is crazy. Hopefully this can be easily patched.To be fair most of the issues with this game can be easily patched apart from the lag, but to be fair i've only had a handful of games that were shite which is a million times better than other iterations of the series
  3. Gonna have to pay more attention to confirm this one, but it looks like when you complete field orders it replenishes your tactical and lethal loadout. Can't say about ammo but i'd imagine it would also
  4. Sounds good, looking forward to this. Just a shame that they will take normal public match rules in what i'm hoping will be quite a competitive arena. But they say it will evolve from feedback, so just get on with it for the time being. Nice work Dave, thumbs up!
  5. Shock horror, Rich's "mrs" pull's out at last minute!! (giggidy )
  6. What???? The Spas from MW2 was awesome. Most OP secondary ever!
  7. I think it's all down to playstyle by the sound of it. I haven't played much cranked but it looks a high paced run and gun game so close range encounters are more frequent which is possibly why you run into them so much. I mainly play DOM/S&D so I guess that might be partially the reason. So in short, shotguns not OP but just frustrating as hell to be on the receiving end of!
  8. Good work Mike Hoping to get on tonight so I might give a shottie a go now
  9. Not touched them either, but if they were OP i'd imagine there'd be alot more people using them. I've died occasionally from them but nothing that would make me think they were OP. When you say they are OP are you finding that you are getting killed at stupid ranges and the shots have a massive spread, or is it more a case of lots of people corner camping using them?
  10. I know they were working on spawn fixes. I hope to god it relates to that!
  11. They arm based on proximity. Even with agility if you hear the beeping and then sprint, it'll blow you up. Best way to avoid blast is to just move backwards once you hear it and you should be out of harms way (assuming you didn't sprint into the kill area) The only perk that I know of that would help is sitrep which would show the IED flashing yellow. I don't know if blast shield would protect you, but I would hope so for a 2 point perk
  12. It would be fucking ace if everyone could come again. I think another session planned for Feb time sounds in order. That way Tam can stop pining for some Stretchy goodness! (Tam dry humped me last time!) In the meantime i'm gonna make myself at home with the Diddums household and get slighty tipsy!
  13. Played a game with Matt last night and completed it for the first time. Sentry guns are a massive life saver when you start to get higher up the hives and you will need to level it up to max so you can get 2 out. A good tip for the Rhino's is to use a tank class with a riot shield. If you can meet it head on and bash away it goes down pretty quick, assuming you've levelled up the tank class enough. Also try to make sure that everyone runs the same ammo type to ensure that you don't run out with 1 person maxing the ammo tree. That's about the lot I can be arsed to type now, hope it helps!
  14. Nice Adam, real nice! I reckon February is looking like the next visit for me. Just get Valentines out of the way first! Hells yeah, you meeting up with us straight away or we gonna catch up later on in Brixton?
  15. Train tickets booked, i'll be in London around 4 and hopefully well on my way to getting pissed by 6 if Diddums' hospitality is up to it's usual standard!
  16. MSBC, is the one gun that looks OP at the moment for me. It's remenisent of the M16 from COD4. Consistent 1 burst kills
  17. Yup, been playing alot with our Murican friends and I have experienced zero lag. So that in itself is awesome!
  18. Euan's posts today are brought to you by the letter C
  19. Wow, that's awesome modding son, keep it up. You'll have Diddum's job in no time! Also a very valid contribution to the thread
  20. I can just see you using that as your justification on the voting on indepedance. Throughout history people have fought wars, debated politics and such to gain independance, Euan just wants more convinient flights!
  21. Watched the vid Gary put up on the tips thread, is that the one? If so i'm quite happy with it tbh. Bout time the shield had something going for it! It's certainly made my life easier since knowing
  22. The original has a very special place in my heart as it was one of the 80's classics. Cheesy as it is/was I'm really not sure if they should be doing a remake. Let the legend have his place rather than tarnish the memory. Plus Murphy gets blown up by a car rather than shot to shit this time round??? WTF, that scene from the original was legendary!
  23. So you only want to be independant when it suits you?
  24. IMS is really good in this game. Seems alot more solid than it's MW3 counterpart. With that said, i'm pretty underwhelmed with the assault streaks this time round. There's nothing in there that I consider to be an "Oh shit" streak but I haven't come cross a Loki so far though. I have to say the more I play on this game the more I like it. I've played the past few nights mainly with the guys from the US and the only lag I experienced was self inflicted from beer!
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