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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I can't do Saturday at all. Will be out all night. Friday i'll be on from (about) 9pm. Sunday hopefully from an earlier time. I'll update what i can on the calendar
  2. My sentiments exactly. Totally going to cheese this one
  3. Something around there. I promised my boy we'd watch Star Wars for the 1st time on Friday, so it'll be as soon as allows Dosles anyone have any interest in a simplified walkthrough/tutorial of the raid done by yours truly? There's alot of questions i see on here from how complicated it seems. I think i could break it down into sections for people which may help on the future runs. Plus it gives me a reason to hook up the PVR again!!
  4. I'll get back to you but we could look to do it in sections as the save will last from Tues to Tues. As it stands, i'm trying to persuade the mrs to let me have a decent bash on Friday. How are you all fixed for that?
  5. Sounds good to me Dave. Lvl26 is the minimum entry, but higher lvls will def help more. I'll quite happily lead the group as well. Weekend suits me fine but the earliest i can start is 8pm. I'll see what the plan is for this weekend and i'll get back to you
  6. Crucible factors everything so you're as strong at lvl 5 as a lvl 30. And shitty weapons are just as useful as the exotics. Iron banner is the one that is meant to take gear into account but that's not quite the whole story! It seems like someone fucked up with the coding and then Bungie backtracked on what they said would happen in this arena! Even so, the MP is a pretty good laugh and pretty stress free i find. So long as you don't get too annoyed by the death trades!
  7. That's fine with me, so long as anyone else has no issues. I didn't know you'd been spreading the word! The one i got today was Berndguggi(?). I'll accept and see how it goes
  8. We keep getting the odd request coming through to join our clan through the Destiny forums. Now my standpoint is to deny the application until people introduce themselves on here as it's a community clan and not a Destiny clan. But i'm not the boss and i want to make sure we're making the right decisions for all of us
  9. Love how the thread has turned into a bitch at Bees. So with that in mind..... Fuck it man, stop being a pussy and making excuses and just buy the damn game already so we can hear those lovely raging tones of yours. Plus Euan doesn't have this game so no need to worry there either!!
  10. Yeah, just randoms from the Destiny forums. You know what it's like, when you want to raid then you just gotta do it no matter who with!
  11. Haha, everyone with the raid bug! I'm down for more no questions. Would love to see how slick we can get it going. Working on my Titan as well at the moment, so hopefully he'll be raid ready in a week or so
  12. Awesome stuff guys. Really pleased you got him. How long did it take you on the Atheon fight? With a few of us doing this now i'm sure we can run a full crew playthrough. I may even set up my PVR again for the occasion! Once again, gratz to those that did it. I hope you all have that great feeling of accomplishment that i did
  13. Def use the spread out strategy on the people taking out the supplicants in the last room. Spread out the team on the last templar phase so you kill the random oracles as they appear and you'll never need to worry about relic holder cleansing On oracle phase make sure you've got one person on each side looking for the hidden (front) one's, as they can see it from each others side On Atheon burn phase start to move at 5 secs left on times vengance buff to make sure people don't get teleported by accident Mostly shit you already know but worth saying! You got this guys, time to bring home the bacon!!
  14. Me & Gazzagarret. Rest of them were randoms from the Destiny forum. Had to carry one dude as well. But everytime i do a raid i'm learning that much more on tactics
  15. Fuck yeah!! Bitch slapped the fuck out of the raid finally! About 2 hours in total as well. Really happy with it and really starting to understand the roles in it. Managed to get Atheon down in about 3/4 phases as well. With it only taking a couple of hours i'm really hoping we can start to hit this a bit more regular
  16. Tricky as i have to compare games from different eras but these are the one's that hold a special place in my heart: 1) Speedball 2 - Amiga 2) City of heroes/villains - PC 3) COD United Offensive - PC 4) COD 2 - PC 5) Rock Band 1/2/3 - PS3 6) GTA San Andreas - PS2 7) Final Fantasy 7 - PS1 8) Resident Evil 1/2 - PS1 9) Command and Conquer/Red Alert - PC 10) Street Fighter 2 - SNES Surprised myself with that list. Guess it looks like i need to get myself a PC!! Doing that list has brought back a lot of good memories of gaming. Not a lot of newer games on there, don't know if that's me with rose tinted specs or whether it just shows the standard of games being released over the past few years
  17. Level 24 strikes will give between 2 and 4 blue drops on completion. Let alone what you might pick up along the way. Running these for a little while is a great way of accruing potentially better gear whilst levelling up Vanguard ranking which will lead to you just naturally purchasing legendary gear rather than waiting for the drop. Edit: Blue drops can be any gear, weapon, mote of light or strange coin
  18. Hey Chip. Will be goos to get some games in with you and the old man Make sure to send out some friend requests and we'll get some gaming in soon
  19. Good luck guys. I'm sure you'll do it this time around
  20. My 2p from my last run. I was on harpy duty and it was easier to have 1 person on each pillar opening the gate and the third float around on platforms. As the harpies come from both sides and don't care what gate you're opening it makes it easier to take out more of them as you all have different vantage points. Plus there was no worries on the wrong gate being opened Hope that made sense!!
  21. I don't mind the grind as i find every mission fun in it's own right. However the amount of PvE content is very dissapointing to say the least. DLC should cover extra storylines, new paths to travel and not explain what they didn't do in the 1st place. The PvP is a welcome distraction for me, but that's about all it is
  22. Kinda planned some BO2 tonight with peoples. But let me know if you're short and i'll try to hop on.
  23. Haven't copied the full details but there is anither patch on it's way. Highlight is 2 significant changes to the Atheon fight in VoG. 1) Put in "baby bumpers" so Atheon cannot be knocked off the edge. - good thing 2) The people teleported will now be random and not based on position from Atheon - bad thing, really fucking bad thing I hope Bungie see sense and u turn on this. The VoG is not for everyone as it is. Now by doing this they're making it more elitist.
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