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Everything posted by Luseth

  1. The shield did need a nerf, it may have gone too far though. That said I have it on mostly as ninja say's a turtle shell, it just provides a little extra protection if someone get's the drop on you and gives you chance to get away into cover before fighting back 🙂 On the flip side, with it being 3 hits, it's not exactly going to be easy for those who enjoy it to get the gold camo now as well.
  2. Yeah, I have it installed and will likely be playing it through for the third time 😄 I am quite the fan of the series and still have the original physical releases of the first game, I only have the 1 book so far though and am yet to read it so not sure on what if any the differences are between the different forms of media. I can say though that the storytelling of this game is brilliiant and the scenery looks fantastic, the only thing that lets this game down is the clunkiness of the controls.
  3. I thought I would ask you guy's what gadgets you have that you have bought that have been worth the money or better than you thought? I.e. on my old TV, it was a Philips tv and on the back it had the philips hue lights built in which really made it just that much better when gaming. I have contemplated buying the hue sync box and lights but they are a bit too steep pricewise. Did that £10 controller stand prove to be a surprisingly great buy? Are there headphones you swear by, have any of you splashed out on fancy controllers etc etc
  4. Has a third place match ever been watched by more people than the final? I feel like if it's ever going to happen it could be for Morocco lol
  5. My go to is Overkill, tracker, Cold blooded and Ghost. Overkill let's me run round with a shield on my back which just gives me a little extra protection, it has allowed me to get into cover a couple of times when someone has got the drop on me. I put ghost / cold blooded on as I was a bit bored with shooting down UAV'S, VTOL's etc as some rounds it seemed to be all I was doing.
  6. I don't bother too much with demos or betas these days as I find they are builds that tend to be quite a few months older than the date they are released. If you consider that's potentially September maybe even August build, that's getting on for 4 - 5 months polish before launch and that can make quite a big difference to the end game. I actually have it on pre-order, even if it's just a glorious looking world and game that would be enough for me because right now my PS5 feels like a glorified PS4...
  7. Not sure if any of you played this on the GBA/ DS, I could never get into traditional mega man, I am not much for a side scroller but this spin off series I found really fun. It was pretty much an RPG with grid based combat and somewhat in the style of pokemon when it first game out. Well there is a collection due to come out next year and the date has finally been announced, having not played the 5th and 6th games I will likely be picking this up, does it take the fancy of anyone else here? Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Release Date Announced - IGN WWW.IGN.COM The Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, which collects all ten Battle Network games, gets a release date for Switch, PC, and PS4.
  8. Thank you, though I feel like you type this bit out through gritted teeth 😄 But yeah it has been incredibly welcoming here and getting to meet you all quite early on was really good 🙂 It genuinely feels like just a big group of friends (or as you put it Lee a family).
  9. I did enjoy Guardians! I tried GoW (the first game), on paper it's my sort of game but I struggled to really get going with it unfortunately. I would definately recommend the Witcher 3, would make for a good christmas game as well as there are some snowey / wintery sections as well. The storyline and side quests are brilliant and it's a game I am contemplating playing again with the upgrade coming out. Maybe I will finally get the plat trophy (I think I just needed to use the crossbow to shoot and kill so many people in the face or something like that) 😀
  10. Ah what's your twitch Phil? Will give you a follow and look out for a stream or 2 🙂
  11. That's good to hear, this was one of those games that looked great and had some real potential only for it to be somewhat lacklustre on launch. A lovely world created but it was pretty empty from what I read. I will give it a go now it's coming to ps plus for sure at some point.
  12. I would second this, it gives you the console aspect, it's portable but if you wanted to, could also get a dock up and running to use it as an actual computer as well.
  13. Christmas tends to give us all a bit of free time (with the exceptions of running round to visit family). So do you have a game in mind to play over the christmas spell, do you tend to pick christmasy games or is it just whatever's next on your to play list? I have the remastered Final Fantasy Crisis Core turning up soon so imagine that will be my go to game over the christmas break. I should have the platinum trophy for Spiderman this week as well so should have space for another game to play until it turns up so depending on what it is, imagine it might extend into the christmas break. So what games are you guy's going to be playing? What have you set your sights on?
  14. It's one of those games I would have liked to have picked up, more of the batman games but with co-op should have been something really good. I imagine I will try it at some point but the reviews have certainly put it on a wait until it's below £20 game now which is such a shame.
  15. Don't take anything away from Senegal though, the first 30 minutes was as much because of their tactics / game management as well. They set up to defend and then nick a goal, they almost managed that as well. We only went on to a comfortable victory because we got the first goal and they had to attack then and it opened up spaces for us to counter attack. Had Senegal's first goal gone in and then Senegal sat back and defended the rest of the game I am not so sure we would have gone through. That said thrilled with the result, France will be a tough game next but I feel there will be goals at both ends of the pitch.
  16. I am definately not as good as I was 10 years ago but still a bit of fun 🙂
  17. So I have been working towards and picking up a few gold camos, mostly coming through gameplay and just trudging along with a gun until I get it ^_^ And just typing this out I realise I have a couple more than I realised. So far I have (just working through assault rifles at the moment as they are my preferred choices, imagine I will move onto SMG's next) - Taq-56 (Got this last night) M4 Kastov 762 STB-556 Kastov 545 I am now working towards the Kastov 74U which isn't too bad, I have 4 of the point blank kills that Lee said are a pain in the ass but I find these are ok if you manage to get the drop on someone and I have 10 of the 30 crouched kills. Maybe if I get the lacman 556 (have not used this yet) and the M16 which I haven't unlocked yet I will be able to look at platinums on the assault rifles before too long.
  18. Just to provide another view on this, isn't this sort of thing essentially what some of the bigger tech companies are trying to achieve with a metaverse? The idea that someone is paying some money for a gun in a game isn't really any different from skins or virtual content. In fact some people pay thousands of pounds for virtual land these days and with the planet going the way it is there is every possibility that for most people a virtual world is going to be where people spend a lot of their time one day. I feel like the idea of trading real world money for virtual items has been around for some time already?
  19. I have a friend playing this at the moment, his thoughts on the game are that the characters are a bit rubbish in that he only uses one of them and that it's not Batman. He say's the game plays well enough but it's just not what he was expecting. So I imagine when the price drops to £15-20 it might be worth a punt.
  20. I got my first 2 this evening, the kastov 545 i think and the stb 🙂 Going to try and get the m4 next ^_^ and using the lachman to try and unlock the sub machine gun equivalent
  21. I agree the attacks against works of art is a bit odd. I feel like there is a reason they keep attacking artwork, like there is a point that they are trying to make that we are missing, just down to the fact they keep doing it. If there is a reason though, then they are not getting their message across very well because no one is understanding it. That said, it does result in media attention which is what I imagine they want / are after most of all. No majoy protest has been successful without media attention and disruption. I hear people complain about the M25 protests, I guess I am in a fortunate position that it does not affect me but imagine if the Sufragettes just stuck to peaceful protest, how many years longer would it have taken for women to get the right to vote? I really feel for the cause, but whether they are going about it the right way, getting the right response etc I am not so sure they are.
  22. Dark Deity was one I was hoping to get anyway so quite happy with this 🙂
  23. So Monday I had to look after my young son for the day while my wife did her return to work day (hence having to get back early) and I thought as it's his first day without his mom properly I would just go out with him and see where we end up. Decided to go to Merry Hill which is our local shopping centre and ended up in HMV at one point. So the reason for this post is that HMV is not anything like I remember, when I last went in (it was in a different location for a start) but it was just cd based, the store was a bit of a mess and seemed to be struggling to find it's place in the world today. The HMV I visited Monday was a far cry from that, music had been pushed to the back of the store and probably only took up about 20% (30% if you include gadgets to play them on) of the floor space, the rest now seems to be much more pop culture focused and to be honest I really liked it! They also had some little arcade machines (not cheap by any means), Japanese style plus teddies, funko pops, model figurines of various films / tv shows etc. Just wondered if anyone had been in one similar, is this a trial run or just a new direction for the company?
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