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Everything posted by Luseth

  1. To go back to the original post, I have a 500gb drive in my PS5 with a heatsink and I would tend to be over cautious and get a heatsink than not get one and face issues down the road. As for size, I have found the 500gb to be plenty in addition to the internal and I do have some biggish games on there like COD, Hogwarts, Fallout 76 and fifa and such. If I had spare cash yeah maybe I would go bigger but I don't find I play more than 3 or 4 different games in a week because I just don't have the time too anyway.
  2. They tend to be so badly compressed. Something to bare in mind though, more often than not games that have ps4 and ps5 releases, it is the ps5 version that tends to take up less storage. From a couple of years ago but just found this online - But yeah the issues is developers being lazy I think more often than not resulting in large game sizes (in some instances it's about money, suspicion is that COD already has a shit tonne of assets in the game and they flick a button and all of a sudden we can buy them), I mean Call of duty is always over 200gb yet they can put games like Cyberpunk in 150gb and Hogwarts in 80gb.
  3. It can very much be hit and miss against teams now. We either come up against really strong sides or teams we absolutely walk all over ^_^ Enjoying the highlights each week @GazzaGarratt 🙂
  4. So I went to my first little retro game fair this morning. Safe to say I enjoyed it and now have my eye out for the big one that occurs in Doncaster every now and again ^_^ (Anyone fancy an FG trip maybe?) Anyways my little haul for the day -
  5. I think my despair at Blues is really crippling my love of the sport at the moment. Yet more charges to come for the club and people at it from the EFL, this time for allowing people to run the club (part of the recent takeover attempt) without passing the proper tests etc. Our current ownership is so inept and really shouldn't be anywhere near a football club. There is an investigative journalist who has been looking into the ownership for years and he has found the only reason they are holding onto our club is because the company that owns Blues need to have an asset such as the club in order for them to be on the hong kong stock exchange. If they did not have Blues they would not be allowed to trade on there. The problem with this is it does not matter what state the club is in, so long as it continues to function. It won't matter if it drops down the leagues, loses millions every year etc it just need's to be functioning. We had such a good start to the season and I think part of that was due to the potential takeover but the wheels have certainly come off since that all fell through. Think I am going to just ignore Birmingham until we get new owners as it's just a bit sh*t and start following Stourbridge my local club.
  6. Unfortuantely having to bow out of this, I wanted to come but I don't think funds are going to allow as I had already committed some to a little retro gaming fair on Sunday and having to buy a new car this week I am now feeling a little skint. Hopefully be at the next one though once things have settled down.
  7. Not convinced it will get game of the year, simply because games released so early in the year tend to get forgotten about when it get's round to voting time. There are also some potentially big games coming out this year as well with spiderman 2, the next Zelda game, diablo IV and Stalker 2 to name a few. That said I am getting quite far into the game now and have almost 50% of the trophies done and I am still quite enjoying it. I feel like there might be too much to collect and what probably let's it down is that you just go from point A to point B to point C just collecting items etc. I think of the Witcher 3 as it is still my top game, you would go round various points around the map but you would be following little stories and the such that would guide you to the points. I mean there are all these goblin camps all over the place and I don't think I have ever been introduced to them or told why they are scattered about, I know there is a goblin rebellion but I am not sure the game has ever suggested it was such a big open rebellion. In fact a lot of Ranrok's stuff had been skulking around for the first portion of the game. I just think it could have been fleshed out a lot more. Another thing I thought about, your meant to be this kid going to Hogwarts school, you can sort of choose a good or evil play through by choosing whether or not to learn the unforgiveable curses but then if you use the ancient magic you can be bashing people off the floor or turning them into a toad and stamping on them and such. Those seem as grim if not worse than the unforgiveables, or am I wrong? The game looks fantastic and I am enjoying it as a Harry Potter fan but I don't feel it will be game of the year unless all voters are looking at it through HP specced glasses. I imagine you might be able to, if you stealth everything and just stupify everyone / everything I reckon you could.
  8. Please let us know, this is one of those games I was keeping an eye on but yeah I wasn't sure if it would be great or not. My game pass has lapsed at the moment but I was thinking I might renew it at some point.
  9. Just going through more modern games in the backlog to name a few - Dying Light 2 Rage 2 Scarlet Nexus Kingdom hearts 3 Devil May Cry 5 Diablo 2 (remaster) & 3 Triangle Strategy Harvestella But yeah there are quite a few more, I found an app yesterday that will allow me to keep track of them easier and log when they are done called gametrack (iphone)
  10. This is key, nothing has been done since humanity discovered the damage it was doing to the planet. Any steps now are just being done to try and keep the masses quiet and ticking along. It need's sweeping changes not just to the way we travel but our whole society and it need's to happen in the next couple of years not by 2050. I do not see it happening. It's not just transport that need's to change, it's the products we use and moving away from consumer goods, it's where our food comes from (we should all be growing some of our own), it means reducing our meat consumption, it means reducing the number of humans on the planet and it means each human need's to be putting more into the planet than they are taking from it. All of this need's to happen whilst also having the rich (it would likely have to be the end of capitalism), the oil companies and such trying to put down everything that could result in them making less money. But yeah I think I will leave the conversation there. I think everyone appreciates change is required, how we go about that change is often not agreed upon but I don't think anything we discuss on here is likely to be drastic enough to reverse the damage done and being done to our climate. I suspect we will carry on as we are, people will die and those that are left will have to learn to live with the damage and it's all quite grim and sad to think about especially when I know it's my children likely having to live with it.
  11. It goes hand in hand though doesn't it? Public transport and it's reliability issues. If more people used public transport rather than individual cars, it would mean less traffic on the roads allowing buses for example to run more on schedule and to also run quicker because they are not sat in traffic. More people using buses means that more buses required and with more regularity. It is easy to blame it on poor public transport but it does require a shift in attitudes from the populace as well does it not? I am not sure how it works in the US but here if they put on more buses right away to try and improve the system all that would do is put more traffic on the roads and make things worse, people won't suddenly one day go oh there are more buses I will start using them, they will likely carry on as they are and those additional buses would take up more space on the road and likely be empty. It requires a mentality shift as well as investment and improvement in the services.
  12. I have comitted to getting a new car this weekend and it's going to result in monthly payments so I decided to work out way's I can save money elsewhere in my life. One of my biggest expenditures is my gaming hobby as I often buy games new or buy games when I have loads still to play 😄 So this weekend I started noting down my gaming backlog with the intention that each time I complete a game then I will delve into that list first for my next game rather than buying a new one to help save a few quid. Turns out I have a big backlog, I only noted down physical games as if I include diigital it includes the subscription services and steam and get's rather big. So my intention for the next 6 months is to focus on playing just games I already own, I think I have 2 additional games pre-ordered in the next 6 months but I am going to try and not buy another game between now and August 🙂 So how big is your backlog? Do you actually play games from it or do you frequently say you are going to and never get round to it?
  13. Agreed @techno we should really just be looking to move away from everyone owning their own vehicle. Public transport should be good enough that it's not needed, there shouldn't be a need to commute to an office for work when you can do it from home. I mean there are cities now trying to move away from cars altogether (just thinking of Oslo in Norway here).
  14. We had some good games but I was reminded last night why I moved toward battlefield from COD. The crossbow kills, akimbo pistols and shotguns are ridiculous in COD at times. The number of times I got 1 shotted by crossbows at ridiculous distances (and when looking at the killcams whilst the player is jumping and hopping all over the place) is just absurd. Same with shotguns managing to take me out at range against my assault rifles and the such. I appreciate for a lot of people this is what appeals to them about COD but if it continues down this path again I imagine I will be drifting away from the game before too long ^_^ Such a shame as I felt it had such a strong start (with the exception of new content, more like the COD's of old). And I won't get into the cheating by those French guys / lasses ^_^ Annoyingly I am not really enjoying the other shooters at the moment as I feel a lot of them have lost their way so I don't feel like I have many options at the moment for that war zone / battlefield esque shooter (especially with Dice screwing up the latest battlefield).
  15. EV is only part of a real solution, not everyone can own one in large part to infrastructure as said above. What I think we will see if there is a real effort to curb emissions and the damage to the planet (which I am not convinced there will be, least not in time before lots of people suffer and die) is it will be a combination of better public transport (if it was good, conveniant and affordable who wouldn't sit on public transport watching tv or playing their switch on the way to work), hydrogen and EV cars. There will not be a single solution.
  16. I like them but unfortunately for me I have dodgy ears so had to stop using ear buds. Not sure if anyone remembers but back on the ps3 I used to have one of these bad boys - Like I don't mind headsets and such but when it's just gaming with people online I am quite happy with something just for game chat and then the game audio to still come out the tv or something ^_^
  17. @GazzaGarratt hope you don't mind, you can delete this thread. Thought I would post and see how it looks on the website ^_^ Basically just set up a top stats page, top 5 for each of the mains. I just need to work out how to remove the scroll bar ^_^
  18. Would be a shame if so, first COD I have bought in years and if there is a lack of support / content I may not bother getting the next one until a substantial price drop. I am the sort that if I get burnt with a game when buying it, it leaves a sour taste for any future games. I have played Battlefield for years but the way this latest one was handled means I won't buy one on launch again, if this is how they handle COD it might be another 10 years before I try the series again.
  19. The Peugeot's have come a long way recent years, they look quite smart and seem to be well kitted out for the most part. I have had a few cars over the years (both good and bad), my favourite car to date was this little gem. Had it a few years and unfortunately had to let it go as it had a power issue that the garages I took it too could not figure out. Currently driving a White Mazda 6 much like the photo below (this one is not mine but is the same make / model), and it's fine but I am finding that because it's an older car it creaks an awful lot. I want something new at the moment, something with a bit more comfort and better build quality (like my bmw was) so maybe another bmw or audi or something but I am having to wait until work picks up as I don't want to spend my savings on one to then lose my job or something. I'm not one for buying on finance either hence I tend to get older cars ^_^
  20. Nah, i cant recall the date but old gen and switch are like June I think? Considering performance issues on pc im not sure i would want to play on last gen consoles
  21. This turned up a day early for me yesterday so I managed to get a few hours on it so just giving my initial thoughts on it and I will begin with the negatives, the introduction section seemed a bit all over the place if I am being honest, it was trying to set up the story but did so badly I felt. The combat did not really feel too taxing, in fact I was carrying out the combat with one hand at one point just pressing the same buttons repeatedly and switching between a couple. The voice acting is very mixed in terms of quality, some of it is brilliant and you can tell have been done by some great actors / actresses, some of the students however have not been and it is really noticeable. The visuals are as you would expect, it all looks brilliant and the way they have done Hogwarts, Hogsmeade etc look brilliant. I think they have nailed it. Once the introduction is out of the way and you reach Hogwarts then the game blossoms. That said the game itself is exactly what it needed to be, it's a magical world where you can explore Hogwarts. It is all about the setting, little things like a watering can watering plants all on it's own or owls flying ahead or the way you might come across some magical creature. It is just brilliant and genuinely I have a big grin on my face playing it. Just like living out a part of my childhood again. I can see why it has reviewed well and it is down to it being Harry Potter, if it wasn't it would have scored around 7's out of 10 I reckon at first glance ^_^
  22. The only issues I have had with the camera is if there is a roof on a structure, you can't see your character then which is a pain in a couple of instances where you have to go inside somewhere with a roof and speak to someone (because you can't see either of you). The two games, there is a single player story mode, in the first game it is broken up into chapters and you have objectives in each. The second game is just more of the same but developed somewhat, the co op comes in two forms I think, the first is an open sandbox mode, the second is that you can invite people into your story world once you get to a certain point (but I think it is limited for them so they can't make or destroy what you have already built but I am not certain on that as I have only a brief forray into it so far). If you have ps plus premium it is on there for free (not sure if you do Lee).
  23. @GazzaGarrattthe two stores i visit frequently are below. There are 1 or 2 more not too far as well but I have not been to them, will dig out store names and locations when I get a moment though Vintage gamer - Log in to Facebook WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Log in to Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family and people you know. Old skool gaming - Log in to Facebook WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Log in to Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family and people you know.
  24. The trans community is really up in arms about this game, the other forum I visit they won't stop going on and personally I see the issues they have but just because someone buy's the game does not instantly make them an enemy. It seem's like they want to make enemies for themselves so it's them against the world type of thing which is a bit saft. The game is reviewing well and I am quite excited for it, finding it difficult to avoid some of the spoilers on social media though, I want to go into the game completely fresh and you have posts, videos etc saying this, that or the other or there is this easter egg if you go here and such. Social media is really crap. Anyway's, I am excited and I don't think the missus will be able to drag me away from the console when the game turns up 😄
  25. Everything I have seen suggests there is a game and it's a game I would quite enjoy. It has however been managed and promoted by amateurs (which tbf they are new to this). I think a lot of the issues have been around a small studio trying to do something far grander than their size or budget will allow, if they are managing it and creating the game there are going to be a lot of mess ups and I think that is showing. I do think we will see something at some point but definately would recommend no one pre-orders just in case 😄
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