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Everything posted by Luseth

  1. Correct @J4MES OX4D, I had one of the shiny one's and they were limited in size to 60gb hard drives. The plus like you say is that they could play PS2 games and for that reason they are quite sought after today (being able to play PS2 games via hdmi without extra upscalers and whatnot). However the og fat ps3's also had issues with overheating over time and generally they have not lasted particularly well. The slim consoles however are incredibly robust and the super slim one's even moreso, though I have never owned one. The slim and super slim variants are also where they started to introduce some custom colours i.e. the scarlet red that I have, I think there is a blue version too. Though the 360's win on that front, I do not have it anymore but I loved my Halo xbox 360, it sounded brilliant when it booted up
  2. There were quite a few exclusives but I think it comes down to taste, being a fan of my jrpg games there were a lot of exclusives, enough to make it well worth choosing the PS3 over the 360. The controllers, I find fairly comfortable still, analog sticks are still fine, I think the only thing that's noticeable which may be an easy fix is some of the buttons stick a little bit. I suspect it is just dirt and grime build up though, I just don't have any compressed air to hand at the moment. Agreed that the 360 controllers were a lot better, that said it has led microsoft into a false sense of security and the modern controller isn't really much different whilst it has forced / encouraged Sony to innovate their's a little. The other thing with the PS3 being less popular is that the exclusives are fewer, meaning when collectors get to that era they will go up in value more and quicker than xbox 360 games which I am always mindful of these days as it is so easy to get priced out of a game you might want in the current market.
  3. Ah fair enough, I did not realise that was how COD worked back then and explains it ^_^ Agreed on the PS3 interface, going back to it this week and it really is the consoles biggest flaw. It is not smooth at all.
  4. Second this, you never had to pay for ps+ for ps3, in fact PS+ came out in 2010 whilst the PS3 came out in 2006 ^_^ Someone correct me if I am wrong here but I am not sure how being on XBOX would mean a better connection than playstation? Surely the COD servers are run by Activision so aside from connecting to the PSN or XBOX server for your account details it would be purely down to Activision servers? That said I think there was a study in the last couple of years that also confirmed that XBOX live has gone down more in the past few years than PSN so reliability is not necessarily better (not by much from memory but even so it somewhat disputes the xbox network being flawless comment).
  5. I just wanted to give the PS3 a bit of praise, I have been playing game of thrones on it the past couple of days, (not the telltale game) and really enjoying it. Just going back to the PS3 and yes the system itself is a bit ropey in that the dashboard is a bit sluggish and it can be prone to the odd slowdown I just wanted to praise that generation of gaming. I think for most people on here it is an era where you were playing xbox 360 games and generally it was the better console but I have quite the fondness for the PS3 and was the era where I actually had a love in with call of duty (back when we could end a game with a nuke). That said I have a red PS3 (the one below is just a generic image off the tinterweb) and sitting alongside the ps5 the design of the physical console is so much nicer - It's a hell of a lot smaller but just looks lovely. But yeah I thought this era brought about some of our best franchises to date, it's where the last of us started, demons souls turned up, we saw mass effect, uncharted, gears of war and the assassins creed games turn up as well.
  6. until

    I won't be on I am afraid, bit of a tough week as my aunt died a couple of days ago. Being a fairly close Irish family it's hit home a little. Might catch you guy's the weekend if my mood improves a bit!
  7. It's not really Sony specific to be honest, a lot of the content come out for both consoles has been just slightly uprezzed last gen games and nothing new or exciting.
  8. Oh by the way, great choice starting with something Witcher themed 😄
  9. I am still getting to grips with my new printer, having issues getting things sticking to the bed so just ordered some isopropyl and a feeler gauge to hopefully help me correct things. That said the best paints are meant to be acrylic or enamel paints 🙂
  10. That would make sense with what is going on, I feel like there is still a good story to be told like you say with Bo Katan and Din but Grogu being involved really feels like it is being forced. The recent episode looking at him as a foundling it just feel's a bit of a hash just to keep Grogu relevant.
  11. Not sure if anyone has been watching this, it came back out the other week with little fanfair. My thoughts so far is that nothing has happened, I'm 3 or 4 episodes in and so far there has been so little story. Chatting to @LordBaguette I think he is correct in that Grogu is now becoming a hindrance, there seem's to be too much focus on him and he's not exactly a character you can make engaging on screen or do anything beyond jump about every now and again.
  12. I would be up for playing an mmo, if you let me know which way you swing 🙂 WoW I have only briefly played, found that as with most mmo's it's just more enjoyable with friends and at the time I knew no one playing it so I drifted away ^_^ Dragonflight does seem to get some praise from what I read.
  13. Ah fair enough ^_^ My experience of the game was actually pretty pleasant compared to yours then. My thoughts on the beta - - It looks fantastic I won't lie, I think they have nailed the visuals - The story seems like it could be really really good - Games like these I either bounce off or get really engrossed, I have not been engrossed in one since maybe the first 2 dragon age games though. They are often time sinks and I do not have the time typically. That said this did hook me in and it's on my radar to buy now. - The NPC's could do with some work as they don't seem to shut up 😄 - That said I think more hardcore fans of the series may be a little dissapointed with the skills tree and as you have mentioned above, the downside with the game moving towards a live service means that you always need to be online so dodgy internet connections are just going to see you kicked often and full servers will result poor experiences. I reckon it's a 7/10 game, but having not played anything like this for a while and this one has now got my attention I will play it at some point, just maybe not at launch prices.
  14. I wonder if it is generally worse on pc then, I have been on a couple of times now and similar experiences to my first try. I do find that long queue times are just a staple of open betas these days though and it was always going to be worse than closed beta surely due to it being more accessible? I plan to jump on again shortly and then I will put my thoughts down on the game and whether or not i am tempted to pick it up 🙂
  15. What are you playing on? I got in first try this afternoon with only a 10 minute queue. Didnt think it was too bad.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 78/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 66/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  18. Does it matter which version I have installed? Does it need to be ps5 or ps4? ^_^
  19. until

    I might be on, I have said the missus can have the playstation for Hogwarts this evening though and I'm letting her have first pick as it's a delicate couple of days for us (should have been the first borns birtthday).
  20. Yeah it was out, its why i wasnt too chatty as it is all a bit tender! It was worse as I went in all tense and by the end of it was shaking, it certainly has not helped how I feel about going to see a dentist. It was uncomfortable and they did have to numb me up again part way through. Just need to heal up now ^_^ That said the dentist i had was pleasant and even got chatting about video games to help me calm down a bit afterwards
  21. Imagine how many games we might have won if @Allyknew the offside rule 😛
  22. I like the initial look of it, tend to reserve judgement with mmos until they are out as when they dont do so well it can be a real shame. one of my favourite mmo’s was probably wildstar and that ended fairly abruptly
  23. There's enough people here to help you out though 🙂 You have a busy life just like the rest of us I am sure! As for new games, appreciate it's difficult, the thread is to just try and get discussion going and suggestions out there. I don't know what the Friday's used to be like but the Friday just gone I found it quite pleasant just chatting while everyone played various different games. My enjoyment of FG is that it is very much a group of friends and not necassarily the games we play together ^_^
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