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Everything posted by Luseth

  1. I don't have many camo's yet, largely just been working through unlocking all the guns first (though there is one that would not unlock for some reason). Once I have them I will probably look through the camo's and work out which one's I want and work towards them. Unlikely I will try and unlock everything though.
  2. until

    About time we won division 1 😄 I think I deserve a golden boot from last night, even with Jordie trying to steal my goals 😜 In all seriousness I think that's probably the best we have played on this fifa, some of the wins were big as well. Maybe we just got lucky and are playing all the dregs that haven't yet moved over to the new game? 😄
  3. Good idea, should give a good idea on the overall view of the maps once a few have voted
  4. I saw that, generally I run 2 or 3 attachments rather than trying to fully kit out the gun. I find a sight is important, I sometimes fiddle with the ammo but the grips and such I don't utilise so much because of all the added negatives. I'm enjoying the game more than I thought I would, I think my only issue and it tend's to be an issue with COD games is more often than not you get half a lobby fully of players ignoring the game modes and essentially playing TDM. Hardpoint and game modes like that you can see the seconds or captures a player does and you will usually see 4 or 5 with less than a couple of seconds or no captures, just baffles me that, why don't people go play TDM then? Or is it just because the quickplay has everything on by default?
  5. I remember seeing it, you hold something down and it brings up a wheel on screen and you can flit between the streaks you have. I think there was possibly something else on the wheel as well but I was mid game so didn't really get a good look at it.
  6. I think it's just to encourage you to use different guns, I wasn't keen at first but it means that at least in these early day's you aren't just getting killed by the same 1 or 2 guns (imagine that won't remain the case mind). It also means I have discovered 1 or 2 guns I actually quite like that I imagine I might not have tried out otherwise. From memory it's just holding right on the d pad or something like that I think
    The finishe was almost as good as the build up play 😜
  7. Ah I have to say my first hour on it has been enjoyable, this is the first time I have dropped into COD on launch for quite some time and first impressions are good. There is the usual with COD lots of campers and players who have been ignoring the game mode somewhat but I have been enjoying it. The first few guns I have used have felt punchy and the maps seem decent (I like the one with ruins and the water you can swim round the edge or under the map, means you can be creative with your plan of attack). I did have a bug earlier in that I couldn't launch the 3 missiles / planes?, is the SEA or something like that (can't remember the name of it). I brought up the tablet and it would not let me pick any points, that majorly sucked because I got 7 kills in like 30 seconds (Team death match), got that and could not launch it so had no killstreaks. I tried 4 times and the worst of it is that I could not back out each time so I had to wait for it to timeout (30 seconds a time) so lost 2 minutes of killing. I did finish on 17 kills though so did ok 🙂 But yeah first impressions are positive.
  8. Luseth

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    @GazzaGarrattare you able to allow someone else to upload stats to the site for clubs? I don't mind helping record them if so
  9. Luseth

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    After christmas for me, i have contemplated it but its a money thing. Do we need to get the ps4 or 5 version or the ultimate?
  10. So this is a series I have always been fond of despite the games not doing so well in recent years. I'm quite glad to see the new game is reviewing well so it's looking like something I want to pick up (see if I can convince my wife to pick it up for christmas maybe ^_^). Star Ocean: The Divine Force Reviews OPENCRITIC.COM Star Ocean: The Divine Force is rated 'Fair' after being reviewed by 12 critics, with an overall average score of 73. It's ranked in the top 44%... Not sure if anyone else is a fan of the series here? It looks like it has had a smaller budget than recent games but they look like they have done more and been a bit more ambitious with it which has gone down well 🙂
  11. I had the full ps subscription because I had PS Now before hand but when renewal is due in January I think it unlikely I will renew the full subscription - The premium was meant to have some older games, PS1, PS2 etc and it's been really poor. Surely before announcing it they should have had a timeline of games coming up? The extra is ok I guess but there really isn't much on there that I want to play, I am playing pathfinder kingmaker but after that I think I am done. So back to the basic subscription for me for the new year.
  12. Luseth


    Never too old! There is a guy up our allotment who is 96! There is another who is partially blind too! The spikey flower head is actually an allium, it was on it's way out when that photo was taken but if you google alliums pretty much everything that will come up will look more akin to what it is in bloom 🙂 They are quite pretty and certainly grab some attention. Veg tends to be either given to us or we keep things back from last year, i.e. all our potato's that we grow next year will be whatever we have left over this year just put in the ground 🙂 As for flowers, the dahlia's are my go to and you tend to pick them up as tubers or small plants. Again if they grow well and I'm particularly fond when the tuber's get over a certain size you break them up when you store them away for next year and essentially you get multiple plants of the same sort. If I was to buy seeds it often varies, I have had success with a couple of stores on ebay, suttons is quite good as well or dt browns 🙂 But otherwise most of my stuff tends to come from a little garden centre I found a few years back that I'm quite fond of. Aggh don't test me 😄 Nothing of mine ever looks pretty (unless I just take a cutting of a single flower head 😄 ) Gardening is a patience thing most definately, it's why people tend to just buy flowers each year and throw them in their flower beds but at home we have tried to build up a garden using plants and flowers that come back again each year. We have a couple of camellia's which are lovely (flowering season is a bit short though). The other things is the type of soil you mentioned earlier, like certain flowers don't like acidic or alkiline soils, at home we have clay soil which is horrible to work with as it means your plants sit in water when you get crap weather and it dries out in the summer so you need to consider that (or as we are, you spend time each year working in compost and the such to improve it). Gardenings just a vast subject 😄 I have considered doing a course a couple of times, it would be one of those things that if I could pick any career and money wasn't an issue I would likely be a gardner I think.
  13. Luseth


    Yeah it's really quite peaceful, when the weathers nice there is a lovely view from our lot as it's up on a hill. We also had strawberries, tomatos, pumpkins this year and I still have leaks growing. Generally we keep the allotment for bulk growing stuff though as it's a 15 minute drive and fuels not exactly cheap so keeping it to a trip a week is ideal and next year we are going to put more veg beds in at home and try parsnips, carrots and the such.
  14. Luseth


    And final photos are some of the produce we got from our allotment this year -
  15. Luseth


    This next lot, some photos of the allotment, though things had not really gotten going yet but show's a couple of the areas -
  16. Luseth


    So first post with photos are from my garden, so just a quick photo of the garden and then some of the flowers I have grown this year -
  17. Luseth


    Im afraid i dont have too many phoros, i will upload the couple i have but its before things are really growing. I do have a few photos of the produce we got back this year so will put them up as well. As for carrots they are actually quite difficult to get to germinate, its not something i have tried but you have to keep them wet for around 20 odd days i think. Soil is often key but yeah im happy to offer some advice 🙂 on the veg side most of my knowledge i have learnt from older allotmenteers at the site. The garden at home where its mostly flowers and such i have learnt just by having a go, I lean towards dahlias as my go to flower and i have a couple of photos of some of my favourites from this year so will get some up tomorrow too 🙂
  18. I don't think this is Guerilla's fault really, this is Sony pushing it forwards (they did with last of us 1). Ultimately they are doing it because the last of us 1 remake showed that people will buy them enough to make it profitable for them. Fully agree it is a joke though and I won't touch it just like I did not with the last of us, anyone that chooses to buy them (at least brand new) is just encouraging it and if Sony find it is profitable it could be something others do. Like I get remaking a 20 year old game, bring it to new audiences and what not but something that's under 5-10 years is just saft and just another example of the market just stalling and stagnating. It's why Indie titles are doing so well today because they dare to change things up, try something different.
  19. I have not yet checked it out to be honest, is this an update or a whole new app? It seem's a bit of an obvious security issue but I suppose these day's your phone is a key into every aspect of your life. If someone killed me, held my phone up to my face I imagine they could access almost everything about me. It's a bit absurd really isn't it. In fact thinking about it I might take the facial recognition off my phone ^_^
  20. The thing is I am not really sure that the issue is live service games, just their content is generic, it mostly follows the same templates and formula and really does not bring anything new to the table. It's a company that found a place where it was making a lot of money redoing the same thing over and over again. The thing is it is an entertainment industry and creativeness is often required, you have to adapt and develop things. They are heading only one way at the moment, EA is much the same, relying on the same game franchises over and over again, slowly they are falling away as well when you consider how badly battlefield went and titanfall seems to have been left by the wayside. They just rely on fifa these days surely?
  21. Luseth


    Ah @mazzer that looks ace 🙂 my arrangement skills are incredibly lacking but i do a good job of keeping things alive. I will have a dig around and see if i have any photos but I dont think I took any (assumed no one here was interested when I never got a reply).
  22. Luseth

    Fifa pro clubs :)

    Thought id set it up, we had a good weekend of it last week so can we keep it goin?
  23. If I am being frank I think they voted her in over Rishi because generally the Tory members are older white people who are predominantly racist. That does not mean I think Rishi would have been a good pm but he certainly would not have been this car crash. I am somewhat lost with politics these day's, Tories are a Brexit cult as stated above, the opposition is just Tory lite and not really any form of opposition and for someone who is concerned about what state our plane twill be in, in the future there aren't any real options. I know there is the green party but we have a 2 party system really so there's no point in voting for them 99 times out of 100.
  24. This one was my local one based in merry hill. I loved these stores and was the first place I bought a Final Fantasy game (despite it's recent issues / flaws it's still my favourite series to date) It is a shame the way stores have gone, online buying has almost completely taken over but there's a charm to some of these places. My favourite store currently was actually recently reviewed by thegebs youtube woman - Vintage Gamer
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