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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Might check what it is on the UK PSN store. Seems like a cool co-op game game to try out, even if its hard as nails.
  2. Happy birthday Sarah!! @Rumelylady I bloody hope Batman has delivered some nice presents this morning!! Have a great one! 🎂❤️😎💃
  3. Let's give you a small update story on how when Carl @TurboR56Mini joins the server, @crispymorgan jumps in and out and causes havoc in the process.... So, Carl needs to get where our little camp is for the interim period before we go off and find a better place to defend and call Home. After 5 minutes of walking around, Carl finds a place on the map where he is - Way East of Stary Sobor but thats okay. @phil bottle and myself start making our way to help get him and bring him back, with our food and drink supplies, it should be a piece of cake (Like Sponge cake, the easiest to make). At this moment, Crispy logs on. "I'll help, where are you guys?". We're half way there but we stop around in a small village, about 2 mins away from Carl. We loot a few things and grab basic stuff. Phil goes to hide in a building, whilst i'm just checking the map to see how far we've gotta go. BANG, BANG! Crispy has arrived. Now I haven't got using a gun yet on the server. I take very much the Sledgehammer approach. Its a very therapeutic way of relieving stress with Zombies. Now before Crispy finishing saying, "yeah if we go that way", Zombies start to flow. Nay, they thunder towards us. Cripsy bags himself straight into the building on the street. "Uh, lets get ourselves inside for a second". Okay. But first Ihave to get over a small wall to the building. By that time Crispy has made his way inside - and closed the door. Now, at this moment. I start panicking slightly. No deaths on the server yet, decent loot on me, tons of stuff for Carl too (a fancy Police Cap was going to be my first present for him). I race to the door - "Let me in, mate!", as a Zombie starts to munch on my shoulder. "Just get in!", "I'm TRYING!!". Now, i'm clearly pressing D instead of F because mild panic sets in with blood on my screen. When I then start pressing F, it doesn't open. Unbeknown to me, Crisoy tries to open the door at the same time resulting in Door staying firmly closed. One last time I press F, the Door finally opens.... BANG BANG BANG BANG! This screen follows: Somehow Crispy forgot that Doors can't be opened by Zombies and thought my pale looking survival body with a Green Helmet on looked like I wanted to eat him. In the space 0.134 seconds too. Its the thought that counts though, as Crispy then proceeds to try and say that "you look revivable, hang on". But, alas, my screen stays on that screen above. Funny that. Lessons learned. 1. Never let Crispy out of your sight. 2. Never let him come on a road trip.
  4. Got a really good start into the game over the past week and a bit. I know I've only tocuhed the surface but thanks to @kaltak initially showing me the ropes with some progression on the early story to get me through the first Space Station I cam across and some upgrades to my rucksack and all-in-one blaster 😄 Thanks Kal! I was then on over the weekend and was around when @Shucker and @TurboR56Mini we're on the same planet together. After joining, I realised that I was visiting my first stable planet! Its mad that you have to see only harsh planets at the start and it felt so nice not to worry about Carbon, Sodium or Oxygen at all. I went off to find some Hidden Tech so I could get the Salvaged Data for the building parts and found a huge tunnel I dug into from the top so followed it out and ended up on the end of the cave which looked a perfect place to start a proper base build (rather than the crappy one you have to try and do on the crappy planet! 🤣). Carl really helped by giving me some proper renewable power and helped me get a ship from a random NPC that actually landed right next to my build! The power whilst I still want to learn it, really does help someone doing that at the start otherwise it feels like a really harsh start as the wiring isn't that obvious at the start and costs an absolute bitch of carbon. I couldn't get a pic of the base because for some reason I can't see where it is when I logged in - @Shucker , @TurboR56Mini , might need your help understanding that one. Outside of that though, heres my ship and me so far. Thanks for the help so far you guys, really helpful to have a little jumpstart. Just need to move the story on I think so I can get to the Anomaly(?) as Carl says that allows you to learn even more of the cool building pieces, like landing bays which I NEED very muchly. Fanks.
  5. Well, a cheeky few games at the end of the night weren't going very well so @Macca89 , @datfroggieguy and myself decided it was the last one of the night. Surprising ourselves, we seemed to get through the smaller circle after losing our Gulag's early doors. The final 20 left started to become very twitchy as people were coming from all angles, but we managed to find a sweet spot where they didn't spot us....until all carnage broke loose! Quick kills, self-revive central, and some great team combo kills to keep us in the game left us to kill the final two single people to get for the W. I clearly got giddy and tried to get the kill but got nailed, but left Macca and Froggie to pincer move the last man for well deserved win!! Great game. Here's the last 5 mins of the game. GGFG!! Our Final Kill summary. 14 total kills, high damage from the whole team - we'll take that thank you very much! 😄
    🤣🤣 So so dirty....and then you finish it off with a rocket! 🤣
  6. Don't worry if you're a little late, I have a football friendly for my daughter to help manage so I should be on around 8pm-ish. See you all in one of the FG Game Rooms 👍
  7. Love the aesthetics. Always loved that style of retro character.
  8. Any gameplay anyone would recommend watching? Looking forward to your review @Riff Machine if you are trying it out. Looks like Ghosts from that trailer but obviously doesn't give you much of an inkling as to what to expect. Still, its visually stunning.
  9. Adding another slot for grouping up on Multiplayer or some Warzone FG squad matches! Get your names down everybody!!
  10. This week's Sunday Sessions on an FG Server is for DayZ. Let's see if we can find some more axes, more hazmat stuff and more hats - cos everyone needs more hats 😎 Get your name down so we can see you there. Expect more Sunday Sessions on all the FG servers moving forward ❤️
  11. Looks like this would be great mini game for FG! Shame we can't get it on MW2019. Is it only available via Cold War @IRaMPaGe ?
  12. Like the puzzle feature. I could see this one being a frustrating one to work out how to beat the enemies after each puzzle piece.
  13. It's been a while! Getting some raids and D2 sessions up for some fun activities whilst we wind down for the start of the next season. This one is for FG to get a Vow of the Disciple raid in and see if we can get someone the Exotic! GGFG!
  14. Monday Night Football with FGFC crew!! Get your name down ASAP so we know who's coming and who can't make it!
  15. Monday Night Football with FGFC crew!! Get your name down ASAP so we know who's coming and who can't make it!
  16. Monday Night Football with FGFC crew!! Get your name down ASAP so we know who's coming and who can't make it!
  17. Monday Night Football with FGFC crew!! Get your name down ASAP so we know who's coming and who can't make it!
    Those Magnum shots were spicy as 🔥🔥🔥
  18. Cheers. Yeah, its just time for me as I want to get back into other ones, such as The Hunt over this one if i'm honest. I feel like it needs a bigger pull towards the game to bring players but I really don't know what that would be.
    That M1 Garand is pretty stable for sure! Nice Super Kill, Kenny.
  19. Yeah, this Cal @TheMuggySpud . I think early days and new releases kind of obviuosly screwed it up for people that didn't have the new game but now we see how the better guns are scattered through the games, and more importantly through the open map drops you find, it works really well now. For me, I would've by now made modes where care packages weren't a thing so that element goes away too as its a pretty basic and easy tactic to just grab a loadout of whatever you feel comfortable with. For £15 pre-owned, I think its worth it. We played some Multiplayer for a good few hours on Thursday night and there was a number of games that were well balanced. We had 2-3 which we got ransacked and completely whooped but that shit will always happen, especially as we don't all know the maps as well as other groups. We also had a great rotation of maps too. Dead Silence wise I think after playing this one the most out of previous ones, I really don't think it adds value - i think in reality it frustrates everyone getting killed by BillyNoM8sButIvePlayedCodAllMySkoolBoyLyfe will pick it everytime and kill you instantly before you know where he is, causing you to pull a Tom and CBA/Rage quit. You really don't miss it in the games we've played.
  20. Kind of in this camp as its the people giving the money we should really be asking questions about. In terms if this kid, he'll learn from the consequences, and in turn won't get the same revenue like he has before because people watching will pro-actively not give these more money...we hope.
  21. You're such a ray of sunshine when you want to be 😎 And we've always started on Nascar, so no issues on that... you just need to get your arse online on time for a change 👊💃
  22. Happy birfdayz La!!! @RenFengge Hope its an awesome day filled with millions of cake and steak 😍❤️💃🎂
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