Battlefield 2042 Might Go Free-To-Play, Insider Suggests - GameSpot
EA is "looking at all the options" to restore Battlefield 2042's player numbers, including some form of free-to-play access.
Definitely the most logical move and practically what everyone was expecting but even then, it would only be viable if it had a worthwhile backbone that people could invest in and players could be enticed to try it. It would also need a solid premium aspect where EA could make money and Ultimate edition owners feel they got their money's worth. When the game had a free to play week on Steam, it could only muster 36,000 players tops which was 64% down from 3 weeks previous when the game was a paid release, so much work needs to be done just to make it worth people's time let alone money. The risk is, if the game also struggles as a F2P title then it could have a horrible effect on the brand going forward including EA pulling the plug on the series altogether. Season 1 also being delayed until March at the earliest hasn't helped engagement.
Personally I would refund the Ultimate Edition owners the difference between than and the base game, make it F2P, sack DICE and make Ripple Effect primary developers and then just turn focus onto the next game.