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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. I'm intrigued to see what Sledgehammer are gonna cook up. I dunno if they'll continue will their own spin of the franchise with this action adventure or 3rd person game. I don't think that would fall into Activision's wishes for the franchise although they didn't want a modern COD but MW shaped the series and they got completely red faced. Although the next COD is apparently next-gen focused; I am still worried that with it being on the old gen consoles; if it will get held back in quality terms. They can back-port a watered down game but if they forward-port a 360/PS3 title; then it won't be good news. I'm still pinning my faith in Treyarch's game to turn the franchise completely around but they need to sort out their connection/server reliability because it's fucking abysmal compared to the fluent IW games.
  2. Chelsea win soundly against Fulham and Arsenal beaten by Stoke. I think this could be a pivotal pair of results in the title race particularly as Chelsea are now 4 in front and City are 2 behind Arsenal with 2 in hand and Liverpool are hot on their heels. Alan Pardew OMFG Great reaction on SS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb71aW3KG1o
  3. Right I've played Caspian Boarder a couple of times and this is probably one of the better maps in the pack. C and D flags on Conquest are probably a bit too close for comfort but the layout seems good in general.
  4. Your gonna cum in her with your wreckin balls
  5. Even though my interest in COD is flat as a pancake now; I am thinking of ways that could entice and rejuvenate interest in the franchise. I've abandoned Ghosts and I am gutted that it didn't grab me like past games but I feel it's just got a bit stale and uninspiring. Firstly; drop the Prestige ranking and have one top level haul like we see in Battlefield which is 110. Make it a slog and something that is satisfying to reach the next level. In COD it's been too easy to go from level 1 to 20 and continue to the prestige. I think a better format would be to reintroduce challenge unlocks as opposed to squad points and level unlocks. Make the player work for every attachment and gun instead of giving it to them on a plate. Squad points were too easy to come by and items were too easy to achieve. It's all seems really dumbed down from the MW2 days where you had to use a bad attachment to unlock the things you wanted. The overall challenge of Ghosts was dead and it just opened the door to players who wanted anything and everything served up for combat. If you want something, you should earn it regardless of the costs to your K/D when you're using an ACOG to unlock something good for example. It adds so much more satisfaction rather than just ranking and unlocking with infinite squad points. Next; drop this stupid camo roll-out as content. Give us proper and sensible weapon camo through the challenge unlock system like MW2. It's all gone a bit comical and dumbed-down and in some ways has degraded what was once a serious shooter where unlocking all camo felt really good. I also think they should rework their DLC map packs. Not everyone wants Zombies or Extinction content at a price with four maps every few months. Perhaps give us two new maps a month starting from Christmas and an optional extra of novelty Zombies/Extinction separate. Having regular meaningful content could maintain interest for many players rather than crappy cash-in personalisation packs for easy money. I hate that this game has gone so commercial now and it's becoming very tiresome and tedious for me seeing pointless money-grabbing content being banded at players so regularly. People need to stop feeding the cash cows for crap. I often keep having to remind myself this game is an 18 as sometimes it feels really immature and it doesn't seem they are catering to the manly masses. Duck Camo - what the fuck is that about? I think they need to maintain the scoresteak system. It worked very well in Black Ops 2 as an infrastructure. Why IW removed it, I'll never know. It just opened the gates to the bad old days of players not playing the objective and using the killstreak ladder as the tool for their own ends and not bother trying to support the team or win the game. KC and DOM were just unbearable sometimes on Ghosts I found all because they removed such a necessary feature. I've thrown out a few brief ideas and would be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on what could be done to get Call of Duty back on its feet.
  6. Even though my interest in COD is flat as a pancake now; I am thinking of ways that could entice and rejuvenate interest in the franchise. I've abandoned Ghosts and I am gutted that it didn't grab me like past games but I feel it's just got a bit stale and uninspiring. Firstly; drop the Prestige ranking and have one top level haul like we see in Battlefield which is 110. Make it a slog and something that is satisfying to reach the next level. In COD it's been too easy to go from level 1 to 20 and continue to the prestige. I think a better format would be to reintroduce challenge unlocks as opposed to squad points and level unlocks. Make the player work for every attachment and gun instead of giving it to them on a plate. Squad points were too easy to come by and items were too easy to achieve. It's all seems really dumbed down from the MW2 days where you had to use a bad attachment to unlock the things you wanted. The overall challenge of Ghosts was dead and it just opened the door to players who wanted anything and everything served up for combat. If you want something, you should earn it regardless of the costs to your K/D when you're using an ACOG to unlock something good for example. It adds so much more satisfaction rather than just ranking and unlocking with infinite squad points. Next; drop this stupid camo roll-out as content. Give us proper and sensible weapon camo through the challenge unlock system like MW2. It's all gone a bit comical and dumbed-down and in some ways has degraded what was once a serious shooter where unlocking all camo felt really good. I also think they should rework their DLC map packs. Not everyone wants Zombies or Extinction content at a price with four maps every few months. Perhaps give us two new maps a month starting from Christmas and an optional extra of novelty Zombies/Extinction separate. Having regular meaningful content could maintain interest for many players rather than crappy cash-in personalisation packs for easy money. I hate that this game has gone so commercial now and it's becoming very tiresome and tedious for me seeing pointless money-grabbing content being banded at players so regularly. People need to stop feeding the cash cows for crap. I often keep having to remind myself this game is an 18 as sometimes it feels really immature and it doesn't seem they are catering to the manly masses. Duck Camo - what the fuck is that about? I think they need to maintain the scoresteak system. It worked very well in Black Ops 2 as an infrastructure. Why IW removed it, I'll never know. It just opened the gates to the bad old days of players not playing the objective and using the killstreak ladder as the tool for their own ends and not bother trying to support the team or win the game. KC and DOM were just unbearable sometimes on Ghosts I found all because they removed such a necessary feature. I've thrown out a few brief ideas and would be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on what could be done to get Call of Duty back on its feet.
  7. I've noticed the same thing on PC. Metro; piss it by 1000 tickets and then go and play on the Gulf of Oman and lose by a thousand with the same teams. Also won handsomely on Metro only to lose the rematch by practically the same amount of tickets. On that map particularly; once you get in the ascendancy, it's hard to lose especially the other team to be pinned in their spawn unintentionally due to the way matches pan out. If you get on the backfoot early however, you're likely to be hammered. Metro is just too chaotic most of the time and the fact it's only A to C on Conquest Large is a bit silly really. Gulf has a really weird layout and isn't very enthralling plus Firestorm is extremely horrible if you're up against recon campers down the stretch. Haven't sampled Caspian yet but so far, I'm not sold on the SS maps and I didn't get into China Rising much either. The core maps seem a much better quality and more open meaning both teams have a balanced chance throughout to control the game at any given time.
  8. You were bang on It took 4 matches of Metro and Locker and I've finally unlocked the Ace 23
  9. 4 screenshots here http://www.jeuxvideo24.com/news--premieres-images-de-battlefield-4-naval-strike_44624.html
  10. Yep! It's even more chaotic than Operation Locker. The matches don't flow very well but it can be entertaining if you're in the ascendancy. Why the hell it's not the full map is beyond me!
  11. I saw that Treyarch released a patch out of the blue the other day for the 360 and the games are all on sale on the Live marketplace. Now there's Beast, Weaponised, Dead Man's Hand and Octane camo on the way. A bit strange but there is still a fair few gone back and still playing BO2 of late. Any excuse to make some more ££££$$$$. Perhaps they didn't sell as much DLC for Ghosts and figured that many went back to Black Ops 2 instead so lets pump them for money with new content there? I'd like to see them try and rejuvenate community interest in Ghosts instead as Duck camo isn't going to inspire many or the frequent DXP weekend events. They seem to be grabbing Modern Warfare content to save their bacon but they really need to find a niche in Ghosts to bring people back and entice them into something they may enjoy. It's all got a bit desperate. *edit - article up http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/02/27/4-new-personalization-packs-coming-to-black-ops-2-on-xbox-360-on-march-4th/
  12. Great comeback from Spurs tonight! The geezer who got sent off made a complete dick of himself and practically gave Tottenham the win though. Valiant effort by Swansea in a tough game and the scoreline didn't do the match justice.
  13. Me too really. It was nice that the pack was free but the maps were pretty bleak. Silk Road was good as it was different terrain and great fun on Conquest but the others weren't of the best quality for me.
  14. I've just reached the dizzy heights of level 30 after 50 hours I got this game on day one but after the shocking start; I kinda didn't play for months and missed so many DXP weekends too. I've bought Premium back today with all the perks but 110 seems to far away and is gonna be a hell of a grind for the year getting there. BF4 is definitely worth committing to more now I feel as it's shaping up better technically and is finally good fun. How far rank-wise has everyone got to?
  15. I joined a large ticket game of Conquest on Metro straight after and the connection was fine and both teams were getting stuck into the objectives which was good. That first game was definitely a rarity but am looking forward to playing these maps and hopefully the general connection will remain reasonably consistent. I can't believe Conquest Metro 2014 is only an A to C flag match even on the largest ticket servers with 64 players This would have been mint with the whole map unlocked for the mode. It's soooo narrow and chaotic that I find myself actually physically knackered! 59 ribbons last game which weren't too shabby though
  16. That's a good shout! I did this on BF3 and it's pretty effective as the outside area is not huge and despite the luck needed; you pretty much know roughly where the opposition are gonna be.
  17. I got 21 medkit ribbons in one match of Conquest on Metro I thought it would take ages to unlock the Ace 23 but I'm pssing through the assignment!
  18. Bought Premium and just played my first game on Conquest, Op Met and holy shit that way horrible! The opposition didn't bother playing the objective and just spawn camped with snipers the whole time. Very messy indeed! Looking forward to playing this map on the other modes as that was a bit of a clusterfuck and not as enjoyable as Locker. Can't wait to try the other revamped maps too. Not sure if it was the server but the connection was horrendous at times. I've read on here about problems since the last patch but having only just got the pack; it seems it's more to do with that and not the last patch as I was fine 95% of the time on the old maps last few days.
  19. I think Sony are awaiting for Infinity Ward to roll out the intergrated playlist update in the EU but if you have been billed despite having a season pass and the amount saying £0, you'll have to contact the Sony customer services by phone asap before the lines get rammed. Don't email them because they are 100% fucking useless. Bit of a messy situation all round. Hope it gets sorted soon!
  20. Well said! Also Manchester United are shit. FACT. That's something we can all agree on I think yesterday got a bit uncharacteristically heated through miss-communication and personal stress. Shit happens like this in discussions (*cough..IGN comment section) but we're all big boys (excluding Dylan ) and we can move onwards and upwards no problem I have seen a lot bloody worse elsewhere but this community is absolutely fantastic and even the biggest gaming-induced dramas won't hinder the great chats we have and sessions together. Right, let's have something upbeat to end my two cents of garbage
  21. I just want the Ace 23 49 medkits to go.....
  22. Some more packs coming out shortly http://mp1st.com/2014/02/26/leaked-call-duty-ghosts-document-details-free-demo-onslaught-trial-weekend-new-personalization-packs/#.Uw7w3_l_vKc
  23. J4MES OX4D


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