I miss the MW2 days so much
Despite the noob-tubes, quickscopers, commando pro, last stand and all that mumbo-jumbo; I don't think I've had as much fun with a videogame in my life. I got into watching YouTube quite a lot back then and many great uploaders we see today were born out of that game. Just great memories. Not as good as COD 4 but the it was the game that changed gaming for years to come.
I remember watching the first ever nuke recorded, Chris Smoove growing from 10 subs to hundreds of thousands and GeneralMinus introducing teamkill griefing to the fore. It was so unique and groundbreaking but as time wore on, the game got a bit frustrating and too many people were trying to replicate things seen online before quickscoping and general noobery became too prominent for my liking. The maps were really good although they'd be pretty big in COD terms now.
It wasn't hyped to buggery or very commerical back then either. MW3 just went way over the top in its promotion that people had seen it all before it was released. MW2 was unique as people were still new to the series and learning. It may have created the typical 'noob' type player we see today but for all its faults; it was brilliant for me.
If I hadn't boxed my 360 up and hackers weren't plaguing the PC version; I'd go back for a while but it wouldn't be the same as the good old days.