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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. I like it sometimes...sometimes I just get spawn trapped though and that sucks. If you like nuketown and rust you will like this map
  2. I run almost all of my ar's and lmg's with a grip...it makes quite a bit of difference to me.
  3. Dude I love you! Post of the year. Agree 110%
  4. Ohh yeah my crap connection was from my actual internet being shit for a few days, I couldn't even load youtube vids It's back to perfect now....still the best cod!
  5. Yeah I like it, can't really count on the first 2 rockets but their just a bonus to the predator missile
  6. People spend 120$-170$ to play call of duty for a year on xbox....between the game, membership fee and DLC if you get it. So spending over 100 bucks to play a game hasn't ever stopped people, I don't see how it will now. Also - for me personally when I play an MMO I really don't play/buy many other games...where as with normal console games I get bored of them every few months and spend WAY over 200$ a year on them
  7. I got freefall...I didn't preorder but I did go to midnight release so that may be why.
  8. Would be cool...but ehh not enough info, or any at all actually
  9. Holy shit there are some stupid people out there..
  10. Well my connection on ghosts just turned to shit today, can't even complete a game solo on my own connection. Using Chris's connection was 2 times as bad. I can play smite and other online computer games easily...just not cod on xbox for some reason, really weird. Ok now everything is slow lol, can't even load youtube....
  11. What smaller caliber semi auto pistol is best in your opinion? M9A1, mp443, or thep226? I've only used the m9 and love it, don't really want to waste points on all three to see what is best though
  12. I didn't spend to much time with claymores in that game With no soundwhore perk the campers were defenseless against my rushing lol. Will always miss ninja perk
  13. Freefall is only in the freefall moshpit right now, not sure why they don't put it in normal game modes.
  14. I could only ever set up 2 in mw2. When I place a third down one of the others would blow up.
  15. I like it a bit...but not nearly accurate enough for these huge ass maps IMO. It does have a pretty fast TTK compared to most other AR's though for smaller maps.
  16. Good tip! I had a guy calling me a cheater because he said my shield never moved when my throwing knife skewered him
  17. I think this is fine...the few problems with the game have already been ranted about lol.
  18. I did one match on flooded just now...went 30 and 9, I guess that is a good map for it, spawns were fine. I can see some of the other maps sucking though.
  19. Haha I will give it a shot, not guaranteeing I won't ragequit though!
  20. I'm pretty sure I've been spawn killed in every cod I have every played...but it doesn't matter to me as I usually play S&D, and laugh at you spawn complainers Unless I play with the DI guys then I get to whine about shit spawns lol.
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