It is a sad state the YouTubers, Twitch Streamers and big content creators have to hide or on the other side of it prove they are legit.
Activision will always protect the big names, those guys draw in views and hype etc.
I'm all for mixed lobbies of varying skill with decent sensible matchmaking/team balancing and priority on as stable a connection as possible.
I would rather a fair fight, I've held my own in some of the sweatiest lobbies if the connection is alright and I play good. I've been smoked by beasts and clans and I'm fine with that some of the time.
Well to put it into perspective, my internet is pretty shocking in terms of DL and Upload speeds. It's very basic and I need to upgrade in general, waiting for the old contract to finish before looking into something else.
Now on a few occasions I have had 3-4 very good games in a row and been severely punished.
I was put into an Asian lobby one night, I reckon so because the whole enemy team had Japanese or Chinese letters in their names. They all ran MP5's and AK74U's and I got destroyed. They were indefinitely better players than myself, but because of the SBMM I was put there and some of the gunfights lagged a bit and I had no chance.
As the skill rating goes up and so does the sweat and the higher quality connection. I'm guessing I was in the 100-150ms ping range in that match or something.
Just to paint the picture of my setup, I have a 14mbps DL and a 1mbps upload. And I never ever get that full amount. I'm playing on an old 42 inch LG TV that's about 9 or 10 years old and is probably 50-60hz max if I'm lucky. On a PS4 and sitting on a couch about 10 foot away or so. That's why I very rarely use crossplay. I feel I get screwed with it when up against next gen consoles and PCs.
I'm not trying to make myself sound better than I am, but I upload whatever clips I feel were decent or I enjoyed at the time and saved.
So if I can do it so can anyone. But for my sake and everyone else with below average internet, please prioritize the best we can get Activision and stop making it harder than it needs to be.
If the connection is stable and fair I will try hard and sweat if needs be to beat some guys. But the overall punishment is an even harder laggier lobby eventually.
Now I also heard they are going to add League play to Cold War. My question is what have we been playing the last 2 months?
We will have the normal sweaty public lobbies, then an even sweatier lobby for League play?