One thing I did notice on MP, the guys playing on the free weekend were above average. I was getting beamed by rank 20/30 guys, they showed up as "Trial" members.
Now I know not everyone has the money or wanted to buy Coldwar, also I do understand some of these people may be very experienced from previous cod's, but some of the situations I witnessed were straight up BS.
The free players aim watching killcams and some of the 1v1 gun situations I got into with them were a bit iffy. I would take them down to 1 shot and they would win a lot of the time, not all of the time.
And about 75% of them were as good if not better than me.
Maybe I'm paranoid or a bit salty, but it felt the game was against me at times skewing gun battles in their favour. Also peppered with SBMM and bad team balancing. If the players sucked they were on my team, if they were on the enemy team they were straight up beasts.
Why you ask? To make the game seem better to get them to buy it? There you go! Just another Activision strategy for money imo.
Cod Player On Cold War: The game is glitchy, has bugs and aim assist doesn't feel right.
Activision: The store works Fine, Thank You for your Purchase and keep playing! (Spend Spend Spend) 😂